Work Style

Velvet Duster & OTK Boots: It’s All A Matter Of Perspective

Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings.

Did you ever think about the fact that pretty much everything is a matter of perspective? One’s point of view affects every single aspect of their reality…


…From the major things in life like who we love, activities we enjoy, politics, religion…right down to the minutia of our day to day existence. Take the weather for example. I took these shots the week before Christmas. While I was taking them we were right at the beginning of a Winter storm. It was windy, snow was blowing and I was shivering and freezing. Or so I thought.

Then came the never-ending deep freeze that began Christmas Eve and didn’t release us from it’s clutches until Sunday. I am pretty certain it was so cold that hell basically froze over…and if it didn’t the citizens at the very least needed to wear jackets and mittens. If you follow me on Instagram then you know that lately I’ve started taking my outfit shots in the school cafeteria…glamorous don’t you think? Hey, ain’t nobody got time for frostbite, and I’m thinking below zero temperatures aren’t exactly good for the camera so necessity forced me to think outside of the box. Which by the way gives me a good head start on my goal for this year.

Anyhow, today’s temperature was supposed to be about the same as it was the day that I took these; in the low 30’s. I could not wait to leave work and actually take shots outside. Yes, it was cold. But I barely noticed. Instead of my typical frenetic rush to get photos done in the cold, I snapped away for probably 15 minutes. Three weeks ago I was miserable in thirty degree weather. Today I was like, “Ya, baby…that’s what I’m talkin’ about.” See what I mean? It’s all a matter of perspective.


This velvet duster is such a statement piece. Between the vibrant rust/orange-ish color and the 70’s rocker vibes it gives off, how could it not be. I’ve never worn it with black before because I’ve always been leery of looking like I’m celebrating Halloween. In my head, orange paired with black just says Halloween. Typically I style this particular velvet duster with jeans, but this time I decided to give black a shot. And I’m glad that I did. The black really makes the velvet duster stand out and I don’t feel at all jack-o-lantern-esque.


With color combos as with everything else, be adventurous, be bold, live on the edge. You’ll never know if you like something until you try it. And guess what? If you don’t like it, quite simply don’t do it again. That’s what fashion is for…experimenting. Some experiments aren’t successful, but sometimes, you just might make a brilliant discovery.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings.Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings. Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings.Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings. Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings.Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings. Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings.Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings. Velvet duster, over the knee boots and leggings.

Duster: Similar;  Leggings: Soft Surroundings;  Top: Old Navy (Similar);  Boots:  ASOS (Similar)

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Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

First…this duster is heaven on earth!! No opinion there—just pure fact!
And the funny thing is I just put a quote in an upcoming blog post that states the same world is either hell or heaven depending on your perspective!! And it’s so true!!

6 years ago

I love your coat, which combines so beautifully with your wonderful hair! Some beautiful photos in which you stand out on the gray landscape.

Suzanne Smith
6 years ago

I absolutely LOVE the velvet duster and it looks great on you! I’ve had my eye on a similar one and I might just get it now! You are so right about perspective on this crazy weather we’ve been having. I’m in North Carolina and we’re not used to the temperatures that we’ve been having. Today, thankfully it’s supposed to be 59! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it!

6 years ago

Such a gorgeous piece! Looks stunning on you!

6 years ago

I looked back at your previous styling of this duster and I actually prefer it with black. Very striking! I also shy away from orange/black combo’s because of the possible Halloween-esque look – but how wrong are we! This outfit is fabulous! Lise

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

I arrived in the State son Christmas Day, Debbie and I’ve been here since so I totally understand where you’re coming from regarding the freezing cold! I’ve never experienced anything like it lol! But happily it’s a bit warmer today and we managed to take some shot outside on the beach today YAY!!
I LOVE your orange duster – it’s such a gorgeous colour on you.
Suzy xx

6 years ago

I love your tips. Being bold is fun and ya never know how much you’ll love it until you try it. Your duster is beautiful and I love the velvet orange texture!

6 years ago

The jacket is absolutely beautiful and it goes great with your hair! I love it! Happy new year
~ xo Sheree
Posh Classy Mom

6 years ago

OMG, this is actually gorgeous! I love both the colour and the length, oh and the style and material! Super Hun indeed. Jacqui

6 years ago

Not sure if that comment was published, I actually love this jacket, the colour, style, material and length. Super

Debra Barretta
6 years ago

Totally LOVE your duster. Sighing. A perfect match four your gorgeous red hair. And it looked fabulous over your black. Never thought I would like orange & black together either. Beautiful pictures Lady!


nicole at High Latitude Style
6 years ago

This duster is so you! Great find. Great styling! A fairy tale. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Debbie, this duster is amazing! And I love it paired with black…it is very dramatic. And yes that good old concept of perspective. I am right there with you. We had a swing of over 100 degrees in a matter of 36 hours where I live! Not even joking. We were just at 50 below zero, then BAM! a day and half later it was 55 degrees. That’s just not right. And now, as I sit here typing this, just 36 hours after we peaked at 55 degrees, it is below zero again. I just can’t take it. The nice… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
Reply to  Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Hi Debbie, just wanted to let you know that this post will be featured on my Link Up post tomorrow!

jess jannenga
6 years ago

Pretty photos Deb! I m such a cold weather wimp when it comes to taking pictures out in the cold. LOVE your kimono, beautiful color on you!!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Jolanta Pawlak
6 years ago

Beautiful appearance, I love the red color. It looks beautiful against the background of snow boots. Amazing photos.

Cheryl Tucker
6 years ago

Its funny how some days I see hell and the very next day I see heaven. I guess that’s a good thing! Could be worse. I adore your duster and wearing it over a black column is just amazing! Have a great week!

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