Forever 21 / graphic t-shirt / graphic tee / gray cardigan / JCPenney / Pink Floyd graphic tee / target

Dark Side Of The Moon

     Back in the day when I had an actual authentic Pink Floyd concert tee I didn’t think to keep it.  I think that’s one of the reasons I’m so horrible about ruthlessly purging my closet.  Over the years there have been a number of things I really wish I had held on to.  Another of my great regrets besides several concert tees is a pair of fabulous cream colored Frye cowboy boots.  I received them as a gift in high school.  Do you realize how beautiful those things would be by now…perfectly broken in and scuffed.  How tragic.
     Enough with the fashion regrets.  In another nod to the 80’s I’m also sporting the mismatched earring look, although they didn’t show up well in the pictures.  Besides my diamond studs that I wear every day, I have a pearl stud in one ear and a pearl and spike drop earring in the other.  I used to do that all of the time, but had forgotten until I saw a picture online last week.  My earrings have been neglected for months ever since I got on my statement necklace kick.  I don’t wear my hair up often either, which sort of makes earrings irrelevant anyway.  Maybe I’ll have to start switching it up once in awhile because I love the quirkiness of earrings that match, but aren’t actually a pair.

Linking up with: Creative Mondays Blog HopVisible Monday, and Monday Bloom.

Tee shirt: Target (No longer available);  Cardigan: JCPenney;  Faux leather pants: Forever 21 (No longer available);  Boots: JCPenney (Old)

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Happiness at Mid Life
11 years ago

I like your hair up – it looks great! I don’t think I had anything worthy that I tossed. I wasn’t much into fashion in my younger days.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Happiness at Mid Life
11 years ago

Thanks Alice! I have several things that if I think back I could kick myself for getting rid of them…
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

I love, love Floyd, forever. And you look great – love the hair up! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday. xo

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Patti
11 years ago

Some of the best music ever!
Debbie 🙂

Renae of Simple Sequins
11 years ago

Oh Debbie, I wear that necklace a bunch but not so much on my posts. I do have it on some of them, here and there tho. But thank you! Oh, so glad you love the hair. Your encouragement has helped me to save money and color it myself. yay! Oh, Pink Floyd!!! That T is super cool! and …I love the pony tail too. So cute!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
11 years ago

You’re welcome gorgeous!
Debbie 🙂

Clairejustine oxox
11 years ago

Your hair looks great up too, Cool look, I need some leather pants like yours now 🙂 thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays …

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
11 years ago

Faux leather is one of those things I never thought I’d do, but I love them!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

I felt the pain of your loss on those Frye boots!!!

My ears are only pierced once, but my sister has two on one ear, three on the other. I have always loved how she wears 5 different earrings to coordinate with her outfits. I have a couple of odd earrings that I have matched up with new mates, but the effect is not as dramatic with single piercings.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
11 years ago

Thank you for your sympathy…wouldn’t they be beautiful by now?
Try wearing a larger maybe dangly earring on one side and a stud on the other…
Debbie 🙂

Beata B
11 years ago

Debbie! You look absolutely fantastic – love the hair up 🙂 have a lovely week, kisses Beata

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Beata B
11 years ago

Thank you Beata!
Debbie 🙂

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

Your hair up is so cute. I was and still am a HUGE Pink Floyd fan. When I went to see them I was too cheap to buy the t-shirt though. One of the best albums of all time…along with Led Zeppelin. I’m with you on the things we threw away. It is so sad. Everything I had back in grade 10 would be perfectly in style right now. I especially miss one pair of suede boots in light blue that had fringe around the top that hung down and swung when I walked. They cost me a ton at… Read more »

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

Floyd and Zeppelin definitely all time classics. If we only knew then what we knew now…I still have a few things from back in the day, but oh, the things I got rid of…
Debbie 🙂

Jan Graham-McMillen
11 years ago

One of the best albums ever. Your earring thing is a great revival … I’m loving the ear cuffs that I’m seeing again! I’m also tickled with midi-rings. We wore them in the late 60s, and I still have mine in gold and silver. Ha! You look cool-girl casual, and wonderful in your tee and boyfriendy sweater. And of course, they invented leather skinnies specifically for your legs. You knew that, right?

