Boho Style / casual style

Floral Kimono & Pride Tee: Love, Diversity & Basic Human Rights

Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans.

Due to all of the crazy that’s been happening in my world since May, I unfortunately had to miss out on Pridefest in Pittsburgh this year. Fortunately though, my daughter and I were able to attend the Pride festivities in Warren, Ohio over the weekend…


…Before I get too far into this, I want to add my usual disclaimer prior to a post that some may find offensive. If you happen to be of the mindset that our fellow human beings who are a part of the LGBTQ community are undeserving of the same rights that we of the hetero community have, then move along. Seriously, move along…I will not trifle with trolls. I am willing to listen to those who respectfully present differing political beliefs. I am not however willing to listen to someone who is opposed to basic human rights for those who are different from ourselves whether it be race, religion, sexual orientation or some other preconceived difference.

As many of you already know, I am the proud mom of a gay son and the best son-in-law in the world. I do not take kindly to anyone trying to deny my boys the same rights to simply live their lives, love one another and be happy and safe that everyone else enjoys.

With that bit of business out of the way, let me start by saying that I have not once attended a Pride event where the overwhelming majority of people aren’t the kindest most joyful people that I’ve ever been around. You can pretty much strike up a conversation with anyone and come away from it feeling just that much happier with the world.

Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans.

Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by so much color and joy and love…

Pride In The Valley Warren, OhioPride In The Valley Warren, Ohio

We need to remember though, that while Pride Month is a beautiful celebration of love, diversity and inclusiveness, the reason behind it is not so beautiful. We need LGBTQ Pride month and all of the celebrations and parades that go with it to bring awareness to the fact that an entire segment of our population, of the human race, is being denied basic rights and freedoms. It is not only LGBTQ rights that we are fighting for…it’s human rights.

People who chirp statements such as “Well, why don’t we have a Straight Pride month?” are utterly ludicrous. So called “straight” people don’t have to worry about being denied the right to marry the person that they love, being fired from their jobs or denied healthcare; they do not have to fear getting beaten in the street or in some countries, put to death, simply because of who they love. Yes, everyone has their own ideologies and opinions, but this isn’t about ideology. It is about humanity.

I have never been one to back down when it comes to defending the LGBTQ community whether it be with people that I know, strangers and now apparently, corporations. JCPenney is a store that I have featured often in my posts because they have cute clothes at an affordable price point and because honestly, it’s the only store near me in an under 30 minute driving range.

JCPenney has developed the reputation over the last several years as being supportive of the LGBTQ community and I am not necessarily denying that. Although a recent incident at my local JCPenney store and the subsequent “discussion” I had with JCPenney via Twitter calls that into question, at least in my mind.

Originally the Pride apparel at the store was out and displayed where it was easily visible. However when my daughter and I went back to the store to purchase some tees we were unable to locate them. Mind you, this is in no way a huge JCP…it’s a small two floor store located in an almost entirely dead mall. We finally discovered the Pride display…in the elevator alcove in the very back of the store. Talk about putting the gay community back in the closet…

Hiding the merchandise away in what amounts to a closet was offensive to begin with, but what really spurred me into action though was the discovery that the entire display had supposedly been moved due to the loud complaints of some random man who found it “offensive”. The response of the random man was not surprising as I live in a very backwoods small-minded slice of Pennsylvania. What was surprising was the response by JCPenney in choosing to hide the Pride merchandise away where it wouldn’t offend anyone’s delicate sensibilities.

Within minutes of my tweet in regard to the situation I received a response from JCPenney. Initially I was super impressed. It felt like they were really taking the issue seriously. After some dm’s back and forth, they assured me that the problem had been taken care of. The above photos? Those were taken two days after our conversation.

I sent the photos to JCPenney via our DM conversation. Their response? Nothing. Nada. Cue the crickets in the background… I’m pretty certain they were hoping that I would simply give up and go away. Obviously they don’t know me. When you have, figuratively speaking, slapped my son in the face, disregarding me is not going to silence me…quite the opposite in fact. You have awoken the mama bear and I will hold you accountable. The thing is, had JCPenney actually truly dealt with the situation and treated my concerns with respect, I would have written a post singing their praises, but sadly, here we are.

Herein lies the issue…you either support LGBTQ rights or you don’t. There is no middle ground. There is no “we support the LGBTQ community unless it’s inconvenient for us”. You need to pick a side and stand by your decision. As a major corporation it has to be an across the board policy. If you truly support the LGBTQ community then you cannot allow not even one tiny backwoods store to go rogue and not hold them accountable for their actions. Every single JCPenney store represents your corporate beliefs. When it is brought to your attention, you cannot simply ignore it and hope that it goes away. You cannot allow a segment of the population to be hidden away in an alcove while at the same time claiming to support their basic human rights. 


Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans.


For obvious reasons, nothing that I’m wearing today comes from JCPenney…

There are few things that I love more than a good kimono. And this floral kimono I found at Walmart is all kinds of pretty. I’m not normally a fan of yellow, and yet here I am sporting a yellow kimono. It’s simply that pretty. I picked it up in-store, but it’s also available online (For some reason it’s showing as “sold out” in the Shopstyle widget, but it isn’t). In my opinion, there is no easier way to dress up a casual look then to toss a kimono over top. The beauty of that is, they work all year ’round, but are especially useful in the summer when the temperatures aren’t especially conducive to layering.

The Love Is Love tee is from Old Navy a few years back. What else should one wear to a Pride festival other thank a Pride tee. Not surprisingly I have several, most of which are from the Human Rights Campaign. They have so many cute tees/tanks to choose from along with other Pride gear. Also not surprisingly, I picked up another tank top at the Pride festival.

