Boho Style / casual style

Boho Top & Boyfriend Jeans: Taking Time For Yourself

Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch.

Well, here I am…back from an unplanned break from blogging…


…Perhaps you missed me, or perhaps I overestimate my internet importance and you didn’t even notice that I was gone. 🙂 In any case, I took a much needed break for about a week although it wasn’t necessarily by choice. Here’s the thing, due to everything that was going on I should have taken a break, but due to my touch of OCD, I just could not concede defeat to the lack of hours available in each day.

But the universe, fate, God, my personal unicorn spirit guide…or whatever private belief system that you subscribe to, made me take a break. Early last week I was hit with the mother of all cold/flu viruses. It started in my face, eventually made it’s way to my chest and in a stunning kick a girl while she’s down move, it invaded my um, intestinal system, to put it delicately. I had a deep hacking cough that sounded decidedly plague-like and was so intense that I ended up pulling a muscle in my back from coughing. Probably TMI, but I wanted you to get the full experience…ya, I’m thoughtful like that. By the end of the week I had no other alternative but to call off work which is something that I never, as in ever, do. Needless to say, blogging was really not on my list of things to do at that point.

Here’s the thing though, even though I was medicated to the gills (and at one point coated in Vick’s on the front and Icy Hot on the back) and basically miserable, I truly needed that time alone in the quiet of my home to do nothing other than rest and recoup. I didn’t worry about what was happening in my classroom (which for me, is huge), I didn’t worry about the blog, writing IEP’s , cleaning the house or cooking dinner. My only concern was making sure that my temperature control foot stayed safely untangled from the blankets that I was buried under. And do you  know what? I needed that. I needed some time to just mentally shut down, relax and sleep.

Perhaps had I done the smart thing, and taken a break on my own when I knew that I needed one, without the interference of my unicorn spirit guide, maybe I could have taken an enjoyable mental break minus the ass-kicking illness. Now there’s a novel idea. So here’s my little nugget of advice to you even though I know that most of you already know better…take time for yourself. No, I don’t mean that few minutes of quiet that you grab at 5 a.m. with your morning coffee. That time is important too, but what I’m talking about is taking a big ol’ chunk of time for yourself whenever you start to feel overwhelmed. I realize that is not realistic on an everyday basis. I’m talking about those periods in our lives where there is simply too much going on at one time, those periods where you are quite simply overwhelmed.

There is nothing wrong with saying that you need a break and then actually taking one for a few days or so. Needing a break is not an admission of laziness or a sign of weakness. Quite the opposite actually. I think it shows great strength to admit when you’ve reached a point where you just need to step back for awhile. There’s nothing wrong with sitting on the sidelines and allowing others to pick up the slack for you. There’s nothing wrong with giving up control for a little while when in the long run you’ll come back stronger than before. Believe it or not the housework will still get done (and if it doesn’t, so what?), dinner will still get cooked, your place of employment will still continue to function, and yes…the internet will still exist without you.


Between the velvet maxi dress and the kimono I styled as a dress, my last few posts were a little, shall we say “dressy” in comparison to my usual look. With that in mind, I knew my next post had to be casual, more every day “me”. And what’s more my personal casual style than a boho top, distressed boyfriend jeans and my slouchy Birkenstock boots? Nothing, unless it involves denim shorts I suppose.

I picked up this red boho top at Target a year or so ago and I haven’t worn it for ages. It was perfect the day I wore it here because it was one of those in between not sure if it’s Summer or Fall days. It’s lightweight, but the longer sleeves provided more coverage and the long sweater vest was the perfect light top layer for the touch of breeziness in the air. On those casual days that I’m dressing for me and not dress down day at work, you’ll always find me in some iteration of distressed denim. Most typically it’s of the boyfriend jeans variety. The slouchy boots, minus socks, were the perfect finishing touch for a not quite warm not quite cool day.


Think lighter layers on those in between seasons days. A cardigan might be too much over a top with long sleeves so a sweater vest is perfect. You can wear your ankle boots on warmer days too, just lose the warm socks and you’re good to go.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch.Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch. Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch.Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch. Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch.Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch. Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch.Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch. Boho top, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstock boots and fringe clutch.