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jan Graham-McMillen
11 years ago

I agree on the ear cuffs…I’ve been keeping an eye out for a cool one. No, I did not realize leather skinnies were invented for me…thank you for telling me…you’re too kind!
Debbie 🙂

graphic t-shirt / navy blue blazer / Nordstrom / nude wedge sandals / Sears / statement necklace / target / Vigoss boyfriend jeans

Dark Side Of The Moon

     One of my favorite combos….a graphic tee and blazer.  I found this little gem at Target a few weeks ago.  I saw Pink Floyd twice back in the day, but never bought a concert tee so when I saw this I wanted it.  My husband and I always go to at least one concert a summer, but I rarely buy t-shirts.  They are just so ridiculously overpriced that I just don’t want to spend the money on them.  If I saw one I really loved, I’d definitely splurge, but they are often those thick scratchy tees that never seem to soften up no matter how much they’re washed.
     The jeans are recently acquired from Nordstrom online.  They’re Vigoss ‘clean’ boyfriend jeans.  The cut is very similar to the GAP sexy boyfriend jeans I have, but they are actually much more flattering to the rear view.  They do have a couple little “distresses” on the front, but no holes so that’s nice.  Every once in awhile a girl wants her jeans with no holes, right?
     It’s my last weekend as a free woman…school starts Tuesday.  Last night was Open House, so there’s no escaping the truth!  My goal is to continue posting five days a week, but I’m not sure if that’s realistic or not…I’ve kinda gotten addicted to blogging so I’ll definitely be here.  Oh, and one more thing, I promise not to torture your eyes again with a whole week of slightly out of focus pics. I’m going to stick to auto focus until I either figure out the manual focus or get a better lens. Right now I’m using the kit lens that came with the camera and it’s not so great.

Linking up with:  Style Elixir’s Friday Fab FavoritesPassion For Fashion Link UpWelcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, and Two Thirty-Five Designs Casual Friday Link Up.




Jeans: Nordstrom;  T-shirt: (Available in-store);  Blazer: Sears (No longer available)  Sandals: Just Fab

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Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

Ah…Pink Floyd …that brings back memories : )

I love those jeans. I agree…not all jeans should have holes in them.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

Yes, the memories the Pink Floyd era brings back! I played my eight track (yes, i just admitted to eight tracks) of The Wall until it snapped…ha!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

Its my favorite combo too, i cant get enought of this!!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  AF
11 years ago

I agree! Thanks for stopping by!
Debbie 🙂

Who is that Girl Mo?
11 years ago

Blazer, tee and jeans are one of my favorite looks. I like your version. 🙂


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Who is that Girl Mo?
11 years ago

Thanks Mo!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

I LOVE graphic tees – is this from the men’s section? I keep looking for a fabulous Pink Floyd tee from the ones from the men’s section at Target are just too big on me.. Sometimes Forever21 has Floyd options!
Nikki at

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Nikki
11 years ago

Me too…love em’! No, actually this one is from the juniors section. They had Floyd, Def Leppard, and Kiss tees. Couldn’t find them online though.
Debbie 🙂

Mica T
11 years ago

Nice outfit! I like the casual tee with the jeans 🙂 I like collecting band tees when I see bands play, but I have to confess I don’t always wear them often afterwards!

Away From The Blue

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Mica T
11 years ago

Thanks Mica! It seems like the tees I have actually purchased at concerts I don’t wear so much, but the ones I find at places like Target I wear all the time.
Debbie 🙂

Rachel Ashely
11 years ago

Love your wedges!

Rachel Ashley

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rachel Ashely
11 years ago

Thanks Rachel! They’re comfortable too, which is a bonus.
Debbie 🙂

Clairejustine oxox
11 years ago

Great combo, love your top and wedges, I have some in green, I must find them out 🙂

Thanks for sharing 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
11 years ago

Debbie 🙂

Kicking and Screaming 55+ Petite Style
11 years ago

Very cute! Love those wedges.

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