
Manifesting The Life Of Your Dreams: Reality Or Woo Woo Nonsense?

manifesting the life of your dreams

Is manifesting the life of your dreams even possible? Seriously, is that even a thing? Nothing can be that easy, right? Well, let’s start with what manifesting is and what it is not…

What Is Manifesting…And What It’s Not?

…In a nutshell, manifesting is intentionally creating or bringing into being what you want. It’s knowing exactly specifically what it is that you desire in your life & then making it a reality. And by “making it a reality” I mean being willing to do the work necessary to make it happen.

Manifesting is not simply writing down or speaking out loud to the universe “I want to make enough money to travel the world” and then plopping your ass down on your couch & waiting for a million dollars to drop into your lap. If it were that easy, we’d all be millionaires wouldn’t we? It’s not some magical easy out or overnight quick fix.

manifesting the life of your dreams

If you were thinking that it meant to toss a wish out into the ether, maybe meditating a little bit & then just chillin’ until said wish materialized then yes, that would be woo woo…and it’s not going to happen for you. However, if you acknowledge that manifesting isn’t some magical otherworldly cure-all & if you’re willing to do the work to bring the things that you desire into your life then it just might work for you. Honestly, manifesting is just a fancy (and currently trendy) word for being the badass boss of your life who knows exactly who she is, knows exactly what she wants & knows that come hell or high water she will have it.

And how do I know this? Because it happened for me in a big way. And I didn’t even realize what I was doing at the time…


Sometimes we are so close to our own situations that it takes an outside voice for us to have an epiphany of sorts. One of self-improvement habits this past year has been listening to podcasts. The other day I was listening to an episode of the Rebel Buddhist podcast about manifesting & Ana Verzone told the story of how she had manifested an entirely different life for herself during her youth. That’s when it hit me…not only is manifestation a real thing, but I had done it without even being consciously aware of it.

In the past I’ve talked about my horrific childhood (here’s a summary) & believe me, it could not be more different from my current reality. And the reason for that is simple; the more that I heard “you’re not smart enough to go to college”, “you’ll just be collecting welfare your whole life” or my personal favorite, “you’ll be pregnant & still living in the trailer park”, the more that I became determined to have the big beautiful life that I knew I deserved. Being my badass self, I decided to prove all of those people wrong. I would go to college. I would be a teacher. I would make enough money to support myself. I would have my own family. I would own a home that didn’t have wheels.

Being a rebellious badass surely helped, but that isn’t what got me here. I knew in specific detail what I wanted to achieve, what I wanted my life to look like & where I wanted to end up. Did I know how I was going to get there? No, but guess what? I figured it out. I was laser focused on exactly what I wanted. I got a job & an apartment. I figured out how to get grants & loans to finance my own education. I daydreamed (nowadays we call it “visualization”) constantly about my future life, I wrote about it in my journal. I thought about how I would dress, what my house would look like, how my first classroom would be set up, how it would feel to have enough money to pay my bills. I could see it all down to the tiniest detail. In my mind that life was mine, that woman was me. I dreamed it, I believed it, I worked my ass off for it…and ultimately it became my reality.

manifesting the life of your dreams


Manifesting the life of your dreams is possible if you know exactly what you want, you’re fully committed, laser focused & willing to get uncomfortable. It requires big changes in your belief systems & your mindset. You have to be able to really see & visualize in minute detail, the woman you want to become, the goals you want to accomplish & the life you want to live. Since your brain is unable to differentiate between reality & imagination (did you know that?) visualizing it all in your mind & embodying that woman, her beliefs & her mindset right now, in the present, moves you even closer to the reality. Change the behaviors/habits, do the things, take the actions necessary to create your new reality. If a sixteen year old girl in a rural trailer park can do it on her own, trust me my friend, you can to.

If you’re interested in more on manifesting & the laws of attraction, my girl Catherine at also published a juicy post on the topic this week with an entirely different angle, so grab another cup of coffee & head over for an interesting read!


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
3 years ago

I loved reading this Debbie, because it’s absolutely true. In fact, I love that you linked to Catherine’s post…just the fact of how and why she started the Forever Fierce group with as a group where kindness reigns after what she’s been through is amazing. In fact, did you know there is a National Forever Fierce Day and it’s Feb 19 (the 50th day of the year??) I hope you’ll stop by the group especially on that day!!!

3 years ago

Thats a good story. I worked in retail and sometimes had kids with a bad background to learn the skills. But I was more interested in learning them about life and trying to give them more selfconvedance. But that was very very hard as they almost always couldn’t see the possibilities of life. It’s so strong of you that you did!

Lucy Bertoldi
3 years ago

I find this super interesting- and get into this myself. Manifesting is possible and it does work. Great post xx

Bettye L Rainwater
3 years ago

Truth. I think there’s a whole generation of people right now who firmly believe that visualizing (alone) Makes It So – all starting with that “Secret” book. Ugh. that’s called magic..and while, sure, sometimes there is magic, usually…you need to do a crapton of WORK. Which is why so many dreams die on the vine. “Since your brain is unable to differentiate between reality & imagination” This fact helped save me from a LIFETIME of emotional pain…I was that person who made up scenarios, usually BAD scenarios, in her mind, and then felt the Very Real Pain associated with them..and… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
3 years ago

Debbie, you are my super hero! I just love your passion and dedication to manifesting your life exactly the way you want it. And your willingness to share what worked for you is so appreciated! I need to go read Catherine’s post now. She is such an amazing inspiration as well! Thanks for linking with me!


3 years ago

It’s great this has worked for you and you were able to focus on your goals and live the life you wanted as a kid 🙂 I haven’t read much about manifesting although I remember all the fuss about “the secret” a while back! 🙂

Hope that your week is going well 🙂

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