casual style / Work Style

Blush Off The Shoulder Sweater & Pink Pumas: When Exactly?

Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.

Literally as I am writing this I just learned about yet another school shooting and I cannot silence my thoughts. As always when I decide to write a post such as this I’m telling you up front…


…You do not have to agree with me, nor do you even have to like what I have to say. But you DO have to behave in a respectful manner. I will not in any way shape or form tolerate nasty or negative comments. If you don’t like what you are reading you absolutely have the right to close the web page and move on to something more in line with your views. Also, do not bother telling me that this is a “fashion blog” and I have no right delving into anything difficult or uncomfortable to discuss. My blog, my rules; I write what I feel and that is simply the way it is.

Just like millions of other people, I can’t stop asking, “When will enough be enough?” What exactly is the magic number of dead, injured and traumatized children that will be the number that makes lawmakers actually do something other than think and pray? Seriously, what is the damn number?

When exactly will the absurdity of educators and children going to school each day with the knowledge that they could die in school that day be absurd enough to take steps to make our schools the safe haven once again that they used to be? When exactly will the face of yet another devastated parent who has lost their child to gun violence be the last one?

When exactly will our elected officials stop laying the entirety of the blame on video games and mental illness in order to appease a wealthy special interest group? I don’t think it takes a genius to recognize the fact that there are video games in other industrialized nations; and it’s probably safe to say that there are, in all likelihood, individuals with mental illness. What there isn’t? Easy access to weapons. Hmmm…

According to CNN (the bastion of fake news), since 2009, the United States has had 57 times as many school shootings as the other other G7 countries combined. 288 shootings vs. 5 shootings. Again, hmmm… How can any human with a brain not see what this statistic is telling us? We as a country should be ashamed. Ashamed of our inaction. Ashamed of our elected officials. Ashamed of the fact that we have miserably failed our children.

Don’t get all excitable. I don’t want your damn guns. As a matter of fact, in the past I have quite enjoyed shooting at the range. I am not anti-gun. I am anti-murdering of our children. What I want is for common sense to prevail. What I want is a tightening of laws in regard to who, what, when and how guns are being purchased. And perhaps a strong mental health program/support system wouldn’t hurt either. I want my daughter to be able to go to school and not worry about bleeding out on the floor of some random hallway. I want to be able to go to work and not have to worry about taking a bullet for someone’s child.

Is that really asking so much?


First of all, let me point out that yes, it is snowing in these shots. And no, they are not recent. They are from about a month ago when it was still snowing off and on. Today it’s actually 83 degrees outside, so no snow happening here.

Although this outfit might not look like anything special, it is actually comprised of some of my favorite individual pieces. The blush off the shoulder sweater has been a favorite since I picked it up over the Winter at Missguided. The color is beautiful and I love the off the shoulder look. While it’s a bit too bulky for the balmy days of Summer, it would be perfect for a cool evening by the fire pit.

The gray pants? My friends…let me tell you, since my recent discovery of the Tomgirl line of pants and jeans at American Eagle, their are no other pants/jeans that measure up. Not even my years long love affair with GAP boyfriend jeans compares. They are super soft, perfectly slouchy and true to size. I adore them so much that in the last few months I’ve acquired these pants in gray, black, and navy blue. I have also picked up the non-distressed version of the jeans as well as the Classic Vintage Destroy distressed jeans. I cannot recommend them highly enough; and this is in no way sponsored, I simply love them.

Of course how can you not love a pair of pink suede Pumas? Mine are actually girls’ size. If you are like me and have small feet, always check for a kid’s version of shoes; the quality and style are typically the same, but the price is substantially less. As for the sweet little floral print bag? That was an in-store score from JCPenney. The print is so beautiful I couldn’t resist it, although I’m a bigger bag kind of girl, so it isn’t necessarily practical for everyday use for me due to the smaller size.


Definitely check out the American Eagle Tomgirl pants and jeans. Do not let the fact that American Eagle is typically a “younger” store dissuade. Like I always say, if you love something wear it…and hey, it’s not like they are going card you at the door when you enter American Eagle.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.Gray pants, blush off the shoulder sweater and pink Pumas.

Sweater: Missguided (Similar);  Pants: American Eagle;  Shoes: Puma;  Handbag: JCPenney

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Dawn Robinson
5 years ago

What is happening in this world is very scary. We have always had terrible things happen but never to this extent. I just watched a local woman share a video of her begging the bus driver to move her daughter away from another kid that is bullying her. The bus driver is not able to control the situation and the school system won’t get involved (in any real way), parents are unable to control their own children (because they either won’t or are afraid of social services or how the child will lash out on them). We need to look… Read more »

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

ASHAMED! Yes, we should all be ashamed at our inaction! I totally agree with you. It is unimaginable that our nation is not doing anything to protect our children. OUR children. SMDH

Love your pants – I’ll check them out!

Reply to  Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

It just makes me so freakin’ angry!!! It’s like open season & they refuse to budge.
Yes my friend…. definitely give the pants/jeans a try!

5 years ago


Reply to  Dawn
5 years ago

Right?? It really isn’t all that difficult…

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

You are right on all counts, I have no idea when people will wake up and do the right thing. There does need to be a standard of more strict gun laws and background checks as it’s not just schools getting attacked, here in Florida it’s in movie theatres, restaurants, office buildings. Arming teachers won’t prevent that. It’s a shame. I feel like I’m looking through rose colored glasses when I see these pictures, lol, keeps a heavy and emotional topic a little lighter with all the beauty. Love your hair and the outfit – I need to try those… Read more »

Robin LaMonte
5 years ago


You are exactly right when it comes to guns and school shootings!
But as long as people own guns, have guns being sold to mentally ill people, have a child being bullied and wants revenge, someone will have a child use their gun collection, or a child finds a parents loaded gun and accidentally shoots someone we will still have shootings on the 5 o’clock news.

As always, a good topic and a great outfit!


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