Change doesn’t happen overnight my friends. Especially meaningful forever kind of changes. If you’re looking to unleash the freakin’ fierce AF woman that you know lives deep inside you & start living the big bold badass life you’ve always wanted to live, it comes down to just one simple thing…
…Change your habits, change your life. Habits are the repeated actions or behaviors that you repeat over & over regularly that require little or no thought at all. You simply repeat them on autopilot, good or bad, your habits make you who you are. Think about it, from your morning cup of coffee…to the drive to work…to the thoughts that run through your head on a loop and the way you twist your hair while you’re thinking those thoughts, the majority of your behaviors and actions are habitual. Your habits can either move you forward or hold you back, but the incredible thing is you & only you have the power to make or break your habits. You get to decide what your habits are. Seriously, how empowering is that?
It takes desire & it takes consistency, but you truly can change your habits. But here’s the key…start small. If you attempt to change too many things at one time you’ll become overwhelmed & give up. You’ll start feeling like a failure. Then you’ll end up right back where you started.
This is where the desire part comes into play. You. Have. To. Want. It. Deep down inside & you have to want it hard. Do you know why? Because even if you develop a new baby badass habit (that’s just my name for tiny habits or micro habits) it might not be all that impressive. The reason is, in the short term we don’t necessarily see the difference that baby badass habits (bbh’s from now on) make. The thing is though the effect of bbh’s is cumulative…they grow over time. It may not be sexy on the daily, but if you look at the difference after a year…five years…ten years? Damn, girl! You’ll be an entirely different person.
And that my friend, is why consistency is critical. You can’t practice a new bbh randomly or whenever you feel like it. You have to show up for it every single day. No excuses. Otherwise one day off becomes two, two days become three & so on. See what I’m sayin’ there? If you’re not consistent, it’s not gonna take. The cool thing is though, if you keep up the consistency before you know it…boom, it’s a habit.
The baby badass habits that will make a difference in your life are entirely up to you. Obviously who we want to be, where we see ourselves going & how we want our lives to look is as unique & individual as we are.
I did want to share some super general bbh’s, in no particular order, that have worked for me, are fairly easy to implement & that can improve anyone’s life incrementally, one day at a time.
- Hydrate. Seriously, probably 30 years ago I started the habit of drinking a glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning. I try to get in a minimum of 64 oz a day. Trust me, your body & your skin will thank you.
- Grow your brain. Read, journal, take online courses, watch documentaries. Do something every day to keep those brain cells poppin’.
- Move your ass. Go for a walk. Play with your dog. Swim laps. Walk up & down the steps at work a few times. Whatever it looks like for you…move your body every day.
- Get ready for the morning the night before. Lay out your outfit. Pack your lunch. Fill your water bottle. Put a clean mask in your purse. Do all the things at night & make your morning a thousand times less stressful.
- If it takes less than 5 minutes, do it right now. If there’s a task that needs doing & it’ll take you less than 5 minutes to do then do it immediately. It cuts down on clutter, shortens your to-do list & gives you a sense of accomplishment.
The act of getting dressed as well as what you wear are habits too. For me, I habitually dress in pieces that make me happy, are comfortable & that express who I am on any particularly day. I feel like this look is putting off some serious cozy bad girl chic vibes.
If you’re confident in your style & what it says about you then habitual dressing makes your life better. However if you make it a habit to get dressed in whatever you grab first that will hide you from the world then maybe it’s time for a habit change. Instead choose things in a color, texture or cut that makes you feel good. Choose pieces that help you to show up in your life as the woman you want to be. And guess what? That one baby badass habit will get you one step closer to the woman you’re meant to be.
I mean, for real…does it get more cozy than a sweatshirt jumpsuit? I think not my friends. I love this thing so much that I wore it for this Christmas shopping look & I also nabbed it in black too. Yep, I love it that much. Comfortable, easy & it can be dressed up or down depending on what extras you add. I sooo…wish I could find this exact denim coat to link for you guys, but no luck. It was a Christmas gift from my husband & we found it at a local boutique. It’s so freakin’ cool & I heard it screaming my name before I even saw it; it’s unique, edgy & a little badass…in other words, me in coat form. The white ankle boots are this year’s replacement for my beaten down old pair. If you think you won’t get a lot of wear out of a pair of white ankle boots trust me on this…you will.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…
Jacket: Similar; Jumpsuit: Similar; Boots: Linea Paolo (Similar)