Boho Style

White Ankle Boots & Floral Print Dress: Computer Genius

For the last few years I’ve been saying that I really needed to get a new computer…


…Currently I have a desktop that, in computer years, is a dinosaur. Anymore, the moment that you buy a piece of technology it’s already obsolete, and I’ve had my beast of a machine for 10 years, yes…ten years. What kind of blogger am I when I don’t even have a computer from this decade?! Not only is it ancient, but when I purchased it I wasn’t blogging yet nor was I as into photography as I am now so it has rather limited capabilities.

Like all computers, over time it started to get “glitchy”. Especially once I started really getting into photography and began using it for photo editing and a myriad of other tasks it simply wasn’t designed for. So from time to time, it would throw a little temper tantrum and not work well at all.

A few years ago I picked up an external hard drive to store my photos on and that helped quite a bit…for awhile. Inevitably it started glitching again and from time to time I’d say, “Ya, I should get a new computer…” but I continued putting it off. To me, a computer is like a bra; it’s a rather costly necessary evil that I’d rather not spend the money on if I don’t have to. And then there’s the intimidation factor. I am not very technologically well-versed, so finding the right computer can be a rather overwhelming proposition.

The proverbial final straw was a few weeks ago when I decided to take the plunge and start editing with Lightroom as opposed to Picmonkey…yaaa…my computer was like, “B*tch, you be crazy…I can’t handle Lightroom!!” I’m pretty sure that I actually heard it say that out loud…It was at that point I started seriously researching replacements.

Fast forward to last weekend’s foray into Best Buy…can I just take a moment here to pat myself on the back? My cute little Geek Squad helper (he was adorable…I’m pretty sure he was like 12 years old) told me that he was actually impressed with how much I knew; you’d have thought I won a Nobel Prize in Computer Technology based on how proud of myself I was. I rolled up in there knowing exactly how many gigs of memory I wanted, what kind of processor I needed it to have and a price range. By the time we were finished I had exactly the machine I needed.

If you pair my mad computer purchasing skills with the fact that I taught myself to hand-code my images to format correctly in a blog post (which, btw I still have to do because WordPress continues to be ornery) I feel like I’m a straight up computer genius. Hopefully when I sit down this weekend to transfer everything from my old machine to the new one, my genius streak will continue…


I picked up this floral print dress last year from my friends at Boutique 16063. When I wore it last Spring it was a bit earlier in the season so I styled it with black over the knee boots for added warmth. This time it was a fairly warm day so I thought my fab white ankle boots would be perfect. If you’re considering white ankle boots, but are still unsure of the practicality of them, my advice is to go for it. While intrigued, I held out for months, but when I see this pair at Target online I finally bit the bullet. Both the price and the heel height were perfect and they are surprisingly versatile.

I actually wore this to a bridal shower a few weeks ago and it was perfect; both for the weather and for the occasion. Whenever I style one of my boho tunic/dresses as an actual dress, typically I throw a skirt extender underneath for not only some added length, but also for an added dose of pretty.


I realize that I’ve probably said it about a thousand times, but I can’t recommend enough having a skirt extender or two on hand. They are a lifesaver when a dress or skirt that you love is a bit more revealing than you’d like, and a pretty little bit of lace, tulle or chiffon peeking out from your hemline is never a bad thing.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Dress: Boutique 16083 (Similar);  Boots: Target;  Skirt Extender: Grace And Lace

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6 years ago

Congrats!! I love this dress on you and found out about skirt extenders on this blog a year or so ago and I really like them. One day I will purchase a skirt extender and a new computer. Enjoy every moment. . .

6 years ago

I couldn’t agree more about hating buying new computers and bras!

I’m glad you found what you are looking for. I’m crossing my fingers everything goes smoothly for you.


Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

Um yes, you are a genius! I am surrounded by computer geniuses here at my home – my husband is a software engineer and my boys? Well, yeah, they got it going on too. I’m the only who’s like – hey, I can’t get the thing over here to do this thing – do I need to push this thingy? It’s like a very sad episode of The Big Bang Theory where I am a very old Penny.
Hope everything transfers well for you and I am happy you got a great machine!

Linda Cassidy
6 years ago

what did you get? I cannot imagine blogging on my old desktop ( also 10) but I am on laptop number two since I started blogging, love my HP. So for lightroom, playing yourself or have you been purchasing presets? I purchased some presets for my phone and I love them. I am still playing with photoshop for the blog though

Ann Krembs
6 years ago

Ok, I’m feeling really spoiled Debbie. The schools I’ve worked for have always provided us with laptops–plus the Adobe suite. I’m not trying to be a braggart here, but at my current school, they’ve even provided me with an iPad Pro so I have both. Yes, the major perks of international schools!

I’m loving everyone else’s white little booties. Sighhhhh, I’ll stick to my sneakers! BUT, I have a grandpa pair waiting for me back in the States. I cannot wait to try them on!!

Love, Annie from Kremb de la Kremb

Robin LaMonte
6 years ago


I am so happy you resolved your computer problems!
I didn’t know it was Lightroom that was the culprit along with WordPress!
I am starting to think I need an easier platform than WordPress since my blog site went down last week too!
All because I was trying to transfer my Google domain to Bluehost.

Anyway, love the dress and you!


Nancy Baten
6 years ago

I need to remind myself to buy such a extender. It seems they are fantastic. I have a few to short dresses. I hope you are feeling better these days!

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

I persuaded on your skirt extender – I’ve never done this before and thrown clothes out! Don’t get me started on computers…

Bettye L Rainwater
6 years ago

For me the worst part of new technology (computers AND phones) is getting all your stuff moved over, reuploaded, etc. When I got my newest phone in February I actually paid an extravagant $25 fee to have the store move all my apps and content over for me. In my defense I was leaving for California the next day and just didn’t have time to do it right then…but desperately wanted the better phone camera for the trip.

Love the floral dress and your alternating nail colors!


Cheryl Tucker
6 years ago

This is a fabulous story and I can totally relate. I pretty think I am a computer genius too! Ha ha! I am sure many would beg to differ! Love your beautiful dress! I need to get an extender, what a fabulous idea!

Claire Justine
6 years ago

Such a beautiful dress Debbie. Love how you have styled it. Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂 Hope you can join us tomorrow.

6 years ago

Your boots looks pretty neat and tidy. I like the height that it is not too high unlike the typical ones. You look amazing.

StyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova

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