There is an undeniable magic in the air during the holiday season…
…The energy is palpable, you can feel it in your bones; everything is just different. There is a sense of pending excitement, like something amazing is right around the corner. The sights, the sounds, the smells…it all adds to the magic.
For me, a huge part of the magic is the holiday lights. I. LOVE. SPARKLY. TWINKLY. LIGHTS!! Did I mention that I love twinkly lights? A year or so ago the Holiday Light Garden at Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh popped onto my radar. I knew at some point I would have to see it in person, and this year was the year.
I was so excited when I purchased the tickets online…that made it real. You have to purchase the tickets in advance as they have timed entry so that there aren’t too many people at one time. Don’t get me wrong, it was still crowded, but not so crowded that you were unable to enjoy the displays.
As we pulled up to the building, I stared out the window, my mouth hanging open in awe…the picture above is what it actually looked like in real life. Oh, and before I go any further, there was absolutely no fancy editing done on any of these photos. Outside of a few small tweaks to the exposure and black/white balance, what you see is what you get.
Once we entered the outdoor light garden I did not know where to go first; there was simply too much magical beauty for the brain to comprehend. I was doing the same turning in slow circles and ooohhing and awwwing that I did at the butterfly conservatory in Key West last summer. I literally did not know which way to turn.
As we strolled the paths through the outdoor garden, it seemed that each display was more breathtaking than the last…picking a favorite would be near impossible. None of the displays were kitschy; they were all done with the creative and artful use of lights as well as larger light installations.
One display that truly left me awestruck was the pumpkin patch comprised of vivid green lights with orange pumpkin lanterns underneath a color changing tree. It looked like a scene from the movie Avatar or perhaps a magical place where fairies dwell. I could have curled up under the tree and lived there. Another favorite was the round and teardrop shaped life-sized ornaments…they were unreal! If I could get my hands on some, they would be year ’round fixtures in my backyard because seriously, who doesn’t want giant glowing balls in their yard?
The inside of the conservatory was holiday ready as well. No corner was spared from holiday adornment. Every nook and cranny was lit and ornamented to within an inch of it’s life. From bedazzled tropical plants, to towering Christmas trees built from poinsettia plants, to a twinkling room full of succulents there was holiday magic as far as the eye could see.
Adding to the magic of the entire experience was having the opportunity to enjoy it with my family; my husband, daughter and the boys were all there. And there is nothing better in life than making memories with all of them at the same time…except maybe making those memories in a magical twinkle lit holiday fairyland…
This section will for obvious reasons be a little on the thin side today as I wasn’t particularly concerned with outfit shots. However I did want to once again point out the awesomeness that is this vintage coat. I first wore it last year for a photoshoot that I did in Pittsburgh. That day I built my entire outfit around this coat, which is also what I did here.
Typically that is how I go about styling an outfit for an outdoor event or activity during cool/cold weather. The one piece that matters most and that everyone sees when you’re outside in the cold is your coat. Therefore doesn’t it make sense for your winter coat to be the star of the show? Other than when we were at dinner, no one even saw my actual outfit on this particular night…for all you know, I might be wearing pajamas underneath.
The pretty purple/teal/pinkish red stripes make for a happy change from the usual neutrals that winter coats tend to come in. It’s a mohair blend and it’s plenty warm without being too bulky. I added my plaid scarf in shades similar to the coat for added warmth as well as some fun print mixing. I finished my cold weather layers with a pair of my much loved alpaca fingerless gloves. I know fingerless gloves seem counterintuitive, but I prefer that my fingers be free to do as they please.
I think it’s a good idea to have at least one unique standout winter coat in your closet. Neutral coats are definitely your workhorses, but a coat in a beautiful color or fun print makes an outfit all on its own so you’ll always look good, even if you never remove your coat.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Coat: Vintage (Similar); Boots: Amazon; Scarf: Similar; Gloves: Similar