button down shirt / casual / casual outfit / denim shorts / Ettika / Kohl's / Lulu's / Old Navy / style tips / t-shirt / tee / tee shirt

White Men’s Button Down & Floral Booties: Your House As A Metaphor

white men's button down, floral booties, denim shorts

The past several days we have been busy playing catch-up around our house…


…In light of all of the family issues we’ve had going on in the last several weeks we’ve gotten behind on a number of projects we’d been working on. Yes, I have trained myself over the years to not get overly stressed out if the basic stuff isn’t done; the floors needing vacuumed, laundry needing folded, those sort of things. Buuttt…currently, and I kid you not, the outside of our house is partially repainted and there may or may not be windows that don’t have the shutters rehung after painting them, there’s been a ladder and paintbrushes pushed aside in the corner of my dining room with partially painted crown moulding and ceiling, and we were switching bedrooms with our daughter. And I mean moving rooms. Including all of the stuff accumulated in said rooms. Not to mention the recently purchased gallons of paint waiting patiently to cover the walls of our computer room/den/dog room.

The switching of the bedrooms was pretty high on the priority list, so although all of the other projects continue to hover around unfinished niggling at my brain, yesterday we switched the rooms. That little project is nowhere near done; the bulk of it is finished, but there are still lost orphan piles of crap sitting in my dining (ya, the room with the ladder and half painted ceiling) awaiting sorting. I realize that it has taken me almost two paragraphs to get to the point of my little drama, but here it is. You truly do not realize how dirty you are until you empty a room in a house that you’ve lived in for 23 years. It’s then you realize that your house may well be a metaphor for yourself; looks good on the surface, hot mess underneath.

Yes, we clean our house on a regular basis. We keep the clutter to a minimum, dust, vacuum, clean the bathroom…the usual. But while I know there are people who move all of their furniture and whatnot on a regular basis to clean behind it and under it (and kudos to you my good people), I am not one of them. Perhaps I should be, but alas, I am not. Now I’m not saying that there has not been a thorough cleaning in 23 years. The bedrooms have been switched before; the dining room and living room have also traded places so there have been a number of times over the years that things have been scrubbed down over, under and behind. I’m just saying that when it hasn’t been done for, well, quite awhile….ew. Just ew. Perhaps I should apply some of my OCD behavior to moving things around and cleaning a few times a year. That way the next time we shift things around maybe I won’t discover that I have six dogs instead of four because the accumulated dust bunnies underneath things have joined forces and formed two new dogs.


I discovered this white men’s button down on the clearance rack at Kohl’s for the paltry sum of $4.50…can you believe that? Since the mister doesn’t have a white men’s button down, I snapped it up for myself. I also picked up a white one with purple pinstripes for the same price. Two men’s shirts for under $10? Yes, please. Keeping with my typical casual vibe, I threw it over a gray tee shirt and denim shorts. What made the outfit special? The Ettika choker and floral ankle boots (aka my favorite ankle boots ever), that’s what.


As I’ve said before, accessories and shoes can make all the difference in an outfit. The addition of the suede choker and floral ankle boots took a basic look and made something a bit more special.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

white men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shorts white men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shortswhite men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shortswhite men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shortswhite men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shorts white men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shortswhite men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shorts white men's button down, floral ankle boots, denim boyfriend shorts

Button down shirt: Kohl’s;  Boots: Lulu’s (Same, different retailer);  Shorts: Old Navy (Similar);  Choker: Ettika (Same, different retailer)

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Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

Cleaning. Pheh. I usually save that for when I’m moving. Have moved. And the place is empty. And I need to make it not disgusting for the landlord’s walkthrough so I can get my full security deposit back. I move kind of a lot. I love moving. You get to start out fresh and clean in a place someone ELSE has tidied and scrubbed for the landlord walkthrough so THEY can get THEIR security deposit back. And you say things like, “it’s clean now, if I just do light weekly maintenance I can keep on top of things.” And then… Read more »

8 years ago

What a great deal on that shirt! I think I would have snapped it up myself 🙂

I hear ya on the cleaning the house ordeal. It’s amazing how dust accumulates in those abandon places like under the couch and behind the tv 🙂


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Ahhhh….there’s my favorite booties again!!
That’s definitely a great deal for that shirt—I have a feeling it’s going to be quite a workhorse for you!!
As for the detailed cleaning—I realize it’s important every once in a while—but let’s be realistic here!!

8 years ago

I love how you paired the mens button down with the shorts and the floral booties for and added fem touch.

Life is just Rosie

8 years ago

We used to move every couple of years so we didn’t have this problem. We’ve now been in our house 10 years and I can see where this is becoming an issue. Doing some home renos is truly the best way to realize that the cleaning has slipped. Honestly though. I doubt I’ll ever look back and say to myself, “You know what? I really wish I’d cleaned more!” LOL


8 years ago

Haha, made me laugh about the dust forming 2 additional dogs! When Gib and Truffy go to the Groomer after 6 weeks I tell her that there extra hair between the 2 will form another dog! It grows so fast! It’s funny as mom was just visiting , and prior to, major cleanup begins. It’s just ongoing! Love the button down and the feminine booties, great mix!
Jess xx

Jaymie Ashcraft
8 years ago

I love these booties!!!!!!

8 years ago

Those booties are awesome!

8 years ago

Love that choker! It adds such a nice touch to the look 🙂

Edye |

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

I daren’t even look in some of the corners of our house! We recently had our kitchen rebuilt and my, the dust, the dust! I’ve still not finished cleaning it up!

Love the casual, easiness of this outfit and you are so right that accessories can so change an outfit. That necklace is gorgeous!

8 years ago

Dust. . .it just multiplies in my house and as my Sister says. . .I move the dust around when company is coming(LOL). I Love the vibe of this outfit and the booties are too cute.

8 years ago

I’m a cleaning fanatic but it always amazes me how dirty things are when we move furniture! What a great deal on that button down! This is such a cute relaxed look and those booties are fabulous!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

I commnented earlier Deb, so Iwill say
Thanks for liniking up with turning heads tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

One of my least favourite jobs cleaning, lol. It really stresses me out but I feel much better when it is done.

Great look Debbie, thanks for linking up..

8 years ago

Those booties are killer! I think I may get them for my trip to Dallas next month. ..Can’t overly worry about dust bunnies while lookin’ so great!…

8 years ago

I feel you on the cleaning rooms. We are bad about not finishing projects that we started, but will get to it haha! Nice button down look.
Rachel xo

8 years ago

These booties are great! They add the perfect amount of girlishness to your outfit

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