casual / casual outfit / H&M / JCPenney / JustFab / sandals / slouchy pants / style tips

White Tee & Slouchy Cropped Pants: A Simpler Time

white tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedges

Do you remember when life was simple? Well, at least simpler? I ask this question of those you who are old enough to remember a time before technology. And by technology I mean anything more advanced than a colored television and a turntable stereo…


…I remember spending hours in my room with my little blue and white plastic portable turntable listening to Cher albums and staring at her pictures on the album covers wishing from the bottom of my heart that I would look like her when I grew up. An elfin sized pale skinned blonde girl…I had big dreams my friends, I was just certain I would grow up to be tall and thin with pin straight black hair and tanned skin. Ya, you can see nature (and genetics) had other plans for me. Do you remember though, that scratchy background noise when listening to a record? And if you wanted to play the same song over and over, you would have to lean down and see exactly where to place the needle on the album to hit the beginning of the song. I’m here to tell ya, the introduction of 8-track tapes in my life rocked my world. The first one I owned was Pink Floyd-The Wall. I swear I played that thing until it snapped.

Most of my daytime hours though were spent outside playing in the woods around our house (okay, trailer, but you know what I mean). I would head out in the morning with whatever accoutrements were necessary for that days make believe world. I would stay out there all day lost in my make believe world, or sometimes I’d be perched way up in a tree simply surveying my kingdom until I heard my mom yelling for me from the front door.

There were no video games or iPads or iPhones. Phones were still mounted to the wall or sat on an end table with a short cord and rotary dial. There was no constant entertainment provided on television. We had three channels and they all went off the air around 12:30 a.m. You would hear the national anthem usually with an image of an American flag blowing in the wind and then boom…nothing on the screen but snow and that hissing sound it made.

And Saturday mornings? Oh yeah. That was the day. Kid heaven. First thing in the morning on Saturday until early afternoon, nothing but cartoons. I remember scrambling to the living room with my bowl of Cap’n Crunch and parking my little butt on the floor directly in front of the television where I would remain until the last cartoon played. After that? Off to the woods I’d go to be a princess or Mighty Isis or perhaps Daphne from Scooby Doo.

Occasionally during the last few months with my aunt, my daughter and I would step outside for some air. My aunt and uncle live right at the edge of those same woods from my childhood so my daughter and I would walk through the trees for a bit and talk. When I explained to her why I love the woods so much and how I spent so much of my childhood there she asked, “What did you do out here?” I replied, “Played.” Her response? “But what did you do?” I simply played. Or sometimes sat quietly in a tree and read a book. I amused myself and developed a vivid imagination full of exciting adventures and stories. No technological enhancement necessary. Ahhh…the good old days.


Speaking of simplicity, today’s theme for Project Sister Act is the simple white tee or SWT for short. What is Project Sister Act? It is the brainchild of the lovely and always entertaining Sheela Goh. It’s a genius idea in that one theme is taken on by a variety of women of all ages and interpreted in any way they choose. How fun, right? See below to be awed and inspired by the looks of all of the other lovely ladies rockin’ their SWT’s. In this case a SWT is something that probably just about everyone out there owns in one form or another. It’s one crucial basic that you should always have on hand because it can truly be one of the most versatile pieces in your closet.

I chose to pair my tee with my slouchy crop pants and then for a little print mix action I threw on a plaid shirt, polka dot bandana and leopard wedges. So while the base of the outfit is simple and basic (SWT and olive green pants) all of the extras make it fun. While it’s true that it may still be too warm for the plaid shirt while outside, I always take a shirt, kimono, cardigan or some type of top layer if I’m going to be out and about. You just never know when you’re going to run into Arctic air conditioning. The nice thing about a shirt is if you aren’t wearing it, you can tie it around your hips and it still adds to the overall look.


In regard to the SWT I believe that you should own an assortment. But it’s a white tee, you may be thinking…why do I need more than one? A white tee is something that you should have in a variety of cuts and shapes. This slouchy one from H&M is one of my favorites, but I also own more form fitting white tees. Depending upon what you’re pairing it with you may need a slightly shorter or longer tee; cap sleeve, regular sleeve and longer sleeve white tees also serve a purpose. Different shapes work with different outfits. Hence the reason it’s a good idea to have several to choose from.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

**Be sure to take a minute and enter the $300 Amazon Gift Card giveaway!**

white tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedges white tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedges white tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedgeswhite tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedges white tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedges white tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedges white tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedgeswhite tee, cropped slouchy pants, leopard wedges

Tee: H&M;  Pants: JCPenney (Similar);  Sandals: JustFab (Similar)

Teens: Eve (theworldaccordingtoeve)

white tee 10 Eve

20’s: Jalisa (thestylecontour)

white tee 11 jalisa

30’s: Alice (typenu)

white tee 12 alice

40’s: Sheela (sheelawrites)

white tee 13 sheela

60’s: Carmen (fashionableover50)

Version 2

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8 years ago

Yes, the good old days when you were outside until dark and the Brady Bunch was on primetime! This is such a fun way to style your white tee! I love your slouchy pants and that choker! You look fabulous!

Doused In Pink

Kelly @birdieshoots
8 years ago

Love everything about this look! The heels and slouchy pants are such a great touch. Thanks again for linking up with Casual Friday! Have a great weekend 🙂



Elements of Ellis
8 years ago

Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from technology. Some of the places we go camping don’t have cell service and I always enjoy just spending time with my family 🙂 Also, super cute outfit!

8 years ago

I remember those days!

That Captain Crunch was my favourite and my mouth always felt like it had been cut by hundreds of tiny knives after eating it. I didn’t care! To this day I still love the stuff.


8 years ago

I loved my record player!! I really want to buy one again as there are all around at the minute!! Good old days 😉

Great outfit Debbie, thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop..

8 years ago

Ha ha! I remember running off to meet my friend who lived 1/2 mile away (and her phone number was long distance!) to play in the fields and woods and just bring one spoonful of peanut butter to eat. And books. Those were my smartphone videos!

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

Days of I Love Lucy and Gilligan’s Island and CHIPs and Cagney & Lacey GRIN oh oh oh and the British Top Of The Pops VHS tapes my brother and I would pore over in order to prepare the next list of songs we’d record into cassette. I do miss those times. Life was truly simpler, better, fuller. And I want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart, Debbie, for being a part of Project Sister Act this month. When the idea came to showcase a simple white tee, I knew immediately that I wanted to ask… Read more »

8 years ago

I’m loving the way you styled your white tee, it’s a great casual chic look. Project Sister Act is such a great idea, I love how all of you ladies represented your swt in unique and stylish way.
I remember growing up and playing outside all summer long, on our bikes exploring the world. And the only “electronic” game we had was Artari! lol! I may not look it but I’m in my 40’s and I truly believe life was so simple back then.
Have a great week!

xo, Jackie

8 years ago

You brought back so many childhood memories for me just now. You just described my days exactly. Ya know it was nice growing up that way. I have also been thinking should I cut my hair shorter and change my clothes because I don’t want to look like I am trying to be young but don’t want to look old just yet. Thank you. You made me feel I am ok with my look. It’s finding the right balance I guess and your look does that nicely. So happy I found your blog. You just gave me confidence today thank… Read more »

7 years ago

Love these pants! They look comfy but chic

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