Is there a such thing as vintage Express clothing? In light of the fact I bought this skirt at Express somewhere in the early 90’s I guess it’s close enough to count. This is yet another example of why holding onto things is sometimes a good idea. This skirt is awesome. It’s floaty and light. It’s a maxi. And it works equally well any season of the year. How’s that for justifying hoarding squirreling away clothing in miscellaneous storage areas throughout my house? Pretty good, right?
I don’t often share real-life stories, but today I’m going to and this one is definitely worth it. It’s one of those stories that restores your faith in the human race and gives you hope for the future. It’s a bit lengthy, but bear with me. Believe me, you’ll be glad you did.
For those of you who don’t know me that well, my day job is 4th and 5th grade special education teacher. I go in to some of the regular education classes to assist my kids with the work. In 5th grade social studies the kids have been working on individual power point presentations on Olympic sports for the past few weeks. One of my boys (whom I’m particularly fond of) had worked very hard on his project and had even set it to music. His turn came, but for some reason it wouldn’t come up on the social studies teacher’s computer in order to project it on the screen. We tried everything, but it wouldn’t work. He wanted so badly to get up in front of his classmates and show off his hard work that he started to tear up when he realized he wouldn’t be able to do it. So the other teacher and I packed up the kids and headed to the computer lab. Unfortunately, it still wouldn’t work and my little guy became really upset. One of those fabulous children chirped up with “It’s just so awesome the computer can’t handle it!” And all of the other kids joined in saying the same thing. All that mattered to them was making him feel better. He did smile a bit, but he was still so sad.
The end of the day came and he showed up to my room for math class. He just sat in his seat looking so devastated I couldn’t take it. I hunted down our principal who happens to be a computer wiz. After a bit of time he got it up and running so I called the other teacher who promptly stopped what he was doing and brought his entire class to my room. We fired it up on the big screen and my boy stood up there all by himself and did that presentation. If a little human could burst with pride he certainly would have. And the best part was, when it ended, all of those kids shouted and clapped and showered him with the best compliments I’ve ever heard. I was hooting and clapping just as loudly as those kids while crying at the same time. It’s those rare moments like that that make what I do worthwhile. And like I said, it really does open your eyes to the fact that the future really doesn’t look like such a bad place after all.
Linking up with: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up and Stylish Tuesday.