Boho Style

Floral Boho Midi Skirt & Ankle Boots: Things Are Not Always As They Appear

Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater.

Today’s post is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The topic of today’s story was originally one thing, but then something else came up so I decided to talk about both…


…As luck would have it, both stories fall under the “things are not always as they appear” category so there will actually be some flow to it. I had to laugh to myself over the irony when I took these shots. Normally, I’m well ahead of the game with the monthly Ageless Style shots. We always know the theme well ahead of time so generally I take the pictures way before I need them.

Somehow this month time got away from me, and I was under the gun to get the pictures in this past weekend. Unfortunately, there was also a painting of the bathroom emergency that had to be remedied this weekend as well because I go back to school this week. Yes, believe it or not, there is a such thing as a “I have no freakin’ choice but to paint this room NOW” paint emergency. But I digress…

Sunday morning as soon as I was awake, I started painting. No shower, no changing out of the pajamas, hair up in a clip; I was in the zone my friends. About midday while waiting for paint to dry, I splashed water on my face and threw on same makeup, took my yucky hair out of the clip and fluffed it the best I could and tossed this pretty outfit on my nasty unwashed self. Then out to the yard I went to take pictures. Probably TMI, but I’m making a point here. I might look like I wore this out to dinner or perhaps to work. I might look like my hair is clean and I’m freshly showered. I might look like I’ve got my sh*t together, but um, no. That is the reality. Sometimes things are not as they appear. Hence the reason one should not ever get caught up in comparing themselves to others. What you see on the surface is never the whole story.

Which leads me to the extra bit I wanted to add to this post as sort of a public service announcement for those of us who are active on Instagram. I know that not all of you pay attention to your followers/unfollowers/following numbers. I happen to be more than a little OCD about a lot of things and Instagram is one of those things. Sad perhaps, but it is what it is. I also know that some of you do pay attention like I do, and this is probably more for you.

Recently Instagram was hacked and well over six million accounts were affected; at least six million is what Instagram is admitting to. Since then my follower/following numbers have been going up and down at an insane pace. People who I know with 150% certainty wouldn’t unfollow me have. But you see, they haven’t really. If I search for a random unfollower’s account via Instagram search, the account is gone. But then within a few hours or in some cases days, the account reappears and they are included in my followers again. Again, things are not always as they appear.

Let me just say, I have not unfollowed anyone at all. So if you do pay attention, and I have unfollowed you, don’t be all offended because really I haven’t. Give it a few days and I should reappear. Even if none of this matters to you, consider this one piece of advice. Change your password and turn on two factor authentication. To turn on two factor authentication, go to your Instagram home and tap the little gear, then simply tap two factor authentication in the drop down. That way, if you ever have to log back in to Instagram or log in from a different device, Instagram sends a code via text message to your phone. You then enter the code in addition to your password to verify that it’s you.


The theme for this month’s Ageless Style Link Up is styling a Summer skirt for Fall. This floral boho midi skirt immediately jumped to mind because it’s in my top three favorite skirts from this Summer. When I wore it at the beginning of August the temperatures were in the 80’s so I went with a tank top and sandals.

To change it up for Fall, I added a sweater on top and ankle boots on the bottom. I kept the sweater lightweight since we aren’t technically into full-on Fall just yet. The burgundy ankle boots are the perfect getting psyched for Fall shade, and the open-weave knit and off the shoulder styling of the sweater were perfect for the temperatures and for showing off my pretty burgundy lacy bralette.

I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth mentioning again. American Eagle has the best bralettes, hands down. They come in a variety of sizes, colors and styles, but the reason that I love them so much is that they come in sizes that fit even the busty girls among us. I have literally lived in them all summer long.


Think before you stash away all of your Summer wardrobe in preparation for the chill that will soon be descending upon us. To be honest, I don’t put a whole lot of my Summer things in the attic. Of course the sandals, bathing suits and shorts (although shorts can be worn with tights in cooler weather) as well as some of the tank tops that scream “Summer” do go on Winter break. But the vast majority of my skirts, dresses and tops work all year round thanks to creative layering.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…


Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater. Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater.Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater. Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater.Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater. Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater.Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater. Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater.Floral boho skirt, ankle boots & off the shoulder sweater.

