Okay, I’ll admit it. Today is a first. I’m wearing tights with pumps. Not earth shattering fashion news by any means, but for me, it’s huge. I don’t know why, but when I wear tights I equate that with boots. Weird, right? So I decided to take baby steps and paired black tights with black pumps. Please, don’t be overwhelmed by my courageousness. It’s one of those things I’ve always thought looked super cute on other people, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Since it didn’t turn out to be such a terrible thing maybe I’ll go all kinds of crazy and next time throw in some color. Now there’s something for you to look forward to ladies.
Linking up with: Spotlight Weekly Link Up, Tres Chic Fashion Link Up, Three-fer Thursday, and What I Wore To Work.
Sweater: JCPenney (Old); Skirt: Piperlime (Old); Shoes: Target (Old)