Nothing will give you a confidence quick boost & a feeling of overall awesome badassery quicker than this one thing…
…What exactly is this one thing? Accomplishing a goal or project that has deep personal meaning for you, that’s what. While accomplishing something at your job or maybe around the house might make you feel good, accomplishing something personal, something that truly matters to you deep down inside, that takes it to a whole new level. It gives you a confidence quick boost.
You feel incredible. Unstoppable. Like a force to be reckoned with. And that’s not to mention the tingly all over giddy little girl excitement that bubbles up when you even just think about what it is you achieved.
It gives you one more piece of evidence to use when you’re confronting that negative mix tape in your head that tries to keep you in the comfort zone by telling you that you’re not “enough”. You can replace that tired old lie with the truth…Look at what I accomplished. By myself for myself. I am more than enough. I am amazing. I am smart. I am capable. I am a badass.
The feeling is even more powerful when your accomplishment comes in an area in which you’ve been stuck, an area in which you have been standing in your own way.
“It’s a real wake up call when you realize that the person who has been standing in your way is you.”
Owning that realization & then actively getting out of your own way gives you a total empowerment buzz. Not only did you accomplish the thing, but you also had the courage to get out of your own damn way. And that my friend, is some pretty powerful stuff.
Take a second right now & picture in your mind that goal that you’ve wanted to accomplish that’s yours & yours alone. It will be different for everyone, but whatever it is for you, see it clearly in your mind. Can you see it, I mean really see it down to the smallest detail? Now, imagine letting go of stopping yourself. Vividly picture yourself after you’ve gotten it done, after you’ve accomplished whatever it is that you want. How does that look? How do you feel? Pretty incredible I bet.
And after you’ve done it once, it’s exponentially easier to do it again.
This tie dye sweatshirt is yet another example of how you can rock a typically super casual (as in, you can sleep in it) piece at work. It’s all in what you pair it with my friends. For example, a sweatshirt makes an excellent partner with tulle, or you could even go full-on casual wear if there’s a twist like with these sequin joggers.
The skinny cargo pants & denim jacket could also be considered casual, however the blush pumps & double wrap belt work to make the look more pulled together. Oftentimes it’s the shoes and/or accessories that can change the entire tone of an outfit.
Of course if you work in an environment with a stricter more business centered dress code, this outfit probably wouldn’t work for you, however it’s perfect for a more relaxed environment.
If you’re a fan of sweats or just comfy coziness in general, then flex your creativity muscle & come up with ways to mix pieces like sweatshirts, hoodies & joggers with items from the work/dressier section of your closet. With the cold darkness of winter inevitably creeping up on us there’s no better time for finding fun ways to incorporate coziness into your life!
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…
Sweatshirt: Target; Pants: Similar; Jacket: GAP (Similar); Pumps: Nordstrom (Similar)