The top two questions that run through my brain on a regular basis are “Why?” and “Wha…?” You know, when you’re so perplexed by something you drop the “t” off of what and just say, “Wha…???” Maybe it’s just me that does that… Anyway, I’m just so often baffled by people and the things they do. Whether it amuses me or pisses me off, I’m always puzzling over it in my brain. So, when I saw this Why graphic tank on the Forever 21 site, I knew I had to own it. If for no other reason than to amuse myself. I paired it with my trusty Old Navy boyfriend jeans, a blazer and my new loves, the leopard booties and off I went for a day of playing armchair analyst of human behavior.
One more thing, the lovely Claire has again honored me with being one of her featured posts at her Creative Mondays Blog Hop. It’s too bad there’s an ocean separating us because I’m pretty sure we’d be raiding each other’s closets on a regular basis. Hit the link and check out her blog. It’s fabulous and well worth your time!
Linking up with: Visible Mondays, Creative Mondays Blog Hop, Monday Bloom, and Mix It Mondays.