boots / cowboy boots / duster / fall style / jeans / leather coat / Nasty Gal / Old Navy / style tips / vintage

Vintage Red Leather Coat & Buffalo Plaid: Musings On Friendship

Vintage red leather coat, buffalo plaid duster, cowboy boots. Fall outfit ideas.

It’s a funny thing how even as an adult, a new friendship can sneak up on you and before you know it, it’s as if that person has always been a part of your life…


…And like most relationships, the best kind of friendships happen organically. When it occurs organically, a friendship has the opportunity to grow and flourish and deepen over time; it becomes a definite keeper. Some friendships aren’t necessarily friendships in the truest sense of the word. They are perhaps situational or born from circumstance. They burn hot, fast and intense and then inevitably flame out. Not that that’s a bad thing; temporary friendships more often than not serve a purpose. They are something that one or both parties involved needed at that time, and once that need is fulfilled the relationship runs it’s course.

The keepers though, the friendships that grow from the knowledge that you have found someone who really gets you, they are a true rarity. And when you are fortunate enough to discover one then you need to truly appreciate it. I have been blessed during the last two years to find not just one, but two such rarities. The first began as a situational friendship, but it grew into the real deal. We didn’t know one another, but through luck of the draw we were thrown together in an entirely new environment and had to rely on one another to find our way. But it took all of a hot second for both of us to realize we had found a kindred spirit. My world would definitely be lacking if she weren’t in it.

The other? Totally different story; we’ve known one another for years, but never really had more then the occasional surface interaction. At first glance one might think, “Those two are entirely different…there’s no way they could be friends.” Truth be told, if you had told me five or ten years ago that she would one day be one of my favorite people on the planet, I would’ve thought that perhaps you had downed one shot of tequila too many. And I’m pretty sure she would’ve thought the same thing. Funny thing about life though, sometimes fate decides that the unexpected just might be what you need. A few years ago we both started out on new paths from where we had been and that’s when fate intervened. The paths converged and now I can’t imagine not having her in my life.

Long story short, no matter what your age, always be open to new friendships. Just like there is no age cutoff for wearing ripped denim and leather moto jackets, there’s also no cutoff for finding good people to add to your life. And seriously, couldn’t we all use a few more good people in our worlds?


This coat. Do I really need to say more? How about this damn fine vintage red leather coat? Does that cover it? And it may be true that one of my aforementioned friends gave me this coat. Noooo….I’m not that shallow. I loved her before she gave me the coat. Did I love her more after? Hmmm…maybe. Seriously, wouldn’t you? Although I wasn’t sure if I loved her more or if I should have her committed because who would not want this coat?? And trust me, it would be beautiful on her. I do have morals and whatnot; I tried to convince her to keep it, but to no avail so here I am, rockin’ the hell out of it.

It’s vintage, circa 1970’s-ish, but it absolutely translates to the present and lucky me, it fits perfectly. No alterations required. I wish you guys could see it in real life. The quality and craftsmanship is sublime; the leather is soft and the color is stunning. I’ve had it since the end of summer, and I have been eagerly awaiting the first day for it to be cold enough to take it out for a spin.

Here’s the thing though…it was Western Day (theme days for Red Ribbon Week) and I happen to be sporting my also super fine cowboy boots. The problem? The two paired together was giving me a vaguely Marlboro Man-esque vibe. I kind of feel like my horse should be tied to the hitchin’ post in front of the local saloon. Guess what? #sorrynotsorry. It was cold and I was wearing the coat come hell or high water. So I owned my Marlboro (Wo)man look like I planned it that way.

In another somewhat bold move, I’m doing the whole dress over jeans thing which I haven’t done for a long while. The buffalo plaid is actually a duster, but it can pull double duty as a dress too. Since it’s sleeveless and it was cold, I layered the long cardigan over top, belted it and called it a day.


