Boho Style / Work Style

Black Velvet Maxi Dress & Ankle Boots: Perfection Is Overrated

Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots.

Today I thought I’d give you a glimpse into the reality that is my every day world…


…For those of you who are unfamiliar with what my day job is, I’m a Life Skills Support teacher meaning I have the same group of kids all day, every day, for the three years that they are in middle school. My classroom is a special education classroom and my students are with me for the majority of the school day for all of their major subjects. This means that I teach Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies oftentimes with several different groups going on simultaneously due to the wildly varied levels that my kids are functioning at. Their ability levels range from kindergarten through roughly fifth grade depending upon the skill and the student. Their disabilities range from autism and intellectual disabilities to emotional/behavioral issues.

Given the fact that I spend so much time with them, I have an opportunity that most other teachers are not fortunate enough to have; the opportunity to develop a deep real relationship with my kids. I grow to love them like they’re my own. Just the other day one of my eighth graders said that I’m like his third mom and that meant the world to me because while the academics are important, what matters most to me is that I provide them a place for seven hours a day where they feel safe, important and loved.

Here’s where the reality comes into it. The outfits that you see here are more often than not what I have actually worn to work, and I take my photos every day after school. The day that I had this luscious piece of velvet gorgeousness on was a particularly rough and emotional day with the kids. In the morning I spent time sitting on the floor with a little boy who has emotional difficulties crying with his face buried in my right shoulder. He was frustrated because he thought his handwriting was messy and he burst into tears because of it, so I sat with him, hugged him and talked him through it.

Later in the day one of my aids friends came into the room and told me I was needed in the hallway. One of my girls had something happen to her at lunch that had embarrassed her deeply. She was sobbing and was literally physically halfway into her locker trying to hide. I coaxed her out and spent the next 10 minutes rocking her back and forth in my arms while she continued to cry into my left shoulder, snot bubbles and all.

So, by the time I took these shots, not only was I emotionally drained, but I also had dirt on the back of my dress and snot all over both shoulders. That my friends, is the reality. Not exactly what comes to mind when you think “fashion blogger” is it? Seriously though, perfection is overrated.

While it’s true that I typically put a great deal of thought into the outfits I wear to school each day, how I look is really not all that important when it comes down to it. It doesn’t matter if it’s velvet or denim, if my kids need me on the floor to help with a project or a puzzle or if they need a literal shoulder to cry on, then I’m there. The clothes are irrelevant. If leaving at the end of the day with snot on my favorite dress means that one of my kids went home knowing that someone truly does care enough to hold them while they cry…trust me, I’m okay with that.


This. Dress. Need I say more? This gorgeous piece of originality was given to me by the same beautiful friend that gifted me with my crazy fabulous red leather trench coat last year. Do I have the best friends or what?

Not only is it beautiful for the simple fact it’s black velvet, but the light slightly distressed gold floral pattern and Asian inspired details make it simply beyond. It is one of those pieces that make you feel like you own the world the minute that you put it on.

Of course I had to rough it up a little bit so I went not only with ankle boots, but through in the added sass of the fishnet socks. Because the neckline needed nothing extra, I went with my delicate filigree earrings (which btw happened to be named after me 🙂 ) from Shop Essentially Raine. In case your interested, and you should be because they are as lightweight as they are beautiful, the Debbie Filigree Earrings are currently on sale for $15 so you might want to check them out!


While I’m a shameless consumer and lover of pieces from large retailers, there is still nothing more fabulous than finding (or being given) a truly unique piece. Something one of a kind that literally no one you know owns. Something that will never ever show up in your Instagram feed. Something that is uniquely you. Always keep your eyes, and your mind, open…you never know when or where that special piece might show up.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots.Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots. Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots.Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots. Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots.Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots. Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots.Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots.Black velvet maxi dress and black suede ankle boots.

Dress: Similar;  Boots: Steve Madden (Similar)

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7 years ago

So glad you’re there to give those kids hugs when they need it most – here’s one for you {{hug}}.

And That. Dress. EXACTLY. Ohmygosh I’m headoverheels for it and you look amazing.

Keep up the good work – the world needs more teachers Just Like You.

xoxo Bettye

Arabella Williams
7 years ago

Your velvet dress is rendered even more beautiful, because of the raw emotions it absorbed during your day😘

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Well let’s just say that this kind of print and material probably works well to hide any snot and absorb the tears, right?
And it is luscious!!

7 years ago

The work you do is for the very few and the Gifted. You were blessed with the gift to be a special education teacher and I admire all of you Teachers. You also have the best stylish friends that are very giving & that dress is just perfect on You. Its such a great addition to your closet. Enjoy November!!

7 years ago

Fabulous dress and fabulous person! I know exactly what you are dealing with, having people who love them unconditionally and allow them to process through their emotions is such a wonderful gift. Unfortunately for these vulnerable souls life isn’t always so accommodating or kind so it’s up to us to make the time we’re with them the best and love them so they can feel it. And if you happen to look like a rockstar/supermodel in the process it’s the icing on the cake!
Great look Debbie!

7 years ago

Debbie, what a wonderful dress! I love knitting and I love stamping. I really like the elegance of the long and the neck so original. The booties and the grid socks are a great complement. You appear wonderful with this dress.

7 years ago

Beautiful post Debbie. Beautiful dress. Beautiful YOU! How blessed are your students and I can tell from your post, that you feel blessed as well! Love your style and your heart!

7 years ago

There are two jobs I have huge respect for, nurses and teachers. Kudos to you for loving your job and helping to fill this world with responsible adults.

That dress was made for you! Bravo for wearing it to work. Clothes are meant to be worn after all.


7 years ago

A really beautiful dress Debbie and a privilege to gain an insight into your very challenging but rewarding work.

Paula Holloway
7 years ago

Beautiful on the outside! But that heart ♥️ of yours is STUNNING my friend! 😘

7 years ago

That dress has found its true and rightful owner! Love this post and you, my friend.

7 years ago

You make that dress just sing! All of your extras are just right! I spent the first half of my educational career as a special education teacher. While I was not lucky enough to have my own classroom, I do know exactly what you mean when you talk of that relationship you build with each child. I have been able to maintain some of those through Facebook. Each day I spent with “my” kids was a learning experience.

7 years ago

Aww, you do a great job of being there for them Debbie. I am filling up reading this 🙁 I hate to see anyone upset, especially children.

You dress is absolutely stunning. I have not worn velvet in years but I would love this dress. You look stunning Debbie 🙂

thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop. Have a lovely stress free weekend.

7 years ago

Great LBF in lace so chic. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style party. Nicole of High Latitude Style

Emma Peach
7 years ago

What a truly amazing job you do – it’s not one I could do. Fabulous velvet dress, I love the Asian style. It looks great with the ankle boots and fishnet socks.

Emma xxx

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