casual style / Random Musings

Fashion “Rules” To Live By In 2021

fashion rules to live by in 2021

So here we are in 2021, or as I like to call it, “Jumanji-The Hidden Level”. I figured that since the world is still kind of a hot mess that maybe some new fashion rules to live by in 2021 were in order…


…Anyone who’s been around here for awhile knows better than to take this post title seriously. I’m a huge fan of challenging and/or questioning any rules that just don’t make sense. And fashion rules? Um, ya…no. We are grown ass women & we can wear whatever we damn well please.

However, with that being said, I present to you for your consideration…


  • If someone tells you not to wear it, WEAR IT ANYWAY. Seriously my friend, you are the boss of you. You can say what you like, think what you like, go wherever you like, chase whatever dreams that you like…so you sure as hell can wear whatever you like.
  • If it’s comfy & makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside then you’ve found your clothing spirit animal. C’mon now, we’re only in the third full week of January & we’ve reached the expert double top secret level of Jumanji so we’d better be dressed to play the game. No matter what comfort looks like for you, whether it be sweats or a power suit, put it on, drop into the jungle & kick some ass.

fashion rules to live by in 2021

  • If it brings you joy, wear it with abandon. Whether it be your grandma’s brooch, your favorite color or your ratty bathrobe you’ve had since college, if it brings a smile to your face & lights you up, then wear it. And wear it often.
  • If you’re going somewhere that requires some type of expected dress…think wedding, funeral, work…then wear what you should, BUT put your own spin on it. You can add a bit of you to any outfit through accessories, shoes, print/color mixing, layering, unexpected pairings. In a situation where a particular dress code applies then do the right thing. Decorum matters. Manners matter. Respect matters.
  • You do you. Let’s vow to make 2021 the year of less judgement & more empowerment. Instead of snarkiness & negativity, let’s lift our sisters up. You might not like what the babe in front of you in the checkout line is wearing, but if she feels badass amazing then more power to her. What another woman chooses to wear has absolutely no bearing on you or your world, so instead of judgement, let’s celebrate the unique spirit in every single one of us.

fashion rules to live by in 2021

fair isle sweater_distressed jeans_fur lined boots


This is hands down my most favorite winter coat. Wearing it brings me joy. It isn’t the coat that I necessarily wear the most, but it is the one that I love the most. The bright colors, the style, the fact that it’s vintage & fits me so well…perfection in coat form.

The sweater? It’s comfy & cozy and it has ALL the bright happy colors which makes it the exact right antidote to gray dreary winter days.

Look at any ridiculous “what not to wear after some arbitrary age” list & you’ll see ripped denim. It just so happens that the more rips there are in the denim the more I love it…tell me I can’t and I wear it even more.

fair isle sweater_distressed jeans_fur lined boots

fair isle sweater_distressed jeans_fur lined boots


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…

fair isle sweater_distressed jeans_fur lined boots fair isle sweater_distressed jeans_fur lined boots

Sweater: Target (Similar);  Jeans: American Eagle (Similar);  Coat: Vintage (Similar);  Boots: White Mountain (Similar)



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Marsha Banks
Marsha Banks
4 years ago

Hahaha!!! I truly thought you were going to give us some rules! I should have known better! I absolutely love this post. I think we may be playing a combo game of Jumanji and Zathura! I’ve commented before that, since reading your blog, I’ve stepped outside others’ comfort zones and put together some amazing lewks! And, it continues. I grew up in an era where you never, and I mean never, mixed patterns. Wear plaid and stripes? Absolutely not! What would the neighbors think! But, now, it’s almost second nature. And, in this time of retirement (eek…going on nine years… Read more »

4 years ago

Less/No Judgement and More Enjoyment for sure. I enjoyed reading this post because it’s how I get dressed everyday. You always look Fantastic in your outfits. Kudos!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

Yes…JOY. Joy should be the foundation of all that we wear.
Love, love, love all the bright colors!!

Lesley Russell
Lesley Russell
4 years ago

Love this non judgemental attitude and celebration of women wearing what they like. And adore that coat!

4 years ago

Cool post! Yes, absolutely no judgement. That’s what we need. Love your vibrant coat!

4 years ago

I lost my Style a bit during my blogging life. And now I’ve got it back. And I know my Style doesn’t appeal to everyone, but it’s mine and I love it! And it makes me happy. And thats whats it al about isn’t it.

4 years ago

I can’t tell you how much I ADORE this post. I wish I’d written it LOL!!
I hope you’re feeling better, lovely <3
Suzy xx

Kimberly Malkiewicz
4 years ago

Always love your attitude! First off, your hair with the sweater–it looks like it was made for you. And, how can you not love a pink plaid coat?! Yep. Here I am with silver hair now, wearing lots of over-sized Free People ‘cuz it’s just so dang comfy and I feel all kinds of bada$$ wearing it. I especially like the jacket I featured Monday and wear it with everything from skirts to workout shorts-ha!

4 years ago

Yes, My mother comments that it is odd that I dress up to work alone, during this level of crazy, in my office and I always respond that it makes me happy. Wear what sparks joy in you and I will too!

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Debbie, these fashion rules are the best damn rules I have ever read! We are grown ass women and we will wear whatever we damn well please! I remember in my mid-30’s right after I had kids, there was this overwhelming notion in my head that told me moms can’t wear certain things. And I stopped wearing some of my favorite things…like super mini skirts with knee high socks and lots of combinations that many consider too youthful for a mid-30’s mom. Now at 46, I say eff it all and I wear what I love. And you know, people… Read more »

Emma Peach
4 years ago

Absolutely YES to celebrating the unique spirit in every single one of us! I love your sweater and coat – they look magnificent with your gorgeous hair! Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

Lucy Bertoldi
4 years ago

You look so joyful and amazing!!

Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

Let’s vow to make 2021 the year of less judgment & more empowerment.”


Yeah, Rules Schmules.

Plus, THAT COAT. Not to mention THAT SWEATER. Ha. I’m all about HOT PINK and ice cream colors right now 🙂 Not my usual jam but – I CAN BE ANY JAM I WANT 🙂



Michele Linton
4 years ago

I love your message! The only rule is to be ourselves. And wear that gorgeous coat you have on!

4 years ago

Hi, Debbie – This post is a creative and fun way to read ‘less judgment, more enjoyment!’ That’s the best motto for the new year we’re heading into 😘 – Angie, yourtrueselfblog.cim

jess jannenga
4 years ago

Hi Debbie!
I always felt this way.. you need joy, especially these days , even if it is wearing pleather pants or … whatever 🙂 Love the pink sweater and the colors in it, a great “[pick me up” when the days are dreary! The jeans are fun too! all looks great with your hair.
`thanks for linking!
jess xx

4 years ago

You are my long lost twin. “If someone tells you you can’t, do it even more”.

4 years ago

Such a fun neon kinit and coat! i like the distressed jeans with them 🙂 I think that these are the best kind of rules – we should all wear what makes us happy, we need to take that joy wherever we can find it, especially to those places still in lockdown.

Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!

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