casual style / Work Style

Faux Leather Leggings & Camo Ankle Boots: Beautiful Human Beings

Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater.

Those of you who have kids (or have spent any time around kids) will get what I’m saying here…


…Oftentimes the way kids act at home and the way they act in public are two different things. When he was little my son, way more than my daughter, could be a little hell-beast at home. He was mouthy and argumentative…admittedly, traits he got from is mama, but when he was a wee one he didn’t yet know how to channel it properly. Sometimes he drove me crazy, but in public? He was amazing. Adults loved him. He was polite, respectful and well-spoken. I can’t think of a time that he didn’t do me proud. I’ve always believed that is the true indicator of my success as a parent. If my kids are fabulous humans with big hearts and manners out in the world, the hell-beast at home is irrelevant.

I learned yesterday that perhaps the same is true of my students. I’ve mentioned before that the 6th graders I got this year in my class were not only an unusually large group, but they are also highly immature and unruly. We’re rolling into the third nine weeks and I’ve gotten the basics of their behavior in line, but my aids and I still spend a good chunk of pretty much everyday having discussions with them about their social skills (of lack thereof) and interactions with others. I love them, but seriously, there are days when they mentally and emotionally exhaust me.

Yesterday though, they did their school mama proud. It was the annual 6th grade field trip to see the symphony at Heinz Hall in Pittsburgh. I had to chaperone this year since I do have such a ginormous group of 6th graders with a plethora of needs, both physical and emotional. You guys, they were amazing! The entire bus trip both there and back (about an hour and a half each way) they talked quietly amongst themselves or played on their phones together. Every single one of them were polite, well-behaved and respectful at the theater. I could not have been prouder of them.

So maybe, even though there are at least three times a week that I want to pound my head against the wall, and I feel like they are not listening to a word that I say, just maybe they are actually picking up more from me than I realized. School, our classroom, to them is “home” so they feel  safe to let out their inner hell-beasts. But when we were out in the world where it truly matters, they showed me that they are well on their way to being the beautiful human beings that I knew they all could be. To me, teaching them to be decent kind people is just as important to me as teaching them how to use money or to sound out new words. There are days when I’m sure that I’m in some way failing them because they just don’t seem to be “getting it”. Yesterday showed me that, even though it may not be apparent all of the time, all of my frustration is worth it.


The day that I wore this, I was standing behind my desk when my friend first walked into the room. She’s the adorable little Italian grandma of our tribe. She said, “Oh look Debbie, how cute! You’re dressed so professional today!” It didn’t occur to me that she could only see my top half so I looked down at myself and said, “Seriously?” I walked out around the desk and she exclaimed and giggled, “Oh my! I could only see the top half, how cute!” I said, “Ya, faux leather leggings and camo ankle boots probably aren’t on any professional wear lists…”

And that, in my opinion, is what makes this outfit so much fun. You see the top half; a button down and sweater and think “cute, but nothing exciting happening here”. But the bottom half? That’s where the magic happens. Taking slightly edgy and out of the ordinary pieces like faux leather leggings and camo boots and pairing them with basics makes for a nice balance of the two. It’s also an easy way to gently ease yourself in to more adventurous clothing choices if you’re hesitant about trying out something that is out of your comfort zone.


Not only is it okay to mix prints, it’s also perfectly fine to mix styles. My style is hard to pin down; I guess it’s more eclectic than anything else so I’m often mixing pieces with different “styles”. This outfit is the perfect example, half professional and half edgy. Mixing pieces that at first glance shouldn’t work together is often the easiest way to add some flare to your look.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater.Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater. Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater.Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater. Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater.Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater.Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater.Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater. Faux leather leggings, white button down and sweater.

Leggings: Nordstrom (Similar);  Sweater: Similar;  Boots: Ebay (Similar);  Shirt: Kohl’s;  Jacket: H&M (Similar)

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6 years ago

My oldest son was an emotional wreck at home when he was growing up and I always said the same thing – he feels safe at home and works hard to hold it together when he’s in public so it only makes sense he’ll let it all hang out at home! It’ s great that your kids did so well on the field trip!
Love this outfit so much and yes, the combination of the sort of classic and edgy thing is what makes it perfect! The camo booties are amazing!!!!
Gorgeous my friend!

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

I never had kids so am not the best person to comment but I can totally imagine what it must be like to see how the kids are really learning (even if it doesn’t always seem that way!).
LOVE the outfit, Debbie. The faux leather leggings are gorgeous – I still haven’t found the perfect pair. I think what I really want is a real leather pair lol
Suzy xx

Cheryl Tucker
6 years ago

Oh that is such a cute story about your student! Kids say the darnedest things! I love your look and think it is perfectly professional and fun! Happy Friday!

Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

I always love your stories, Debbie. And weren’t we all like that (and sometimes still are? ha ha)
As for the outfit…camo booties? Of course and why not??

Kristin McMillan
6 years ago

Really love the combination here of professional and edgy, Debbie! I’ve usually leaned toward funkier clothing but am about to go back to work in an office, so I’ll definitely want something more professional than what I usually wear without losing my identity completely. You gave me some great ideas here; thank you!

Kristin McMillan
6 years ago

Great outfit, Debbie! I really love that you mentioned about mixing edgy and professional, as I’m heading back to an office soon for work and don’t want to completely lose my usual funky side to the necessary professional look I’ll need. You’ve given me some great ideas; thanks so much! xoxo

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Of course I love this outfit! I love everything you wear! Love your story too. I used to be a nanny and the kids were perfect for me and then their parents would come to pick them up and they would throw tantrums like I’ve never seen. ha! Sometimes we don’t show the ones we love the most our very best. Great pics!!

6 years ago

I’ll bet when they are grown up, they will think back of that wonderful teacher they had!
I also like to wear contrasts, I sometimes wear a blouse and a sweater like that and then a baggy pants with heels. My preppy look I call it. Fantastic look and what an amazing shoes!

Emma Peach
6 years ago

All kids have to let off steam and I suppose it’s a sign they feel safe and comfortable with you that they get a bit unruly sometimes. You never forget a good teacher! My daughter was a horror until she turned four, she had such terrible tantrums, I dreaded going out in public with her! I love the faux leather leggings and camo print boots! Another great outfit Debbie!

Emma xxx

6 years ago

I’m a high school teacher, but I still totally understand and appreciate your sentiments. Our students are complex people, and at their worst they make you crazy but when they’re at their best you feel like flying! Cute look, I love the mix of edgy and classic layers.

Miss Cellany
6 years ago

I look at your outfit, see the red hair, the attitude and think, you’ll have those kids – wild, or whatever, eating out of your hand! Great!

jess jannenga
6 years ago

Debbie! I love it.. the story about your teacher friend seeing the top half of your outfit! Love the leggings and the booties are so cool! Are they new? ah, i miss Heinz Hall! We have a great theatre here, but that is wonderful that your students did so well that day, sometimes kids can surprise you .
thanks for linking!
jess xx

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