One of the very best ways to guarantee a unique look or piece is to go vintage. Yes, I realize that I rarely feature vintage or thrifted items, but that is a result of where I live, not because of choice. There are simply no vintage or thrift shops within a reasonable driving distance. Believe me, if I had the opportunity to vintage/thrift shop I would. My two favorite coats, including the one I’m wearing today are vintage. The other is a truly original and beautiful bright pink winter coat that (oddly enough now that I think about it) my lifelong bestie gave me when her neighbor gave it to her and she didn’t want it.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

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Coat: Vintage (Similar);  Duster: Nasty Gal (Similar);  Boots: Similar

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8 years ago

You are so blessed to have friends like that. The coat is just Fabulous on you and the color is TDF.

8 years ago

I just adore everything about this post! I got ALL them feels from it- including laughter! You are wise and funny and a great writer. Keep it up!🙌😘

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

This reminds me of a saying: “Friends are the chocolate chips in your cookies”….it’s so fabulous to really find someone who makes you feel better (even if they don’t give you amazing coats!!) Yay for good friends!!
As for the coat—it reminds me of a suede one that my mom handed down to me—and I do wear it a couple times a year. Don’t you just feel so awesome in it? Well, let me tell you, you look awesome in it!!
Happy Friday Marlboro Woman!! Although I wouldn’t have thought that really—I just see awesomeness!!

8 years ago

This may be the cutest thing I have seen you wear EVER! The coat is sublime. The red plaid, the cardigan, the boots… beautiful.

Love your words about friendships. It’s interesting; sometimes a friendship that seems purely situational – you work together, you chat outside your kids’ TaeKwonDo class – becomes more, sometimes a friendship that seems destined to be forever dies. You just never know, and that’s OK.

8 years ago

That coat and those boots!!! Seriously Debbie…you’re killing me here! BTW… I picked up a full length leather coat 1970’s immaculate in tomato red today when thrifting. Too small for me, another blogger already has it spoken for. I adore the colour of yours. Blood red. Gorgeous. I’m off this weekend to a meet-up of 40+ women to try to do just what you suggested…find someone in my area to connect with . Online is great, but it would be nice to find someone I can actually get out and do stuff with. It’s totally out of my comfort zone… Read more »

8 years ago

Ahh a lovely post, I recently wrote about how I met my best friend, they are truly special people to have and hold in our lives. Like the vintage coat it’s fab. Jacqui

8 years ago

Gorgeous coat, Debbie! People are always more important than clothes – and to have a few deep friendships is a blessing. Thanks for linking up, xo


8 years ago

These layers are fun and you look great. I am learning to develop “real life” friendships in this season of my life and water them for them to grow. For years I have only focused on “online friendships” but lately I have enjoyed meeting people face to face or getting to know them better. I won’t give up my blogging friends and favorite bloggers such as yourself but what a nice post on friendship none the less.
Rachel xo

Lisa Morin
8 years ago

Such a great post and outfit!!! You look amazing XOXO. Stop by and join the linkup @

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Now that is one KILLER coat, Debbie. Seriously, what a fabulous coat and cut. And it looks to be in fabulous condition. It has your name written all over it!
It’s tricky if thrift shops aren’t near you. We have a few but as I’m a petite I can never find things in them except jewellery and bags.

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

That coat, those boots – why on earth not? This whole look is perfect for you Debbi, especially with that checkered dress to shake things up. And golly, what a true friend that is to give you this beauty of a coat. I adore vintage and would shop vintage every time if I could. Like you there’s no vintage stores within spitting distance of where I live either, but I’m always on the lookout for them when I’m away. Fab look, and great thoughts on friendship. Love your blog x

Whitney N. James
8 years ago

“No matter what your age, always be open to new friendships…” I LOVE that. Very true, indeed! Great outfit too. That coat is just perfect!


Anna Marcus
8 years ago

Your coat is absolutely to die for and I so much love the boots

8 years ago

So true, the best friendships are the ones that are not forced. I feel like it’s been easier to carry on a real relationship as I’ve gotten older too as there is no pretending and I think that makes it easier to “get” each other.

Loving the buffalo plaid!

Shelly||The Queen in Between

Andreas Schneider
4 years ago

Hi Debbie!

Your Outfit is so damn cool!
That red leather coat is hot.
Pure vintage.
Fits good to the music I like!

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