Do you know how many times I heard “Annnd?” when I wore this? A lot. But that’s okay because isn’t that one of the points of wearing graphic tees? They are a great conversation starter. Not that I’m a brilliant conversationalist. I’m kind of bipolar in that regard. I can be very outgoing or very restrained and quiet. I guess it just depends on the situation I find myself in.
This is one of those rare days where my hair is actually up. Typically, and this particular day was no exception, it’s because it needs washed. Or I’m being lazy. I’ve always liked the look of hair pulled up with a headband at the front, but headbands give me a big ol’ headache. This one is like a scarf with elastic in the back so it was perfect…no headache.
I recently snatched this blazer up from Target. It’s been in my online cart forever. I have another white blazer, but it’s a tad too tight in the arms to wear anything with sleeves under it. This one is ponte knit so it has plenty of stretch and I’m really loving the no collar thing it has going on. I imagine it will be in pretty heavy rotation in the future.
Linking up with: Creative Mondays Blog Hop, Mix It Mondays and Monday Bloom.