
Bright Red & Olive

I really like this color combination. Although pairing the two might be a little bit expected, there’s a reason for that…they look great together!  One of the old school fashion rules (which by the way are for the most part ridiculous) says that redheads shouldn’t wear red. Silly rules! I like it and I think it complements my coloring. Now yellow, that’s another story. I very rarely wear yellow near my face, not a good look for me. The one exception is a neon yellow cardigan that belonged to my mother, I wear that on occasion because I feel close to her when I do.  I like wearing bright colors all year. Darker colors are popular in the colder months, but I always like to throw in some color. I’d wear this red top in the cooler months with a cardi or blazer thrown over it for warmth. As for the shoes…a shot of leopard print is always a good thing!

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