brown boots / chambray shirtdress / Uncategorized

Chambray Shirtdress & Brown Boots: The World’s Dumbest Hornet

Look verrrryyy carefully at these photos. Do you see it? Look carefully. It’s the sun!! And bare legs; no tights, no leggings. Hallelujah! Sunshine and melting snow, life is good. Although not necessarily for the world’s dumbest hornet. We have these striped devil-beast insects that nest somewhere on the side of our house. Several times every summer, they plot and scheme and stage unprovoked attacks on me. Only me, no one else. They dive in out of nowhere like teeny tiny kamikaze pilots, sting me and then vanish. Two summers ago one of the little cretins gave me a black eye. Yes, I got a black eye from an insect. It stung me right under my left eye which then swelled up and bruised. Needless to say, I detest them. With every fiber of my being. When I went out to take these pictures one of the little geniuses was sitting there ever so gently flexing it’s wings. On top of a melting snowdrift. Yes, it’s certainly warming up outside, but only an intellectually stunted hornet would be out perched on a pile of snow. What did I do? Buried him of course. I’m sure his brethren were watching from somewhere and I’ll pay dearly once it stays above 60 on a regular basis.

I’ve worn this chambray shirtdress as a duster, but this is it’s first spin as an actual dress. The scarf was a recent birthday gift from my adopted mom and it couldn’t have been more perfect with the chambray. And I swear the boots are brown, but due to the overabundance of sweet, sweet sunlight reflecting off of the remaining snow they look rather black. On it’s own this dress is rather sack-like and plain, but I suppose that’s what makes it such a great starting point. I added the loose double wrap belt because while it needed belted to give it some definition, it hung oddly with a tighter belt. The scarf was perfect for adding a pop of color and some visual interest to what would otherwise be a yawn worthy dress.

Linking up with:  Thursday Fashion Files, Throwback Thursday, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, What I Wore To Work, A Labour Of Fashion, Reason To Dress.

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Shirtdress: Old Navy (Old);  Boots: Target: (Old);  Scarf: Gift

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9 years ago

The chambray dress is gorgeous on you, I love it! And thank goodness for the sun 🙂

9 years ago

Yay for bare legs! You styled your shirtdress perfectly! Such an effortless look!

Doused In Pink

9 years ago

That scarf is fantastic over the chambray dress. I recently picked up a green buffalo scarf, also.

9 years ago

So wonderful that Spring might show up after all!

Your eyes look so blue in these photos.

We have problems with wasps here. I hate them too. I can’t believe you have hornets there already. Don’t they die in the winter?


Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Hee … your hornet story made me laugh. If there’s one mosquito in a 20 mile radius it will no doubt find me and no one else. Ugh. Anyway, loving the chambray dress! I might need one of those! Yes, a great basic and starting point for a super cute look. Don’t forget to stop by Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

Nice outfit. What jumps out at me is your hair — it’s beautiful. Enjoy the end of Winter.

9 years ago

Love this look. Gorgeous dress.

Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

9 years ago

Such a cute denim dress. I love how you styled it with the scarf.
Fash Boulevard

9 years ago

Hi Deb! Dumb hornet, how dare he, when you were just trying to enjoy some sunshine!! I love the shirtdres on you, blue is a great color on you, I am just now adding more to my closet. ANd geez, showing leg!! I wrote about this fortomorrow, but someone from FB asked me ” Why do you always wear tights??” So I make mention of bare legs for next week. My response was, ‘ When it is cold I wear tights, and it has been cold” ugh. I love the boots and the bare legs Deb!! from the link up,… Read more »

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

Ouch! an hornet gave you a black eye once, that sounds so painful .I love this outfit on you and the scarf is the perfect touch to it.


Hope to see you for TBT Fashion link up.

9 years ago

Killer bug attack! Ahhhhhh! We have these bees in Germany that are gigantic… they are fat and about 2 inches long, but they are endangered and if you’re caught killing them, you get a 50,000 Euro fine! It’s crazy! They’ve been buzzing around my bedroom window for the last several weeks and we don’t have screens! I’m scared to open the windows! In other news, I love these photos! Chambray, FTW!
: signe : the daily savant :
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9 years ago

Love that chambray dress on you! Those boots go perfectly with the outfit! xo Andrea

Boho Bunnie

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
9 years ago

I just shot photos this weekend (in our lovely upper 60’s weather!) in a chambray shirt dress, too! GMTA!!! I did flats with mine instead of boots, because I am ready to put the boot away darnit… I did a skinny belt and scarf, tho… I love that I can get my lighter scarves out this time of year. I love how you did a scarf in blue colors, it looks so pretty with the dress!


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