Advice For Real Life / Work Style

What Is Toxic Positivity? When Good Vibes Go Wrong…

toxic positivity

It’s perfectly okay to feel all the feels, even when they aren’t necessarily positive…

What Is Toxic Positivity?

…Since the pandemic started, and really even before that, positivity has become trendy. All you have to do is scroll social media for awhile & it becomes apparent. Positivity is literally everywhere. Positivity, or having a positive mindset is not at all a bad thing when it’s used in the right way. As a matter of fact I believe that a positive mindset is key to loving yourself & your life.

However, when you or others around you assume that no matter what emotional/mental pain you’re feeling or what struggles you’re going through you should “stay positive” or “look on the bright side” that’s when it morphs into toxic positivity. Negative emotions are viewed as “bad”. Your true authentic emotions are invalidated. When you feel the pressure, whether it be internal or external, to ignore or hide your true feelings behind faux positivity it can develop into an unhealthy situation. You feel as if something is wrong with you because you’re angry, hurt, jealous or sad.


The thing is, there are no inherently bad feelings. They are just that…feelings. Women are hardwired to be more attuned to how their own behaviors, thoughts & feelings affect those around them so it is easy to fall into the positivity trap. Negative emotions can make others feel uncomfortable so we suppress them. And that my friend, simply will not do.

You are absolutely entitled to your feelings. Every single one of them. You have every right to feel all the feels. The good, the bad & the ugly. But here is the key. Pay attention because it’s big. Acknowledge the feelings. Feel the feelings. Allow them to run their course. And then…pick yourself up, dust yourself off, solve the problem, get your ass back out there & find the joy in your life.

To sum it up:

  • Toxic positivity happens when being positive is viewed as the only way to be at the expense of all other emotions
  • Avoid toxic positivity whether it be from outside sources or your own thought patterns.
  • Acknowledge all of your feelings & actually work through them.
  • Don’t get stuck forever in a negative mindset. Once the problem is solved, move on.
  • Just as forcing positivity is unhealthy, so is hanging on to negativity. When the time is right, let it go.
  • Find the things that bring you joy to help reset yourself to a more positive mindset.
  • Make positivity your goal, but allow yourself the space to feel the full range of emotions.

toxic positivity


I will forever remember this skirt as “the last thing I bought before the world shut down”. The week of March 13th I happened upon this pretty little tie dye chiffon skirt at JCPenney & was in love. I couldn’t wait to wear it to school & then within a few days school was no more. So you can imagine how excited I was to finally bust it out & take it for a spin.

Once boot weather hit, I was reminded that I was severely lacking in the the mid-height boot category. I had actually been wanting some perfectly slouchy boots since last boot season, but hadn’t found the perfect pair. I was so pumped when I stumbled upon this Journee Collection pair because they were exactly what I’d been looking for. In light of that, I nabbed them in black and gray as well.

I talk more about it below in the tip section, but I added the denim vest to give this outfit a lil’ hit of visual interest. The mix of textures & layers just makes the whole look more fun.

toxic positivity toxic positivity


The addition of one simple piece, in this case the vest, can make all the difference in an outfit. Yes, the top & skirt are fine together, but who wants to be fine? Add the denim vest & boom…you’ve gotta pretty sweet look. The third piece rule never disappoints…What exactly is the third piece rule?

Your bottom is piece one, your top is piece two…the third piece is something that you add to give your look that little extra something to make it special. Good third pieces options include:

toxic positivity toxic positivity


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…

toxic positivity toxic positivity

Skirt: JCPenney (Similar);  Top: JCPenney (Similar);  Boots: Journee Collection;  Vest: Similar

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4 years ago

That’s a good rule because that denim vest looks very good on the skirt. How good boots look under a skirt right.

Kellyann Rohr
4 years ago

Love these pretty colors on you – so soft and cozy yet not the typical fall color palette! As a mental health professional I totally agree with you – there are no bad feelings – they’re all just feelings that need to be felt!

Kimberly F. Malkiewicz
4 years ago

How the universe brought you and that skirt together, I’ll never know! You’re looking fab! The toxic positivity has been going on in some churches for awhile, too, i.e. only “speak” what you want into your life. Ugh. So wrong.

Laura Bambrick
4 years ago

You make such a good point with this post! I know when I went through a hard time a few years ago there were some negative emotions I had to work through. It isn’t okay to suppress your negative emotions because they can build up. It’s ok to not be ok sometimes! Loving your gorgeous skirt! The muted colors are gorgeous!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

I loved reading this. Sure positivity is good, but you can’t have it without some of the opposite too. And all feelings are valid.
Love how you remember this skirt. It’s so beautiful and works fabulous with those boots Debbie,

4 years ago

Oh once again you nail a real cool outfit! Love all of the pastels. So true about the positivity. Trying to put a positive spin and attitude on everything constantly would be exhausting especially when hard time hit. I will say that at least starting the day with a positive attitude helps the vibes of the day but there are days where it is ok not to be ok,

jess jannenga
4 years ago

HI Debbie!
This is such a pretty mix of soft colors, especially with your hair! LovelY!
I know some people like this. With my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, I try and stay positive, but not at all costs. I feel if I struggling, having a painful day, I express that emotion! I know people that are uncomfortable saying anything negative, or expressing themselves perceived as negative, and smile saying everything’s peachy when it is not. So tight, are feelings should not be quantified in this manner. :-)) I like to think I am pretty positive, but not ALL the time 🙂

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Such a fabulous skirt, Debbie! I am so glad that you got to bring it out for a spin! And this concept of toxic positivity is so great. I am all about feeling the feels as they come because if you resist the negative ones, you merely give them more power over you. But the funny thing about feelings is that we can feel more than one at a time. Many more than one. We can feel negative about one thing in our life and positive about others. We can feel sad and happy all at once. I have even… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you Debbie, I needed this. You look gorgeous as always!💕💕

Ada Furxhi
4 years ago

I always love your tips not just on clothing and outfits – the third piece rule definitely applies to add more style and interest to outfits – but on life and in this case, on positivity. I agree with you 100%. It can totally become toxic if used the wrong way.

Your new boots and skirt are fabulous and beautiful, and they look great together! And that tan/camel turtleneck is a luscious, classic piece – everyone needs one!

Welcome by tomorrow and link up with me, dear Debbie. =)

Emma Peach
4 years ago

Such a pretty skirt! The print is like a beautiful sky. I totally agree with you about toxic positivity – trying to supress anger or sadness can do more harm in the long term.Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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