I thought a little bit of color was in order to brighten up the Arctic wasteland formerly known as Pennsylvania. And what better way to do that then with a pair of bright pink pants and cobalt patent leather shoes? Except maybe my neon lace skirt….but I’ll save that for another day.
As I’ve mentioned before, these GAP broken in khakis rank pretty high on my favorite pants list. I have them in gazillions of colors and they can all be dressed up or down. I haven’t been wearing them as much recently because I’ve put on a few pounds of puppy weight and they don’t hang exactly the way I like; still wearable, but not slouchy like they should be.
Ahhh…what’s “puppy weight” you might ask? The technical definition would be weight gained as a direct result of being unable to work out with an infant dog under foot who needs your undivided love and attention during his every waking moment. While it is true I love nothing more than cuddling and kissing our chubby little ball of love, he has taken up time normally reserved for hardcore working out. And yes, I realize my less than stellar eating habits as of late really have very little to do with the puppy. Just yesterday, I attempted it for the first time since his arrival and I think we’ve reached the point that it’s doable. He’s super interested and wants to kiss me any time I’m near his level, but for the most part he stayed clear. So, give me a month and these khakis will be back to their perfectly slouchy selves.
Linking up with: Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty Link Party and Random Wednesday at Because Shanna Said So.