I ask you my friends, how is it Christmas already…
…seriously, it totally snuck up on me. Yes, my tree has been up since Thanksgiving, and yes, every night my pretty twinkle lights outside come on with a timer. On a side note, I think there should be twinkle lights all year; they’re so pretty and happy. That’s it. I’m starting a twinkle light revolution. Back to the topic at hand…and yes, every retail facility in the country has been peddling Christmas since oh, I don’t know, September. But still…somehow I didn’t see it coming.
Every year my shopping is for the most part done by Thanksgiving; I kid you not, I would take a bullet before going anywhere near a shopping establishment in the days leading up to Christmas. But this year it got away from me. Honestly, I think it’s the weather. The temperatures are so Spring-like I think it threw me off my game; it feels more like I should be shopping for chocolate bunnies and eggs and whatnot. So off I went Sunday to get it all finished. I gotta say, I was not pleasantly surprised. People are pretty ornery this time of year. What’s up with that? What happened to the “peace on Earth, goodwill towards man” stuff?
This is an example of simplicity at it’s best. Sweater, skinny jeans, boots, done. This fabulous gray cowl neck tunic sweater was one of the batch I scored on the cheap from Old Navy about a month ago. Unfortunately, they only have a color called “Stone” available now, but if they had it in my size I’d be snappin’ it up. It’s all kinds of soft and drapey, the neck isn’t too bulky, and it covers the butt perfectly. What more can you ask for in a cowl neck tunic sweater? It must have been an Old Navy kind of day because the jeans are another pair of Rockstar Skinny Jeans. I’ve said before they are my favorites when it comes to skinnies. My only complaint is that Old Navy sizing is traditionally all over the place and the Rockstars are no exception. I had originally ordered these a size larger than what I currently have because I wanted a little more room. One size up was huuugge…so I had to exchange them for a smaller size. Once you find the right size though they can’t be beat for comfort. I kept the boots simple, although the lace up detail on the back makes them fancy. The two necklaces dressed it up a bit and I was good to go.
Sometimes a simple look is the way to go. Add some standout jewelry and a special unexpected detail, like the back lace on the boot for example, and that’s really all you need.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Sweater: Old Navy (Similar); Jeans: Old Navy (Similar); Boots: JCPenney (Similar); Pendant necklace: Forever 21; Choker: est1984jewelry