Self-Image / Styling Tips

3 Easy Steps To Uplevel Your Style Now

3 easy steps to uplevel your style

One of the first steps you need to take when you’re ready to level up not only yourself, but your entire life, is to get your style in alignment. And by “in alignment” I mean that your outside needs to be a real-life visual representation of the woman that you are evolving into.

As I said in last week’s post, How Your Clothes Affect Your Energy, what you are wearing has a major impact on your self-image & how your brain perceives you when you look in the mirror. If you’re still dressing as the woman you were as opposed to the woman you’re becoming then you’re keeping yourself stuck in a place that no longer feels authentic. Seriously, don’t you deserve better than that?

Evolving into the next awesome badass version of you takes work. But the simplest place to start is with your closet. With that in mind, I’ve got 3 easy steps to uplevel your style now to get you started on your way.


  1. First & foremost, you need to know exactly what your style is. This is going to take some serious introspection on your part. What you think you’re supposed to wear, what other people expect you to wear is absolutely 100% irrelevant here. All that matters is what you want to wear. What makes you feel amazing? What makes you feel drop dead kickin’ ass & takin’ names gorgeous? Allow your imagination to run wild. Put zero limitations on yourself. If you could wear whatever the hell you wanted, What. Would. You. Wear.? That is the only thing that’s important. If you know it’s time to shake up your closet, but you’re not sure what gets your juices flowing in the style department then I suggest you start with taking my Soul Style Quiz. Dozens upon dozens of women have taken it & it’s been spot on every time so give it a try so that you have a starting point. You can read more about the quiz & what Soul Style is in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4 of my Soul Style series from last year.
  2. After you’ve nailed down exactly what lights your fire in the clothing department, it’s time for step two…the closet audit. Some people get all sorts of excited over sorting, organizing & decluttering. I am not one of those people. So that makes this my least favorite part of the process. However, it is definitely a necessary evil & a step that you cannot skip. 3 easy steps to uplevel your style nowMy preferred method is to remove each item one at a time. You will be sorting the pieces into 3 separate piles; Keep, Donate, Discard. Evaluate each item & determine which pile it will go in. The easy way to determine whether or not to keep something is a) does the piece align with your newfound soul style, you absolutely love it & it makes you happy or b) do you not necessarily love it, but you need to keep it for a specific reason i.e. for work or special occasion wear. Anything that does not meet those criteria goes into either the Donate or Discard pile. Now listen, here’s some tough love for ya. Do not be a baby about this. Be a ruthless closet culling bitch. Just because that coffee stained 15 year old sweatshirt is as soft & cuddly as a fluffy puppy that does not mean you get to keep it. Clean that shit out. When you’re done you should be left with ONLY pieces that 100% align with your own unique style mojo. **After the closet cleanout you might discover some gaps in your wardrobe. If that’s the case & finances allow, start adding the missing pieces to your closet. Just make sure that anything you purchase meshes with your newfound personal style. No buying crap just because it’s a good deal. Only pieces that fully express the woman you’re evolving into are allowed.**
  3. Now for the fun part…put together some outfits that shout out loud & proud exactly who the hell your fine ass is. Give ’em a trial run at home in front of your mirror. Mix & match. Swap out one top for another. Find out what pieces work together or not. Add a belt. Some jewelry. A hat. Whatever makes you happy. Have fun. Play with your clothes until you get things exactly how you want them. Look at the woman in the mirror…really look at her. I bet she’s carrying herself differently. I bet she looks happy. I bet she looks like the you that you’ve been covering up maybe your entire life. What now? Strut out your front door & down your sidewalk like it’s your personal damn runway. Own all of your juicy awesomeness & be bold, confident & badass because girl, that is exactly who you are.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…


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Marsha Banks
2 years ago

Debbie, this is so hard for me!!! I have a gigantic closet full of clothes that don’t fit this body I’ve created in the last two years. So, I can’t say they aren’t me because they will be when I lose this weight. And, I’m going to lose it because I love those clothes and they are me when I’m less! I have to say the one thing I want beyond anything else is a broken in leather moto jacket that fits me like a glove. I have never, and I mean never found one! But, that is my dream…to… Read more »

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