Ageless Style Link Up / Boho Style / Work Style

Eva Trends Floral Silk Dress & Velvet Booties: Walmart Ninja

Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties.

Last weekend my daughter and I had to make an unexpected run to Walmart…


…apparently aka the social center of our corner of the world on a Sunday morning. Here’s the thing, even on a good day, my goal when going to Walmart is to get in and get out as quickly as possible. It’s like a covert SEAL mission in the middle of the night in some foreign land. I don’t want to see…or be seen. I’m there to do a job; extract the necessary items and escape unscathed. And I gotta say I’m pretty damn good at; I’m like the Walmart Ninja. My friends actually joke that one way to know if I truly love you is if I will actually stop and talk to you at Walmart.

Well, Sunday wasn’t what I’d call “a good day”. I had damp completely unstyled hair, zero makeup, and an outfit that may or may not have included a sweatshirt that I’d slept in. Yep, I was looking mighty fine. So ya’ll know what happened…I did not refer to Walmart as the social center of our area for no good reason. Yes, every single human that I know and/or work with was at Walmart. Every. Single. One. Okay, perhaps an exaggeration, but I ran into no less than ten different people that I know.

Normally I’m quite skilled at dodging people to avoid conversation while on a mission; why do you think Walmart widened their aisles? It makes it so much easier to whip a U-ey and dart the other way unnoticed. Not Sunday though. Nope, there was no dodging. I was only there to grab a couple of things, but it did not matter in what direction and up what aisle I turned, somebody new would pop up. It was like a particularly aggravating game of Whack A Mole but without the mallet.

I’ve been on this Earth long enough to know that it’s never a good idea to venture far from home in a state of disarray. It probably shouldn’t matter, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m vain enough that it does. Apparently Sunday was the day the vanity gods chose to send me a not so subtle reminder that in order to be a fully functional Walmart Ninja, one must at least throw on a dab of concealer and a coat of lipstick.


This month’s Ageless Style Link Up theme comes to us complements of the lovely Daenel and it’s right up my alley…”Flower Power”. Floral prints used to be relegated to the Spring and Summer seasons only, and perhaps some people still feel that way, but not me. I love a good floral print all year ’round.

During the colder months I’m typically more drawn to darker florals like this beautiful floral sheer layer smock dress that I received c/o Eva Trends. I love the mustard plaid shirt and rose print dress that I received from them, but this bright but moody floral print dress is my absolute favorite. It was also a huge crowd pleaser at work too…women, men, even twelve year old girls loved it.

Instead of wearing it over the layering slip that comes with it, I layered it over black skinny jeans and a black turtleneck. The bright pink velvet booties were the perfect pop of brightness to finish the outfit. Speaking of brightness, this is the first official outing for my delicious slice of vintage heaven that is this coat. I featured it in my Instagram stories a few months ago when I discovered it in a vintage shop in Pittsburgh. It’s 1940’s and when I put it on it fit like it was made for me…who knew I had a body made for the 40’s…lol!

If you think this dress might be just the thing to brighten up your now darker (I so hate the time change) days or if you’re interested in unique, beautiful and well-made pieces then I recommend checking out Eva Trends. And if you find something that you love, use code FF10 at checkout for 10% off your entire purchase!


Floral prints aren’t just for the warmer months. If you aren’t convinced, then try a floral print in darker more cold weather friendly shades.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas… BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND LINK UP WITH MYSELF AND MY LOVELY CO-HOSTS FOR THIS MONTHS AGELESS STYLE LINK UP!!

Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties.Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties. Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties.Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties. Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties.Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties. Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties. Floral silk maxi dress, red coat and velvet booties.

Dress: c/o Eva Trends;  Coat: Vintage (Similar);  Boots: Similar;  Jeans: Old Navy (Similar)

Daenel ~ Living Outside The Stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, blog, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter

Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, instagram, facebook, pinterest, twitter, bloglovin

Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blog, facebook, instagram, pinterest, bloglovin, twitter

Jonet ~ Fabulously Chic Over 50 blog, facebook, , instagram, pinterest, twitter

Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag blog, instagram, bloglovin, twitter

Lisa ~ Coast to Coast blog, facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest

Paula ~ Dimples on my What blog, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter

Shelly ~ The Queen in Between blog, instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, facebook

This month’s guest co-host for the Ageless Style Link Up is Julia from When The Girls Rule. Julia and I have followed each other on Instagram forever. She’s super fun and has made it her mission in life to encourage all women to put some sass back in their life via their closet! Check Julia out on her blog, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Pinterest!

