Converse / denim shorts / GAP / H&M / layered necklaces / Nordstrom / Old Navy / Poshmark / striped top

White Blazer & Converse: Wildlife Hooligans

white blazer, Converse, striped top, denim shorts

I’ve told you before I live in a rather backwoods rural area. Don’t get me wrong, we do have paved roads and indoor plumbing; c’mon there’s a Walmart (two actually) for crying out loud. That makes it civilized, right? Our house is in a development that has been here since the 1940’s. There’s still a lot of woods remaining in different areas throughout the development. Woods means animals, which is cool with me. I’m a fan of animals. But the wildlife around here is almost domesticated; they’re not really impressed by humans. One animal I’m not a huge fan of is birds, although like I explained here the fact that they wear bird pants kind of made them a little less terrifying. One bird (okay, two) that I’d still be creeped out by even if they were wearing a plaid/floral print mix are crows and turkey vultures. Just ew. The other day a few blocks from my house when I happened upon a crow standing proudly with the roadkill he’d found, again, just ew. I slowed the car down so that he’d fly away. He looked up at the car, strutted around the opossum like he’d killed it himself and gave me a look like, “Ya, what you lookin’ at beeatch?” And he did not fly away. I actually had to drive the car around him. Arrogant-a$$ crow.

To further support my hooligan theory I recently saw a group (it was a group, not a herd) of deer contemplating breaking into a car. Again, a few blocks from house one night while on my way to the store, I saw something moving near a car in a driveway. I slowed down to check it out and it was a deer. With his snout actually pressed up against the car window looking inside. Whaaat??? I went on my way and when I came back by about ten minutes later there were three of them. This time surrounding the other car in the driveway and all with their faces against the windows looking inside.

Now on to fashion news. I finally found a white blazer that fits me. Although I’m an elfin-size girl, I have really broad shoulders/lats and that makes it rather difficult to find blazers that fit without needing a tailor. I have two, but neither fits quite right. This one on the other hand works. Perhaps it’s due to the boxier cut; there’s even room for a top with sleeves under it without me swimming in it. The striped top is the final color from Old Navy. I wore the green one here and the blue here. I obviously love them since I have all three colors, and the top is on clearance right now so snap one up while you still can. I finished everything off with white Converse, because seriously, what goes better with a white blazer than white Converse?

Linking up with: The Wednesday Pants, Random Wednesdays, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, Color And Grace Fashion Link Up, Thursday Fashion Files, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, Summer Style Link Up, A Labour Of Fashion, Top Of The World Style Link Up, Thursday Favorites, Throwback Thursday.

white blazer, striped top, Converse, denim shorts white blazer, striped top, Converse, denim shorts layered necklaces white blazer, striped top, Converse, denim shorts striped top, denim shorts

Blazer: H&M;  Top: Old Navy;  Shorts: GAP via Poshmark;  Converse: Nordstrom

design (17).jpg


Prize: $200 Nordstrom Gift Card

Co-hosts: SWEET HAUTE // Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog // Jolie Pagaille // Wishes & Reality // Divine Lifestyle // Lights Camera Catwalk // Life Unrefined // Cameron Proffitt //  Behind Blue Eyes // The Yuppie Files // Capri’s Coupons // The Nashvillian // Casually Chic by Monique

Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck! (Please email with any questions.)

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 7/16 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email.

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9 years ago

Oh the joys of animals. In middle school there was this one squirrel that seemed to know when my group and I were nearby in our neighborhood as it dropped acorns or nuts on us everyday at the bus stop. Lol! Lovely blazer and accessories!
Rachel xo

9 years ago

A nice casual look, but acquires an elegant tone with white blazer. The pink shirt is cute, I love the design on the back. Precious proposal, as always.
You’ve seen your picture in my last post of my blog?

9 years ago

Dear friend, today I published a post on my blog that I include a photo of you. I hope you do not mind. You can see in the following link:

9 years ago

Those sound like some badass wildlife out your way!


9 years ago

love the casual converse with this look!

cute & little

Petite Silver Vixen
9 years ago

You have some badass critters in your neck of your woods! That crow sounds like it needs to be taken down a peg or two. Loving the sports lux look of white jacket and convos.

9 years ago

Oh my goodness your animal stories cracked me up–those deer! Too funny. I love this look, and I have similar items in my closet–may just have to recreate it!

9 years ago

Loving your stripes! The back of that top is so fun!

9 years ago

Ok that crow story just made me laugh AND was scary!! you know what’s not scary though?? This outfit! You look fabulous and fresh for the summer. And I really need a pair of converse!

Angie from reasons to dress, fashion, travel and life as a mom in Italy.

Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
9 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I love that you wore the white blazer with shorts! That is so unexpected!

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

Your hair is so pretty from the back! I really like the white blazer with tee & shorts combo! And, I wonder if there was food in that car for all of those deers to be peering inside it! lol!


Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

Oh I wished you captured a photo of the deers looking through the car – too funny! Love the mad layering necklace game you’ve got going! So much awesomeness in this outfit!

Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!


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