Work Style

Velvet Blazer & Graphic Tee: Nobody Rides For Free

Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants.

To charge or not to charge…that is the question…


…When I first started the blog six years ago, it was simply because it seemed like a fun thing to do. I enjoy style and fashion and I love to write so a personal style blog seemed like the perfect outlet.

It was and it still is although some things have changed. I still remember when I was contacted for the very first time to do a sponsored post, even though at the time I didn’t know that’s what it was. I was so excited to receive that first product, style it and write up a review to share with my readers. 

Over time I received more and more requests from various brands/small businesses. Even though I couldn’t imagine it initially, I got to the place where many requests/offers were and still are turned down. Sometimes the demands for the posts were outrageous.

I stopped working with one company with whom I had an ongoing relationship after their demands continued to increase, but all they were offering in return were a few pieces of cheaply made clothing. When I had the audacity to politely point this out to them and ask for monetary compensation as well, that spelled the sudden death of that particular partnership. And do you know what? I was more than okay with that. 

Most of the collaborations that I participate in have been unpaid. In my view, as long as the product offered was of value to myself and my readers that was fine. And let me say right now, as not to offend anyone, if you are a blogger and that is how you operate your blog that is your prerogative…I have no problem with that. However, that is no longer fine for me and for my blog. 

Over the last several months my mindset has changed in regard to a lot of areas and one of those is the blog and my social media channels. It just started to nag at me that I was putting in an awful lot of work for zero compensation. In my personal life I’m working hard on changing how people treat/value me and how much I value myself, so why shouldn’t valuing myself be an across the board thing?

For those of you who aren’t bloggers, you might be thinking, “So what? You’re getting free stuff.” The reality is, the stuff isn’t “free”. You may not realize the time and effort that goes into producing a single blog post. There’s styling the outfits (or styling the product if it isn’t clothing), taking photos, editing the photos and writing the content. Then the post needs to be shared through social media channels and/or link ups.

I’m not complaining about the work…obviously I enjoy doing this or I wouldn’t be doing it. But…when a post is sponsored there is a lot of additional work. Specific links must be inserted into the posts and often specific wording or photos are required. Add into that requests for several social media posts (which require a whole other batch of shooting/writing/tagging) and specific timelines are often thrown into the mix and my friends, that is a lot of work for a pair of shoes/top/skincare product. 

I strongly believe that we, as bloggers, are sorely undervalued by brands/advertisers. They expect us to advertise for them with no compensation in return. As Catherine at Not Dressed As Lamb said, are you going to request that a plumber do your kitchen and bathroom with tea and biscuits as compensation? Is the plumber in question going to be willing to work for tea and biscuits? Ya, probably not. I’ve read a number of articles recently which lead me to believe that a number of us are starting to feel this way.

Some may think that I’m getting too big for my britches. That however, is not the case. I can still deliver quality content to you, my readers, by styling my own clothing that I have purchased myself and writing stories that entertain and inform without products from brands/businesses. 

With that being said, if I am going to feature something on the blog that provides value to you and exposure to my readers for a brand, why shouldn’t they be compensating me for not only the extra work that I put into posting, but also the advertising that they are receiving? If I don’t start valuing myself and my work, no one else is going to either. 

Is this going to result in me receiving fewer “free” products? I’m certain of it. But guess what? That’s okay. A pretty skirt that I could have bought for myself isn’t worth feeling like I’m worth less than I know I am…


This paisley velvet blazer is one of my favorites. The colors, the print, and well…it’s velvet. It’s actually part of a suit that I have styled with both sneakers and  then pink velvet boots. It’s also proven to be an easy way to dress up a pair of jeans although that particular outfit didn’t make the blog.

I realized that it would be perfect paired with my pink velvet Pixie Pants from Old Navy when I noticed how pretty they looked hanging next to the suit pants in my closet. The textures are the same and the pink shade of the pants blends perfectly with the varying hues in the blazer.

It’s not intentional, but more often than not when I wear a blazer, you’ll find a graphic tee underneath. While I love blazers, they aren’t necessarily part of my everyday vibe. Perhaps it’s my subconscious telling me to throw on a graphic tee to stay true to my style aesthetic even when I’m wearing something that’s not typical of who I am. How’s that for some deep fashion thinking?


View your suits as separates. While a suit was of course made to be worn together, the individual pieces typically work well with other things that you have in your closet, thus giving your suit way more mileage than it would have had if you only wore the pieces together. 


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants.Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants.Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants. Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants.Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants. Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants.Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants. Velvet blazer, graphic tee & Pixie pants.

