casual / casual outfit / casual style / jeans / leather coat / Old Navy / peplum top / pumps / Qupid / style tips / vintage

Black And White Pumps & Peplum Top: Four Eyes

Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans.

It’s no secret to any of you who have been around long enough that I actually wear glasses…


…Once 40 hit so did the need for bifocals and every year since then my vision has gotten worse. Yep, I’m pretty much blind without them. Even so, I constantly take them off and on throughout the day because they drive me crazy. I just hate the feel of them sitting on my face. It’s pretty commonplace at work to have a timeout moment when I have to say to my kids, “Okay guys, look around the room…where did I sit my glasses down?”

Since I did not wear glasses for the majority of my life, I also don’t feel like “me” when I’m wearing them. Hence the reason almost all of my shots are done glasses-free. Funny thing though, in every shot they are hanging from my camera strap so that I can see when I need to check the shots or change the settings.

Good news though…and here’s where we get into some information that some of you might find useful. Multifocal contact lenses. About five years ago, I had tried multifocal contact lenses and they just didn’t work for me. It felt like my brain was going to explode out of my eyeballs. I decided to give them another shot in early December. Just like technology changes rapidly apparently so do contact lenses.

I can now officially see without glasses! Yes, that warranted an exclamation point. I’m not going to lie, it did take a bit of trial and error. It was actually the fifth and final pair I tried that were perfect. Well, not perfect exactly. That’s the thing with multifocals, not all ranges of vision are going to be crystal clear; you’re looking at about 80% perfect. And 80% is cool with me. I can read my phone, Kindle, books, magazines, computer etc. and I can see everything in my direct environment really well. At a distance things get a tad hazy, but not enough to be a problem. So if glasses aren’t for you or you’d just like options, but you need bifocals, give multifocal contacts a try. It might take several tries, but odds are you’ll find a pair that does the trick.


This is an example of a super basic look made special with a few details. As the base you have a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a basic black tee, although the peplum on the tee does add a little something. Buuut…add a pair of killer black and white pumps, a scarf and a leather trench and boom…it’s all a little more special.

And the best part about the black and white pumps? I scored them for under $10…you read that right, under $10. Unfortunately, they were no longer available for me to link to. The tee was also a score; on clearance at ON for $5. Considering the luscious leather trench was a gift, I’d have to say this was a pretty damn inexpensive outfit. Which of course makes it even more fabulous.


Start with simple basic pieces and add standout shoes and other fancy extras to make it anything but basic.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans.Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans. Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans.Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans. Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans.Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans. Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans. Black & white pumps, peplum top and skinny jeans.

Top: Old Navy (Similar);  Jeans: Old Navy (Similar);  Shoes: Qupid (Similar)

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7 years ago

Simply stylish! Love this look! Pretty!

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

FIrst…that coat totally reminds me of the one that Petite Over 40 had on today in her blog post!! You two are twinsies (and hot to trot)! Second—I’ve worn glasses since 4th grade, so maybe that’s why they don’t bug me as much!! In fact, I almost like wearing them more than not, because I feel like they add color to my face and cover up the bags under my eyes!! I did wear contacts in hs, college and a little after, but it’s so arid out here that my eyes hated them! Do you know people would ask me… Read more »

7 years ago

Love the peplum top, and that coat is fabulous!

7 years ago

I tried the multi-focal contact lenses a few years ago and they didn’t work for me. Maybe I’ll have to try them again so I can ditch the reading glasses! Love your peplum top and those fabulous heels!

Doused In Pink

Mary Murnane
7 years ago

Love each piece to this look. This jacket is amazing! Interesting read on multi-focal lenses, glad you found some that work for you!


Amy Christensen
7 years ago

Debbie, you are the second person this week to style a red leather trench. I need to get on the band wagon! Ha, ha. Love this outfit, because I love casual, but you put it together in both a chic – the heels and scarf and edgy – red leather, way. Well done. I love that peplum top. I have never been a big fan of them, due to the fact that they always feel constricting. But this one looks very comfy, while still giving you that fit and flare look. Great look. I may have to check out those… Read more »

7 years ago

Ahhh…the infamous leather jacket : ) Love it.

My eyes have gotten worse lately as well. I decided not to go with bifocals as I’m 100% sure they would make me ill which means I have two pairs of glasses to lose, neither of which I wear often.


7 years ago

beautiful Debbie! Love your black tee. So stylish with the leather jacket

jess jannenga
7 years ago

I love this combination Deb of the black and those pretty heels with the eye catching leather jacket! What a cool scarf too. You do look great in jeans. I read about your contacts , they sound interesting. i am blind as a bat without glasses too, but I have been wearing them so long I feel like I look weird without glasses! I bet it feels great not having to put them on.
Thanks for linking with Turning heads tuesday
jess xx

Linda Cassidy
7 years ago

love the shoes

Andreas Schneider
3 years ago

Your outfit rocks! Cool red leather coat.

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