Boho Style / Work Style

Camo Tunic & OTK Boots: Impulse Shopper

Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender.

Who amongst us hasn’t at least once been drawn in by the allure of impulse shopping…


…From a candy bar or a Chapstick in the checkout line to a whole new Spring wardrobe top that catches your eye on a grocery run to Target, we’ve all been there. With impulse shopping like most things though, I either go big or go home. Hence, the night before last I came home with a new Jeep after innocently taking my husband to pick his truck up from servicing at the garage.

Yes, I said Jeep. Substantially pricier than a Chapstick or a top I have to say. How does one “impulse buy” a Jeep you might be thinking? Well, it goes back to the strange attachment I’ve had to a few of my previous vehicles.

I’ve been a Jeep girl for years. My first true love was my original navy blue Jeep Cherokee. She was the old school boxy style Jeep and I truly loved her; as a matter of fact I actually cried when she came to the end of her life and I had no choice but to trade her in.

Unfortunately, the Jeep I traded her for was not a favorite. In fact, I despised it, but I schlepped around in it for years because at the time I had no choice. I rarely washed it, the inside looked a white trash flea market gone wrong…I never even gave it a name or gender like I tend to do with my vehicles.

One day I was sitting at a traffic light and a sparkly shimmer caught the corner of my eye. That’s not hyperbole. No, a for real almost blinding flash hit me in the eye. I looked…and was immediately in love. Sitting there sparkling in the Spring sunlight was my Ruby. She was a beautiful metallic red Jeep and she was calling my name.

Within a few days I had traded my flea market on wheels for this new little beauty. I loved her, cared for her and drove her for several years until she too reached the end of her life and alas, last year I had to trade her.

While I was sad, this time I did really like the vehicle I traded her for. She was a little black Compass whom I christened “Raven”. I was fine with Raven, really I was. But then our trip to the dealership to pick up the truck…light shone down from heaven and I swear I heard a choir of angels…there she was, Ruby 2.0. She would be mine, oh yes, she would be mine.

The rest as they say, is history. After some discussion and test driving and whatnot, home I went with the new and improved version of Ruby. While I don’t necessarily recommend extreme impulse shopping for everyone, I gotta tell ya, she’s a helluva lot more fun then a Chapstick.


I’m a big fan of camo. And skirt extenders. As a matter of fact, I once did an entire post about skirt extenders. So pairing my camo tunic with my gray extender was a no-brainer. It’s an easy cute outfit with minimal effort. Throw on a pair of over the knee boots to keep the legs warm, and you’re good to go.

The purpose of a skirt extender is to add a little length (and a little pretty) to dresses and skirts that might be shorter than you’re comfortable with. For us short girls though, they open up a whole world of options. On tall girls a tunic is, well, a tunic. But for us shorter babes, if you throw an extender underneath all of your tunics can do double duty as dresses. Cool trick, am I right?


Pick up a few skirt extenders to add more mileage and versatility to your wardrobe. A sundress or slip dress with a lace, tulle or chiffon flounce at the hem will do the trick too. I’ve linked to the exact one I’m wearing as well as a few other cute options below.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender.Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender.Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender. Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender.Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender. Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender.Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender. Camo tunic, otk boots and dress extender.

Tunic/Dress: Similar;  Skirt Extender: Grace & Lace;  Boots: Charlotte Russe: Similar

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
6 years ago

I’d have to say that’s extreme impulse shopping! Nope…never done that before (at least to that level). LOL!!!
Gotta love the dress extenders, and I’m not sure why I’ve been ignoring mine….thanks for the inspiration!!

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

I’m a Jeep girl too! I drive a Jeep Wrangler and I LOVE it! I’ve had other Jeep products but the Wrangler is my fav. I’d like a 4 door one day maybe. I love the dress extender. I don’t have one. It looks great under your tunic top!

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

Congrats on Raven 2.0!
You are the queen of the extenders and you’ve inspired us all! Hope you have a great weekend driving around in your new ride!!!!

Nancy Baten
6 years ago

Well, where is Ruby???
No, I am not that impulsive haha. Your outfit is perfect, It is so you. Have a great weekend!

Bettye L Rainwater
6 years ago

Okay, Russell, I mean, ex-husband, I mean, Debbie, ha. Cars (and sketchy businesses) were my ex-husband’s shiny object and he arrived more than once during our marriage with a sheepish grin and a new car/motorcycle in the driveway.

Cars are not one of my impulse items. That’s too high stakes for me!

But I do love the camo with ruffly underlayer!

And do I see snow falling??


6 years ago

Okay I just did the whole new spring wardrobe from Target the other day when I went in for some tea, But you have me beat with a car. Love how you use extenders, and this outfit looks amazing on you. Thanks for the inspiration.

Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

Love the mix of tough and feminine, camo and romantic lace, Debbie. such a cool outfit too wit hthe boots, love it! Your new jeep does sound like a beauty! and how hard is it not to impulse buy at Target? hehe.
Have a great day!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

6 years ago

I just love how this camo tunic looks with your flowy skirt extender! I was actually wearing my one and only skirt extender yesterday (that I purchased after admiring yours and Daenel’s!). I need to remember trying it under tunics.

Glad you have your Ruby 2.0! Sounds like a match made in heaven. 🙂

Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Debbie, I love this story and this outfit. You totally had me at camo dress and dress extender! This post is a featured favorite on my link up today! Thanks for joining!


Michelle Orsi
6 years ago

Great layered look. Loving the boots

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