Top: Target (Similar);  Jeans; GAP;  Boots: Birkenstock via;  Vest: JCPenney (Similar);  Clutch: Similar

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Petite Silver Vixen
6 years ago

I love that colour of the boho top on you, Debbie. You look cool and comfortable. And wow to that fringing on the bag!

I hope you’re feeling better. I know more than most about how frustrating it is to be away from the blog but you’re absolutely right, your health comes first. Sending lots of healing vibes your way.

6 years ago

FYI, I missed you! I’m glad you are feeling better.

Jaymie Ashcraft
6 years ago

Glad you are feeling better!

6 years ago

Love the red top and the casual style. I totally get it about taking a break when needed–not that many of us actually do it! So–good advice. Take care.

Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

I’m glad you’re doing better, Debbie! Your words hit home so much, can I just say? I’ve become a little overwhelmed, and I’ve promised myself that starting next month I’m going to do exactly what you suggest. My husband will be retiring then, so I’m hoping for some walks, sleeping in, and overall relaxation!!!

6 years ago

I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. That sounded terrible.

I find that my FM pretty much shuts me down when I let things get carried away too long.

I LOVE that photo of you and the bulldog! Ha ha! Brilliant : )

Nancy Baten
6 years ago

Yes I did miss you. I am glad you feel better. I ll bet your cute dog is too!

Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Debbie, it seems your unicorn spirit has moved on to me with its very important message! As I have been completely overwhelmed the past few weeks and biting off more than I can chew, I kept telling myself…slow down, you are going to crash. Yet, I pushed myself through the one last thing I had this past weekend (a super inspiring blog conference in NE PA)…I arrived home last night completely exhausted and suddenly, the worst sore throat of my life came upon me complete with the most horrendous nausea. I am quite certain that I have strep throat and… Read more »

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

Debbie, you were certainly missed! I’m sorry you had such a crappy week being ill – it’s just awful feeling like that. I’ve been ill this week too but I won’t bore you with the details. Glad to know you’re well enough to be back at the blog though. Needless to say, you look stunning, as always!
Suzy xx

6 years ago

While I’m sorry you were so sick sometimes it takes that to teach us, or rather remind us, how important down time is. I am thrilled you are back because I love your style! Today’s look is one of my favorites and if it ever cools enough here I will wear it! Nothing better in my book than a comfy boho look – great colors and just so visually appealing – the fringe, the distressed denim, the sweater vest, love everything about it!
Have a great day Deb!

6 years ago

Ah Debbie, we are sisters from different mothers! I worried about my blog while I was still in the hospital!! So sorry you suffered, and glad you are recovered. And looking fab in this Boho outfit. Thanks for linking up, xo


Linda Lyden
Linda Lyden
6 years ago

May I ask the current color of your hair…it’s so unique and beautiful! Thanks, Linda

Connie K
Connie K
6 years ago

Yes, we missed you! Sorry to hear you were so sick. Hope you are feeling much better now!

6 years ago

Oh, so sorry that you were sick, Debbie. I think many women find it hard to take time out until some external force makes it unavoidable. I also think that this especially happens with teachers. I have several teacher friends who try to power through regardless of their own needs, and it often takes an illness or a broken bone to get them to take a break. I hope that you make a full recovery and remember to rest and refresh yourself. Oh, about that outfit – I love the relaxed boho vibe.

6 years ago

Oh my Debbie, so glad to hear you are feeling better. Sometimes we push ourselves so hard and then make ourself to far and then get knocked off our feet with an illness. We all need breaks to recover and then you feel fresh at coming back when you’re right again. Thanks for joining me at The Wednesday Blog Hop. Love this look Debbie 🙂

6 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. The cute fringe clutch is the perfect finishing touch for this look! Great styling!

Emma Peach
6 years ago

Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Sometimes you just have to forget everything and concentrate on recovering. I love your pretty top and fringed bag. Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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