casual style / Work Style

Short Sleeved Sweatshirt & Purple Sandals: My People

Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals.

Summer vacation has commenced and I can think of no better way to kick it off than…


…heading into the city to spend the day with my babies at Pridefest 2018. We attended a few years back and this year it was even better. I cannot think of a more joy-filled, fun and colorful event to attend.

Pridefest is about so much for than a good time though…it’s about love, inclusivity, diversity and equality. I remember a time when our White House was lit up in rainbow colors for the month of June. I remember a time when our government was proudly leading the way to ensure equality for all…sadly, not so much now. Now the White House refuses to even mention that June is LGBT Pride month. Now the government is doing everything that it can to quash the basic human rights of those they deem to be “different”. And on that my friends, I call bullshit.

Now more than ever, events like Pittsburgh Pridefest 2018 as well as pride events all over the country, are so very important. We as a people have to stand up and we have to show up; we have to advocate and make damn sure that our voices are heard. I will fight until the end to ensure that my gay child has the exact same rights as your straight child. I will do whatever I possibly can to contribute to a culture in which everyone feels accepted, valued and loved regardless of the absurd labels that society places upon them.

Yesterday there was a young boy, maybe 14 years old, standing in front of us at the parade. As a trans group made its’ way towards us in the parade he became so excited. He was bouncing up and down clapping and quietly, over and over again, he was saying, “My people, my people…” I teared up watching him and when I turned to my son he was teared up as well. It was a beautiful thing to witness his joy at seeing “his people”, but it was also heartbreaking because seriously, shouldn’t we all be “his people”?

One of the highlights of yesterday’s event was a big one for me…I lost my “blogger meet-up virginity”! My beautiful blogging friend Sam of Moxie Mama, whom I had met through social media was also at Pridefest, so we met up for a quick chat and a photo or two. We already had a lunch date scheduled for later this month, but since we were both going to be in the same place it would have been silly not to find one another don’t you think? Of course Sam is just as fabulous in person as she is in the social media world and I can’t wait until our lunch date. If you aren’t already following Sam on Instagram, you should definitely check her out!


These pants are the black version of the American Eagle Tomgirl Pants that I have already waxed poetic about here. They hit that sweet spot; easily straddling the line between “work” and “casual”. I own them in black, navy and gray and have worn them numerous times both to work and just out and about running errands and whatnot. I honestly cannot recommend them enough.

The American Eagle love continues with the sweatshirt, although it is from Aerie which is an offshoot of the AE brand. My love of sweatshirts knows no end, but they aren’t exactly practical in the Summer. Give the sweatshirt short sleeves however, and now we’re talking a sweatshirt that is more warm weather friendly.

As per usual, when putting together a work outfit I like to strike a balance that hits right on the edge of casual. Overly professional work looks just aren’t my jam. To take the sweatshirt and slightly slouchy pants into work wear territory, I added my purple block heel sandals and the floral scarf tied to the belt loop for a little dose of the unexpected.


Whenever possible, find pieces that will work equally well for work and for play. In doing that, you add way more mileage to your closet.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals.Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals.Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals. Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals.Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals. Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals.Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals. Gray short sleeved sweatshirt, black pants and pink sandals.

Pants: American Eagle;  Sweatshirt: Aerie;  Sandals: Aerie

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5 years ago

Debbie, you call it right. I love that the Pride Parades are taking place across America. And you are right: ALL of our children have the right to be who they are and deserve respect like everyone else. We are at a crossroads as a country, and we all need to stand up for ALL citizens. Thanks for sharing. And keep up the fight!

5 years ago

Bravo to you and your friends and family for showing up! I have loved every Pride experience I’ve attended, esp last year in St. Petersburg. So much openness, joy, hugging and all the good things. Long may we run, in the direction of MORE rights and freedoms. xox


Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

Oh my goodness, what a wonderful even to be a part of, Pittsburgh Pridefest sounds amazing! We are going to go check out the Pulse Memorial this summer. It’s hard to believe it’s already been 2 years since that horrific event, our community is still trying hard to heal. The smiles on your faces are priceless and there’s so much love jumping off the screen – what a beautiful thing!

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

You is “my people”!
I totally support LBGT rights. We are all unique! We are all deserving of fair and just treatment! I hate that our world seems to be slipping backward…hope that changes soon! Love is Love is Love.

5 years ago

What an incredible event, Debbie!! You make a fabulous point….aren’t we all “his people”? It may be a slow process, but I do think we’ve taken great strides in this respect. My mom tells stories about when she was growing up, and it was SO different.

Linda Cassidy
5 years ago

great outfit and so glad the Pridefest went so well. Also jealous you got to have you meet up now, I so wanted to connect last November when we were in Pennsylvania but it was just a tad bit to far. One of these days

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