denim overalls / denim short overalls / embellished sandals / JCPenney / layered necklaces / Macy's / peasant top / Walmart / white peasant top

We Are The World: Denim Overalls, Peasant Top, And Embellished Sandals

     Yesterday we took our daughter to Niagara Falls for the day. We had a fabulous time and I had a chance to make a few observations on life while we were there. 1) My dream job is now to work in a butterfly habitat. Oh, and Owl Butterflies are little divas…they’re arrogant, convinced of their own fabulousity, and won’t allow you to photograph them. 2) I can rock a plastic bag raincoat like nobodies business. 3) Badly behaved children aren’t just from the United States, it’s a we are the world kind of thing.
     I have to tell you, I have absolutely no tolerance for kids that act like maniacs in public. Hence, the reason I’m not necessarily well-suited to working in an elementary school. Give me a snarky teenager any day of the week. I’m like the adolescent whisperer. In any case, tiny maniacs were everywhere. We were in line at one of the attractions and in front of us were two of the cutest little French speaking boys you’ll ever see…but wow, were they bad. And right behind us was a German speaking family and their kids were in some sort of demented international competition with the French boys to see you could win the medal for absurd public behavior. At one point, my daughter looked at me and said, “Why are they acting like that?” Ummm…because they’re permitted to, that’s why. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not the Grinch of childhood. I don’t live to suck all of the fun out of my child’s growing up years. But I do to expect her to act like a polite little lady in public. Just like I expected her brother to behave like a gentleman when he was little. And guess what? Because it was expected, they behave(d) accordingly. It’s not rocket science, it’s simply good manners.
     I’ll be honest with you. This isn’t the outfit I wore on the trip, I’ll save that for another day. This is something I threw together a few days ago. Instead of the expected tee, I went with the peasant top under the denim overalls. I did consider heels, but I was kinda diggin’ the boho-esque vibe the embellished flat sandals gave when paired with the peasant top.

Linking up with:  Summer Style Weekly Link UpSpotlight Weekly Link UpTres-chic Fashion Link Up and Working Girl With Style.

Overalls: Walmart (In store purchase);  Top: JCPenney (No longer available);  Sandals: Macy’s (Old)

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Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

You were only a mere 1.5 hours from where I live! I assume you were on the Canadian side of the falls, which of course everyone knows is the better side ; ) No disrespect.

I also have almost a zero tolerance level for kids that behave badly. Probably another one of the reasons I chose not to have any.

I love the boho vibe.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I knew you weren’t far, but I wasn’t sure how far. Of course I was on the Canadian side…is there any other?! 🙂 We do need to get together, like you said Buffalo is probably the halfway point. We’ll have to make it the new fashion capital of the world…ha!

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Hi Deb! Sounds like fun trip ! I can’t help but think of the Three Stooges when someone mentions Niagra Falls… Slowly I turn.. Inch By Inch… Step by Step! Your outfit is really cute, I love the pretty embroidered top under the jean overalls, and like that they are distressed. Your sandals have nice details as well.
from the link up, jess
please stop by

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Thanks Jess! We had a great time. 🙂

Lorna mai ltd
10 years ago

Am loving this Debbie. Your blouse is feminine yet kind of boho. Your denim overalls are country girl chic. I can’t help but noticeyour coral nail polish. A great look!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Lorna mai ltd
10 years ago

Thank you Lorna!

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

heathens and hellions not a fan of bratty children. To funny that you visited Niagara Falls the Day after we lest that region.,
Great wine country, next time we should coordinate

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

Oh man… bad timing! Yes, we do need to coordinate. 🙂

Bogi RedReticule
10 years ago

I love the feminine blouse paired with the casual overall. I am with you on the children’s topic. I have no patience with out of control kids who are not taught how to behave in public.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Bogi RedReticule
10 years ago

Thanks Bogi!

10 years ago

Lookin’ cute here. Nice nail-color. I also like butterflies. If you go to a butterfly exhibit, they are enclosed in a small room (alive) and you can photograph them more easily than in the wild. The NYC Museum of Natural History has one every year.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Shybiker
10 years ago

Thanks love! I was absolutely in heaven at the Butterfly Conservatory…I could live there.

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Look how cute you are in overalls! Love this boho vibe. And we’d get along so well, Debbie … I’m also much better suited to dealing with teenagers. I wonder what that means about us?! Hee.
Dawn Lucy

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Thanks Dawn! I’ve always said I think like a 15 year old boy…haha!

10 years ago

Can’t believe you found those overalls at walmart! They’re so cute and I’m really loving them with the peasant top. So pretty and boho!


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jessi
10 years ago

I know, right?! The day I saw them, I snatched ’em right up.

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