Skirt: Fashion & Fun With Darcy; Sweater: Grace & Lace; Boots: JustFab (Similar)


  • Have fun and make some new friends! Please visit at least 2 other links.
  • Please link to your actual post and not your blog’s homepage.
  • Please link back to the Ageless Style Link Up in your linked post.
  • Feel free to use #AgelessStyleBloggers in all of your social media posts
  • Please follow each of your hosts on at least one social media channel via the links below.

Ana ~ Mrs. American Made bloglovin, instagram, pinterest, twitter, facebook

Daenel ~ Living Outside the Stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter

Jodie~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blog, bloglovin, instagram, pinterest, facebooktwitter

Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, facebookbloglovin, instagram, pinterest, twitter

Nicole ~ High Latitude Style blog, pinterest, twitter,facebook, google, instagram, bloglovin

Shelly ~ The Queen in Between instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, blog, twitter

Jill ~ Doused In Pink bloglovin , facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter, blog

Yvonne ~ Funky Forty blog, twitter, facebook, bloglovin, instagram, pinterest

Paula ~ Dimples On My What bloglovin, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter, blog

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7 years ago

I am obsessed with your hair – I love it!!! Your backstory is so funny, you most definitely don;t look like you were paining a bathroom earlier in these pictures, lol!
Great outfit, that skirt is so lovely. Enjoy going back to work, I hope you have a great year!!!

Shelbee on the Edge
7 years ago

Fabulous outfit as always! Even more so knowing that you just threw it on at the last minute! Thanks so much for the IG tips. I was wondering why my follower count plummeted in the past few days. I just updated passwords and authentication settings. I would have never known if you had not shared. The things we can learn from each other!


7 years ago

I had to LOL at the story behind this outfit. You are completely right that I would’ve thought you went out to a lovely dinner just like this. And thanks for the information on Instagram, that is a shame, but true. Thanks for linking up, xo


7 years ago

You KNOW I love that skirt…. You’re the coolest chick I know.

7 years ago

Cool outfit – love the quirky addition of a flower. Your hair looks great!’

7 years ago

Love this outfit on you and that skirt is perfect. Yes. . .even salt looks like sugar up close!! (LOL)

Nikki Gwin
7 years ago

Love the boots and the outfit and your hair is just gorgeous!
🙂 gwingal

7 years ago

I’ve done more than a couple “just threw it on” photo shoots and didn’t even bother with much makeup because I was wearing sunglasses. The outfit is fabulous, the story was very entertaining, and I’m always astounded by the hacking stories I hear about Instagram. Thanks for the fantastic post and sharing your Ageless Style.


Monika Faulkner
7 years ago

Fabulous outfit and fabulous photos, dearest Debbie; no one would ever suspect that you were anything but all glamour all the time if they didn’t read your story!! ;D Love this skirt and bootie combo….and your olive sweater just might have me yearning a teeny tiny bit for autumn weather to start here in Vancouver!! P.S. The hair situation is one I’m all too familiar with – I HATE washing my hair! – but it’s surprising how nice it usually looks in pics. And if we believe the adage that “the camera doesn’t lie,” then maybe we need to be… Read more »

Lazy Daisy Jones
7 years ago

Hi Debbie how gorgeous are you?
pleased to meet you!
What a horror story re instagram, i had no idea?
have linked and tweeted you and thank you for joining our link up too!
best wishes
Ashley xx

jess jannenga
7 years ago

Love this Debbie! Such a pretty skirt and I lvoe the floral pin.. I call this bohemian romance. 🙂 I am fed up with IG, I go up and down and stay stagnant no matter how much work I put into it. I dont unfllow either
thanks for linking!
jess xx

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style party. You look stunning in these colors. Great summer to fall transition look!

7 years ago

That is such a pretty skirt Debbie. I would be wanting to wear it through all seasons too!

xxx Yvonne

7 years ago

I love this post. For one, I have noticed my IG followers going up and down, but didn’t think to look into it. Thank you for shedding light on that mystery for me! Next, how right you are – things are NOT always as they appear. Btw, you look fabulous after a crazed painting emergency. Mine needs painting as well, sooooo…;) Lastly, I love the skirt with the sweater! 🙂

7 years ago

I noticed the same thing on Instagram too but didn’t realize they were hacked. In case I came up as an unfollower, I have not unfollowed you. This is such a pretty boho look! Love your styling!

Doused in Pink

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