boyfriend jeans / Converse / Forever 21 / GAP / jeans / Nordstrom / Poshmark / style tips / t-shirt / target / tee / vest

White Tee & Jeans: Jack Of All Trades

white tee, boyfriend jeans, bandana

So, I just finished up some online shopping. Nothing new there, right? Except I just bought…


…an unpainted styrofoam solar system. Definitely not my typical purchase, although I did get momentarily sidetracked by nude pumps. Anyway, back to the solar system. I asked the kids what they would like to study in Science class and space was the top choice. I love to do hands on activities with them so we decided we’d make our own solar system to hang from the ceiling. That’s the beauty of my job; I teach all of the major subjects. I guess that makes me a jack of all trades and a master of none.

As a matter of fact, on Friday I taught the hell out of a social studies lesson. Normally, I try to keep my talking to a minimum. Kids don’t dig that; I imagine after awhile I sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown. This was the exception though. We had the lights out, pictures on the Promethean Board (that’s a magical white board/screen thingy that does all kinds of super cool stuff) to go with the story and me telling it. We’re studying local history and it just so happens that we live very near what was once one of the largest military camps in the U.S. during World War II. My house and the surrounding area is built right over top of it and I spent my childhood playing in the woods in old building foundations and foxholes. My great-grandpa was a construction foreman when the camp was being built and other family members worked at different facilities on the base. For the most part, the kids were enthralled; especially my two little history buffs. I swear to God the one boy who has a particular interest in W.W. II was looking at me like I was the Beyonce of history. As any teacher can tell you, there’s no feeling like when you know you nailed it and at least a few kids walked out of the room a little wiser than when they walked in.


This is a prime example of how a few small tweaks can add a whole lot of interest to a basic white tee and jeans outfit. The bandana and the knotted belt make it just a little more special than basic. I posted a link to an article on my Facebook page over the weekend with a list of style hacks to add new life to the clothes you already have. I found this genius way to tie my bandana there and while I’ve often knotted belts in the past, it’s one of those things I sometimes forget. The article is definitely worth the read, so if you have a few minutes pop over and check it out.

The jeans are yet another pair of my most favorite boyfriend jeans from GAP (I found them on Poshmark though), but this time I went with full on distressing because every girl needs jeans with holes in them, right? I layered my utility vest over top because it was definitely cooler outside this weekend than it has been. I finished it off with the Converse and that was that.


Look for new ways to wear/style items that you already have in your closet. For example, knotting a belt or adding a scarf.

LINK UPS:  Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

white tee, boyfriend jeans, bandana, utility vest white tee, boyfriend jeans, bandana, utility vest white tee, boyfriend jeans, bandana, utility vest white tee, boyfriend jeans, bandana, utility vest white tee, boyfriend jeans, bandana, utility vest


Jeans: GAP via Poshmark (Similar);  Tee: Forever 21;  Vest: Target;  Converse: Nordstrom

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9 years ago

Really love your jeans, and that vest is perfect for fall!

9 years ago

I love your tip. As a matter of fact I used to tie little silk square scarves often. Must do that again. This has a motorcycle, strong yet chic vibe to it!

9 years ago

OMG – “the Beyonce of history”! That is classic Debbie sass and humor right there! I nearly rolled off my chair laughing, and it’s probably a good thing I caught myself since I’m currently wearing panda pajamas for Pajama Day and I know keeping my authority in the classroom is already a losing proposition so falling off my chair laughing uproariously would have been the nail in the proverbial coffin. Liking the belt loop thingie and the masterful way you distress your jeans. I’m still too chicken to do mine because I think I might go overboard. ;p

9 years ago

Totally my style and I may just try distressing a pair of jeans myself. I can’t seem to find anything “tasteful” and so .. I may get out the scissors and tweezers quite soon!


Lorna Mai
9 years ago

Such a classic look. A simple white tee with distressed jeans. Love how you’ve styled the look with an Autumn vest.

9 years ago

love your casual style!
so chic!

9 years ago

I love the bandana and knotted belt! Perfect accessories for this fun look!

Doused In Pink

Petite Silver Vixen
9 years ago

Isn’t it just so satisfying when you know you’ve made a difference. Go you, you Beyonce of History! I love the green of the vest, not too olive, not too khaki. And the magpie in me is coveting your necklace!

9 years ago

Aw I loved those days in teaching when the kids just connected or were pulled in to whatever was said and I definitely remember having teachers connect with me like that. Very neat story, thanks for sharing. I LOVE your white tee and sneaker look here, I was just thinking I wanted to do the same only I wish I had sneakers. But a white tee and jeans is a start.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”

Rachel xo

Garay Treasures

8 years ago

I love this look Debbie, I love my ripped jeans but the hubby is not a fan, so I wear them to wind him up,lol. Going to copy this look as I have most thing like this <3

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

8 years ago

I really like hearing about how you approach your work, learning and teaching. The solar system sounds like a great project, and it has always kind of been a dream to have one of those big styrofoam set ups just like the teens on t.v.!!

btw thanks for sharing your look through the #reasonstodress linkup!!

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