Boho / boho outfit / boots / Covered Perfectly / duster / Ettika / Old Navy / scarf / Shein / style tips / top / Winter outfit / Winter style

Velvet Duster & OTK Boots: Setting Things Right

Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit.

The world is a very scary place right now. It was a scary place even before the recent events here in the United States, and it is now unfortunately, even scarier because of that. No friends, this is not a political post. This is a post about hope…


…Hope for the future; hope that in time, things will be set right. During the last week I have had no less than five people tell me what an absolutely amazing human being my daughter is. And she is. Of course her father and I know that, but those of you who are parents know how gratifying it is to hear that from others.

She is so much like her brother; and that is a very good thing. My son has always been and is continuing to be an agent for change. He is currently running for city council in the community where he lives. I know with rock solid certainty that that is only the beginning for him. And my daughter? She is beautiful both inside and out. At thirteen years old that girl has self-confidence that most of us as adults would kill for.

Out of all of the good things that I’ve been told about her this week, the best and in my opinion, the most important thing, is that she has no qualms about fighting for the underdog. She will stand up and give a voice to those who either cannot or will not defend themselves. If she believes in her heart that something is wrong, she will not remain silent; she will not accept the status quo. And all the while, she maintains that delicate balance between defending what is right while still remaining respectful to those whom she is voicing her thoughts.

And her heart…she has this great big beautiful heart. She is kind to everyone; even to those who aren’t necessarily kind to her. I have never seen her not be mindful of not hurting others. She loves and accepts everyone, no matter what. Because of that, she is somewhat of a rock star in my classroom. She flits in and out numerous times a day and my kids are always happy to see her.

Is it because she’s my daughter? No. It’s because she genuinely likes them. And they know that. She enjoys talking to them and spending time with them. Yesterday there was music playing in the cafeteria because it was the day before break. After lunch most of the other kids went back to the gym to play games and hang out. My daughter? She stayed and had a little dance party with some of my girls; because she wanted to not because she had to.

This my friends, is what gives me hope for the future of the world. My kids are certainly not the only two; I see many others every single day at school. Multiply that by all of the schools in all of the world, and you have millions upon millions of wonderful human beings who will take it upon themselves to set things right again.


Rust velvet duster. Need I say more? This velvet duster, is all by itself, a statement maker. I had included it in my velvet wishlist post and the photos definitely read more brown then rust. But with that being said, I am in love with the color! If you’re looking for a true standout piece, this is it. Bonus points because it’s actually warm; it definitely has some heft to it and will work well as an actual coat on cooler Fall or Spring days.

And it is perfection with my cognac over the knee boots. The scarf is actually my Covered Perfectly waterfall vest that I wore here. I was originally going to layer it as a vest under the duster, but decided it looked cooler wrapped around my neck as a scarf. How’s that for ingenuity? And how cool is the boot chain? It’s definitely giving off a little boho gypsy vibe which I love.


It’s a good idea, in my opinion, to have a few pieces in your closet that on their own make a powerful statement. That way when you’re wearing a basic outfit it’s easy to elevate it to something special by simply adding one statement piece.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit.Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit. Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit.Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit. Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit.Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit. Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit.Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit. Rust velvet duster, brown over the knee boots and floral scarf. How to use one statement piece to make an outfit.

Duster: c/o Shein;  Boots: ASOS (Similar);  Jeans: Old Navy (Similar); Top: Old Navy

**Duster was provided c/o Shein. All opinions expressed, as always, are my own.

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Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

How nice to read this about your kids!
You have to think that they learn what they see, so you must be wonderful parents!!
And that duster? Just amazing!!

7 years ago

Great kids are the future and reading this post does give me hope. I love reading this kind of positive story.
And your outfit, yes, that is definitely a winner! I love your colours and of course the velvet duster.

7 years ago

So much gorgeousness in this post! You styled this velvet duster perfectly. I enjoyed reading about your daughter and her sweet heart.

7 years ago

In love with that velvet coat!!!! Oh my gosh is it pretty!!!

7 years ago

Great kids you have my dear and they had to have great parents to mold them. So, Kudos to you both! This velvet number you are wearing is giving me some great orange vibes and I love it. And the boot chain is TDF.
Best Wishes for an Extra Fabulous 2017 with lots of Hope for the Future.

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