Boscovs / Ebay / JustFab / leopard pencil skirt / striped sweatshirt

Where’s Waldo

     Yes, that’s what this top reminds me of, but I like it so I wear it anyway.  Besides, it’s mildly amusing to me to imagine popping up in the background of random people’s photos.  Waldo was a man ahead of his time.  He’s like the ultimate photo bomber.
     Yesterday’s outfit was just a hair too color coordinated for my liking so today I thought I’d go in the completely opposite direction.  I threw together two bold prints just so no one would be confused and think I was getting too complacent.  Bad for the image.
     I also decided to rebel against January.  Although I am wearing tall boots, if you look closely you’ll note the bare legs.  It was 40 degrees today and I’ve been layering on the Jergens Natural Glow, so why not? Why sunless tanner in January you might be thinking?  That would be because I could no longer stand my corpse-like skin tone.  I was starting to resemble an extra from The Walking Dead.

Linking up with:  Get Your Pretty On I Feel Pretty Link PartyStylish Tuesday Link Up, and Inspired By Link Up.

Top: Boscov’s;  Skirt: Ebay;  Boots: Just Fab (No Longer Available)

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Angela Reasonstodress
11 years ago

I need to get me some self tanner because your legs look great!! I’m as white as a ghost, it is scary!

Just hopped over from Get Your Pretty On, great blog, so nice to see a mature and stylish fashion blogger!

Angie from reasons to dress

p.s. I’d love to hear from you! I’m hosting a reader survey and LUXURY GIVEAWAY for a $245 pair of earrings from the Paris brand Satellite. Please stop by and enter!!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Angela Reasonstodress
11 years ago

Yes, I couldn’t stand the paleness any longer! Thanks for stopping by!
Debbie 🙂

Carolyn McAfee
11 years ago

Nice to know someone who uses that lotion… I’ll have to give it a try!
This is a nice bold look! We’ve warmed up a little too, maybe I’ll try a skirt too…
Thanks for linking up @ Inspired By

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Carolyn McAfee
11 years ago

The Jergens works really well, you should give it a shot.
Debbie 🙂

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

I use that lotion. I used it last week for the same reason. I don’t use it often though since it turns my sheets orange. LOL

I really do love that skirt.

Sorry to hear that you too have fibromyalgia. So many people seem to suffer from it.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

We have black sheets so it’s not a problem! The funny thing about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome is many people do seem to have it, yet much of the medical community doesn’t believe in it. If one more person had inferred or straight up said it was all in my head I might have gone insane.
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!!! The only way I could love it more is if I was the one wearing it. :o)

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
11 years ago

Haha! You’re too funny!
Debbie 🙂

Who is that Girl Mo?
11 years ago

Waldo was way ahead of his time. 🙂 I like the striped sweatshirt.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Who is that Girl Mo?
11 years ago

Yes he was! Thanks!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

Waldo has never been so chic 😉

Xo, Megan,

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Megan,
11 years ago

He was cool, but not quite as cool as me! Ha!
Debbie 🙂

Hadrien Leite
11 years ago

Awesome outfit and cool pics
just loved your blog! very good work

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Hadrien Leite
11 years ago

Thank you so much!
Debbie 🙂

Vicki Wilde
11 years ago

Dropping by from Stylish Tuesday! I loved those Waldo books when I was younger. I’m sure I could still sit down for hours with one of those books now 🙂 Love your skirt, it’s just the perfect length!

<3 Vicki

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Vicki Wilde
11 years ago

Thank you Vicki!
Debbie 🙂

Paige Wall
11 years ago

Love how you mixed stripes with leopard. My skin is equivalent to a Twilight vampire, do you recommend the Jergen’s? I’ve been wanting to try it but don’t want to turn orange! Thanks for linking up with Stylish Tuesday!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Paige Wall
11 years ago

Love stripes with leopard. And yes, the Jergen’s works really well. I’ve never had it turn me orange. You just need to be sure and apply it evenly so there are no stripes and wash the palms of your hands and between your fingers really well when you’re done!
Debbie 🙂

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