Blazer: Loft (Similar);  Pants: Old Navy (Similar);  Tee: Similar;  Boots: Aldo (Similar)


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5 years ago

That’s exactly how I’ve been feeling lately with sponsored posts. You always give such relevant points Debbie!! I think it was good at the beginning to do posts for products only,but at this stage of the game it doesn’t always work. The best thing is how we can decide on that. Not that I make much money from sponsored posts yet every little bit helps. Because it is a ton of work. People don’t realize unless they walk a mile!! I always recommend pulling put suits apart in the closet Because you know it’s part of a suit,but if you… Read more »

Amy Christensen
5 years ago

I agree, Debbie. I don’t do too much with pushing products, unless it is something that appeals to me. Blogging is a lot of work and takes a lot of time, so there has to be something extra in it for me to do the extra work. Love this pairing. I remember that suit and I love that you are using the pieces separately. You’ll get so much more wear out of it. You are gorgeous, lady! – Amy

linda cassidy
5 years ago

again, we are on the same page. I think its all about expectations, ours, theirs and the readers. This suit is still on my list of so perfect items. Cannot believe I never picked it up, Wearing it with the Old Navy pixie pants was a spot on choice. Happy weekend my friend

5 years ago

Hi, Debbie I needed this conversation at this time! I was just trying to decide whether to do a post on a product I love for free or to seek compensation. Especially when your livelihood depends on a labor of love, it comes to a point where you need to demand fair compensation for your hard work. You are right that you need to value yourself, and request that value from others. It’s our own decision in the end how far we will go. Recently, I was at an event where brands were giving bloggers discounts to buy their products.… Read more »

Julie Augustyn
5 years ago


Loved your blog topic and stylish look! I was recently in a conversation over compensation for a blog post and posting on my social media’s. They quoted a price, which I felt was too low. I counteroffered and never heard from them again! Oh well!’ I’m not going to do things just for the sake of doing them. While it’s great to get paid, I refuse to undersell myself!!

5 years ago

I decided a Year ago to not work with brands that demanded everything. It s my blog and I decide what I want on it! I also stopped with Google adds and with affiliatie links. And since then I received much better and interresting collaborations. And if I don t get any, that s okay too. I don t blog to make money, I blog because it is my Passion!

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

Great look and great read. I have been listening to podcasts about blogging/influencers and they are all saying the same thing – no free stuff, we have to get paid. i’m still at the point where I will accept some free stuff as long as I can write how I want and insert their links, no problem. There are a few companies (I’m pretty sure the one you were referencing) who I refuse to work with again – one and done for me. Yet they continue to send me emails asking me to work with them and have a post… Read more »

5 years ago

So well said, Debbie and I am with you. I’ve lost several “sponsors” who believed that a free jacket was sufficient compensation for the hours of work. And like you, I tell myself that’s fine. In fact, it’s a relief as I can buy the clothing I want at the thrifts/consignments, and then write my post any way I damn please : >
You’re looking fabulous as always; that velvet blazer is a huge win. xox

Emery Ocampo
5 years ago

I love your outfit!!!

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

I read Catherine’s article and I agree with you both! I don’t have many offers, but I’m with you on getting compensated for our time and efforts! Let’s do this! Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Malkiewicz
5 years ago

I agree with you, Debbie. I guess if some bloggers are willing to not be compensated fairly, some of that will continue. As a new fashion blogger, it’s likely I would say “yes” to someone you’d say “no” to. I recently cancelled a photo shoot that I would not have been compensated for, so I’m learning the ropes anyway. *** I have a soft spot for graphic tees. I recently purchased a few from J. Crew that were $15/ea. Sometimes I think I’m “too old” to wear them, but the ones I have get rotated and styled like crazy!

Liza Wibisono
5 years ago

Love your fabulous look, dear. That blaze looks so perfect on you.


Jacqui Berry
5 years ago

Definitely food for thought Debbie, still a learning curve for me and it’s great to have knowledgeable bloggers to learn from. Thanks for linking on #chicandstylish Jacqui Mummabstylish

5 years ago

Such a great read my friend and I kid you not I turn down over 80% of “my offers/freebies”. Some of the clothing or free items I don’t even want but even the ones I want, as you mentioned so much time goes into that post and it is not worth it, that is why my sponsored posts are very very rare. With that said, I agree that our time is very valuable and we should be compensated properly. I must say I love it every time you wear any of these pastel paisley velvet pieces, especially the blazer. Looks… Read more »

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