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Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
5 years ago

Beautiful florals Debbie – I adore how the dress is transparent and lets the light through. It lightens the whole look. Your Walmart dodging made me smile. I find it mortifying when the postman knocks on the door and I’m still in my dressing gown at 10am – then I look even more cringy when I blurt out ‘Morning, I’ve been up at 6am honestly…’ THEY DON’T CARE haha xx Maria

5 years ago

It really seems to be universal law this running into people we know when we do not look our best! 98% of the time I put on some light make-up for my daily walk – and don’t run into anyone I know. 2% of the time I don’t bother and that day I will definitely run into many people I know while I am look all pale-faced and blotchy!

Shelbee on the Edge
5 years ago

Wicked cute styling, my friend! I am loving the sheer floral over all black. And those boots are heavenly. I, too, am just as vain as you that I would have been bothered by such a Walmart experience. Ha. It never fails that you encounter everyone you know in that state! I guess the universe would be trying to deliver the same message to me!


Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

Beautiful colors on you Debbie – I love each piece!
I have the same problem – I leave the house looking “unkempt” and no matter what hour of the day it is I run into people I know. I can totally see what happened to you at Walmart because I have had the very same thing happen!

5 years ago

Wow! This is a gorgeous print and I love how you layered. I have to say I’m the same…I do not like to be seen out “unkept” unless I’m at the gym!!

5 years ago

LOL at your Walmart description! I do the same when picking up prescriptions there – dark glasses and maybe a wig : > Your floral dress is lovely and the boots are mine, I mean, fabulous : >

Big day today for the US; my stomach is in knots, xoxo

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

You crack me up, Debbie. And it’s only funny because it’s so true and happens to me too!! Except for me it’s the library…we tend to run in after stretch class so I’m there in my yoga pants—-eeek!!
Love that dress…it’s so ethereal!!

Suzy Turner
5 years ago

Debbie, you look gorgeous in this floral dress and I just love that you wore it with a black polo neck and jeans and with THE most incredible coat EVER. I fell in love with it when you first showed it on Insta a few months ago!
I laughed reading your post…. so typical that you’d get caught out he he he
Suzy xxx

5 years ago

This happened to me once when I made a quick run to the thrift store on a Sunday morning to buy a Kate Spade coat they’d shown on IG the night before. I went looking like a grunge bum. Needless to say that is the time someone recognizes me from my blog!!! I wanted to die. Ha ha! I felt like such a fraud. Now even if it is just a fancy coat thrown on top and a hat I make the effort. This outfit is all about that vintage coat for me. You can spot the amazing quality a… Read more »

5 years ago

This outfit is amazing, love florals always, not only for spring! Love the shoes also =)

Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog

5 years ago

That is soooo me! I try to remind myself when I’m heading out looking particularly dumpy that today is when I’m going to run into an ex-boyfriend! It happens to my daughters all the time and I remind them the same thing! Small town living! And thanks for letting me join all of you lovelies as a co-host. I really love this supportive group of women and am always amazed at how generous all of you are! Happy Voting Day!

Daenel T.
5 years ago

I feel you on the Walmart thing — that’s the good thing about moving. A whole new group of people who don’t know me. LOL

I do like the sheer dress over the skinnies. And those boots are incredibly fab! The color, the material, everything….

Paula Holloway
5 years ago

I did exactly the same thing but on Election day. AND I live in a small town! What was I thinking?!?! Florescent lighting, partially dried and damaged purple hair and everyone I knew in town was there. Ugh!

But I love your dress. Great styling with such a unique piece.

Paula Holloway

5 years ago

Such a pretty dress! It looks fabulous with the coat!

5 years ago

Haha – I am the same way about Wal-Mart and avoid it like the plague. You look positively gorgeous in this stunning dress! I really love how you have styled it, and those red boots are simply perfect with it.

Darlene Fadem
5 years ago

I’m obsessed with how you styled that beautiful silk dress!!

Emma Peach
5 years ago

It’s always the way that when you venture out not wanting to be seen you bump into the world and his wife. We call it sod’s law. I love your floral print dress, the print is beautiful, and the red coat is totally gorgeous! Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

Jessica A Jannenga
5 years ago

Even though I live in a warm climate, I want a red coat! Love that one on you. The print on the dres is so romantic and beautiufl. Isn’t that always what happens? The one day you roll out of bed without makeup etc, that is the day that you run into everyone you know! HUbby and I have Wallmart down to a science, as we get groceries there and just do the pick up and drive away… I know it doesnt work for everything. 🙂
thanks for linking!
jess xx

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