Work Style

Cropped Sweater & Tulle Skirt: Shake It Up

Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.

I ain’t gonna lie, change is definitely not at the top of my list of favorite things. I tend to be a creature of habit…


…In the last few months I have been putting major effort (and successfully I might add) into going new places and trying new things. I’ve gone to knew places, eaten at new restaurants, bought tickets for concerts and events and tried new locations for blog photos. And I have to say that I’ve really been enjoying the bolder braver new me.

One area in which change is still, and probably always will be, difficult for me is in my day to day life. You know what I mean…the nitty gritty of it all; the way in which I do things at home, at work, run errands, what I eat on a regular basis, when I have my coffee…the daily minutia that makes up how I do things in my world. 

Two things have recently shook up my regular routine. One of which I’m working on and will definitely get the hang of (if for no other reason because I have to) and the other I just now threw in the towel on. The former I’ll get into in a minute, but the latter? The Gutenberg post editor on WordPress…for those of you who blog and are on WordPress, do you feel me on this?

After all the years I’ve been blogging, I’ve gotten the production of a post down to a science. I know what I’m doing and how to do it. Over the weekend I finally updated WordPress, which I’d been avoiding because I was aware of the new block editing format, and dayum…now I know why I avoided it. Learning anything new is always a challenge and that’s not a bad thing, but right now it was seriously just more than I wanted to deal with. There were a few things that were glitchy and I don’t currently have the time nor patience to mess around with trying to figure out the issues. And the format was just, well…different. After working on this post for three days, I finally just installed the plugin to enable the old editing format. I’ll save Gutenberg for the Summer when I have time to play with it.

The other change is actually on a much bigger scale than a silly blog post editor and it’s a change which I can’t avoid by installing a plugin. I had been having major digestive issues since last Summer. Initially I chalked it up to being “nothing” and lived with the pain and discomfort. But as things often will, the issues worsened to the point that just about every time I ate I was miserable. I’ve had issues with dairy in the past and on my own I determined that my occasional sensitivity had become straight up lactose intolerance. I cut way back on all dairy products, but the problems persisted…even when I hadn’t eaten dairy.

I talked with my doctor about it at my appointment last month and after some testing we discovered that not only am I lactose intolerant I also have a rather significant sensitivity to gluten. Gluten? Seriously? Do you know how many things contain gluten? Honestly, I didn’t until I was told I could no longer have it and started paying attention. Of course there are the obvious culprits like my beloved Oreo Double Stuffs (which I love with a big ol’ glass of milk…sigh)…Cheetos…bread…donuts…pasta…all the yummy things in life. But then there are the not so obvious; most restaurant french fries which are often coated in what I now fondly refer to as “gluten sludge”, Mexican food, salad dressings, Starbucks drinks…the list seems endless. Talk about jackin’ up my routine. I have an appointment with a nutritionist, and until then I’m educating myself and muddling through. If any of you have suggestions feel free to share…


I’m not sure why, but it’s been quite awhile since I wore one of my tulle skirts. Actually it was last April to be exact so the time had come to pull one out of the closet. This pretty candy colored cropped sweater from Target was in my opinion the perfect partner for my ivory tulle skirt. I considered the pink tulle, but it was just too much…I don’t know…sweetness maybe. 

The sweater is actually super lightweight and will be perfect for Spring as well as cool Summer nights. Honestly, the day I wore this I kinda jumped the seasonal gun and was freezing most of the day. It was worth it though because it’s even prettier in person. Since I’m not a total lunatic, I wore my over the knee boots and a pair of leggings so at least my bottom half was warm. 


You are never ever too old to wear a tulle skirt, or anything for that matter. My favorite way to wear tulle is dressed down for daytime like I did with today with the cropped sweater and boots. Simply add a casual top and basic pumps, boots or even sneakers and you have an easy daytime look with an unexpected twist. 


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas..

Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Cropped sweater, tulle skirt and over the knee boots.
Sweater: Target;  Skirt: Amazon (Similar);  Boots: Amazon;  Clutch/Wallet: Target


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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

I haven’t updated WordPress yet…. My husband is using the new one so I need to watch him and learn. I realize it’s good to embrace change but it does mess with our schedule. I know how long it takes to put together most posts, and that means it’ll take probably twice as long.
That skirt?? Super cute!! I have a short navy one….I need to pull it out.

5 years ago

Well I hope you feel better when you are gluten free! That coat is fabulous!

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

I feel you Debbie on the block editor in WP! I got frustrated and went back to the classic editor. I see no reason why I should do the block editor, I like what I like and I feel like I have other things to worry about with the blog. Writing it shouldn’t be one of them, that’s the part I enjoy the most! Isn’t it crazy how our bodies develop sensitivities seemingly out of nowhere? Ugh! I hope you feel better now that you know what was happening. The good news I suppose is that there are a lot… Read more »

Mary Katherine
Mary Katherine
5 years ago

Love the skirt and the boots! And “you are never too old to wear anything” may be my new mantra. Somedays I look more like Grace, but today I’m more like Frankie! Do not despair on the whole lactose- & gluten-thing – I discovered it myself over the past year. I’ve learned to love things like goat yogurt and cassava tortillas. And the longer I go without my devil foods, I find I can have them every once in a while and still be ok! Your gut may take quite a while to heal, but it’s so worth it to… Read more »

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

LOVE this outfit! You are sweetness personified! Wow, VERY sorry to hear about your gluten sensitivity – what will you eat???

Shannon @gyp.sea_soul
Shannon @gyp.sea_soul
5 years ago

Feel you on the dairy and gluten. Same here. I switched to dairy free soy yogurt, and dairy free ice cream ( Ben and Jerrys has some wonderful ones! very sinfully good). Cheese is a tough one… dairy free cheese sucks. As for gluten, I find I can have some toast once or twice a week and be ok, so yay…because gluten free breads are not great at all. Haven’t found one yet I love. Pasta I actually have found some great alternatives in my local store although, I don’t really eat it often anyway. Some are gluey, but some… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi, Debbie In isn’t just me and you having trouble with the block editor; all sorts of bloggers in online blogging groups were yowling in pain over trying to use it! I disabled the block editor in order to get my website to function again. My husband recently discovered he could no longer eat wheat/gluten. You can make whatever goodies you want just by substituting gluten-free flour for wheat flour. After much trial and error, I have put together a list of “gluten-free approved foods.” I now eat the good-tasting stuff my husband can have instead of buying as much… Read more »

Jessica A Jannenga
5 years ago

Love these pretty pastel colors on you Deb, looks great with your hair! The tulle skirt is so fun with the boots too. and I agree, wear whatever we want!! I havent done the Gutenburg layout yet either, I am procrastinating a bit. Also, can relate to loving dairy but being lactose intolerant. I used to drink soy milk or 2 % and hubby always drank whole milk, so I tried it and oooooh, yum! So, it is tough when you love dairy so much!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Jacqui Berry
5 years ago

I’m following a carb free diet, and have bought some gluten free bread as a treat (not tried it yet) . Thanks for sharing on the #linkup Jacqui Mummabstylish

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