Yes, that’s what this top reminds me of, but I like it so I wear it anyway. Besides, it’s mildly amusing to me to imagine popping up in the background of random people’s photos. Waldo was a man ahead of his time. He’s like the ultimate photo bomber.
Yesterday’s outfit was just a hair too color coordinated for my liking so today I thought I’d go in the completely opposite direction. I threw together two bold prints just so no one would be confused and think I was getting too complacent. Bad for the image.
I also decided to rebel against January. Although I am wearing tall boots, if you look closely you’ll note the bare legs. It was 40 degrees today and I’ve been layering on the Jergens Natural Glow, so why not? Why sunless tanner in January you might be thinking? That would be because I could no longer stand my corpse-like skin tone. I was starting to resemble an extra from The Walking Dead.
Linking up with: Get Your Pretty On I Feel Pretty Link Party, Stylish Tuesday Link Up, and Inspired By Link Up.