In the spirit of mixing things up, I went with my white Tomgirl jeans instead of my usual blue. The white jeans don’t get to come out and play as often as my other denim. I like the way all of the colors popped against the white. I finished it off with my ever present Adidas since we were doing a lot of walking and they are the most comfortable sneakers that I own…plus they make everything look just a hair cooler than it would otherwise.

Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans. Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans.


Kimonos are your BFF. I suggest a variety of prints and colors so that you have plenty of options to jazz up just about any outfit. They are easy to throw on and a kimono is also an easy no thought involved way to throw in some print mixing too.

Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans. Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans. Floral kimono, pride tee & white jeans.

Kimono: Walmart;  Jeans: American Eagle;  Tee: Old Navy (Similar);  Sneakers: Adidas

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

You are the best at persistence Debbie. And that’s what we need to make change!!
I just don’t understand why everyone can’t support love? It’s love. How is that wrong? It shouldn’t matter who you love. It’s much better than hate. Which is what is happening if you don’t support it.
LOVE the kimono…of course.

Mary Katherine
Mary Katherine
4 years ago


1) Gorgeous outfit, and your hair looks great.
2) Fabulous backdrop
3) well said about human rights
4) I immediately gobble up your posts now to see if there’s any news on how your husband is doing after his injury and the whole situation. I admire how you’re keeping your blog true to the story and the fashion and don’t want to share personal details. Just know that we’re ALL rooting for your family and healing/wellness in the physical, financial and all other realms.

4 years ago

You must be the best mum a gay guy could wish for! In Amsterdam the pride is helt in the canals! It’s full of boats with the most gorgeous people dancing on it! It is such a happy fest!

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

My friend, this post. It’s brilliant. And yet it is so upsetting and disturbing. I hear you loud and clear. Too bad JCP is not. I guess you have to speak louder! And isn’t it the most awful that we have to put disclaimers on our posts because we are sharing our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that may be conceived as offensive to someone? Yet, the truly offensive people run amok spewing their offensive bullshit all over the place without a concern. I have recently run into issues in my personal life where apparently the way in which I love… Read more »

Kellyann Rohr
4 years ago

It drives me crazy that we live in a world where we’re so concerned about offending one person that we end up hurting others. I have been so pleased to see that there’s so much pride merchandise out and about here in Orlando. I’m not too surprised (which is sad) that it’s not as welcome in rural PA. Good for you for letting JCP know!

4 years ago

Brava, my friend, for your persistence and passion. I’m going to write to JCP (corporate) and let them know this story too. I love the look and feel of pride month, but even more I love what is means: LOVE IS LOVE.

I had the privilege of being at the Stonewall Inn a couple of weeks ago. The spirit is amazing, positive and peaceful. You go, momma bear! xox

4 years ago

Unfortunately, I live in the state that spawned Mike Pence. And, yet, it also is the home of some of the loveliest people I know…gay and trans kids I had the distinct pleasure of teaching. Theirs has not always been easy, but they persevered and are now living lives of love and truth. I hate they even had to fight for those kinds of lives. I guess we’re talking about straight privilege. I never, in a million years, would have thought we would be having these conversations again. It infuriates me when anyone can’t see the very wrongness of what… Read more »

Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

“the most comfortable sneakers that I own…plus they make everything look just a hair cooler than it would otherwise.” Ha ha, yeah, cuz you need help in the “looking cool” department. NOT!

And speaking of departments, BOO to Penneys for putting Pride in the corner. I don’t generally shop there anyway, but now I’m EXTRA not shopping there…and I will gladly share my displeasure at this incident with them.


Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

PS – what store was this??


Suzy Turner
4 years ago

WOW, what a stupid response from JC Penney!!! How idiotic of them to simply put Pride in the corner! I’m glad you persevered, Debbie. Hopefully someone there might actually start to listen.
I love your outfit. You always wear kimonos so beautifully. I still haven’t got any of my own though!
Suzy xxx

aditi oberoi malhotra
4 years ago

Such an amazing read! You look gorgeous. Loved your tee!
Adi xx |

4 years ago

This is so well said. Love is love and why would anyone want to support hate! I’m baffled that a major corporation would do something so hurtful to please one small-minded person. By doing that they’ve kept one customer but probably have now lost hundreds.

Love your pretty kimono! Your styling is fabulous!

Jill – Doused in Pink

4 years ago

When I was in my 20s most of my friends were gay and I’d go to gay nightclubs all the time – and never once did I experience aggression or fighting like you get in straight nightclubs – they were the friendliest most fun places! And a bonus was that they were not sleazy at all (for me)

Emma Peach
4 years ago

Well done for calling JCP out on this! It’s so disappointing that they moved the Pride merchandise due to a complaint – they should be politely challenging people like that and standing their ground. I love your yellow kimono and T-shirt. The colours really do pop against the white jeans. Fabulous look!

Emma xxx

4 years ago

Oh Debbie I am so glad I read this post. I know the LGBT Community is so close to your heart and I am proud of you for calling out JC Penney. I looked too late for a pride T-Shirt this year and none were left in my size that I loved. But I did wear a lot of multi-colorful and rainbow items last month and did the same with Vivian. Actually I wrote an entire post on this ‘subject’ that I would love for you to read. Coincidentally I also spoke about the display of the LGBT Community and… Read more »

Jessica A Jannenga
4 years ago

Debbie, I am so with you! and the statement that ” We don’t have a Stright Pride month ” is just stupid. Some people have to have an argument without it even making sense.! I love that you wrote to JC Penney and presented their problem, terrible that they just gave “lip service” and didn’t do anything. No real action. I hate when companies talk out of two sides of their mouth. . I am all for people loving other people! Love your outfit, the bright mustard color is so fantastic and one of my favorite colors. I could use… Read more »

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