So much to think about, so little time…
…Here’s a rundown of what made this weeks list of musings and interesting weirdness:
- What’s the deal exactly with those random single shoes that you see lying on the road from time to time? I’ve seen this often enough that it puzzles me and I spied one just the other day at the stop sign down the street from my house. One single solitary woman’s shoe. Why?? How did it get there? Didn’t the wearer notice that she was one shoe short? Now I can understand if it’s a child’s shoe. Kids do strange things like take off a shoe and throw it out the car window unbeknownst to their parents. But an adult sized shoe? Seriously, how much of a mess is your life that you lose one shoe on the road and you continue on without it as if nothing is amiss?
- I love love love hydrangeas. I think they are absolutely beautiful. Years ago I planted a hydrangea in my backyard and it has never bloomed…not once. It gets all bushy and green, but alas, no flowers. Back in April when my dad passed away my posse of women who were there for me when it all went down, gave me a stepping stone as a gift. I placed it in my flower bed in front of my non-blooming hydrangea and this happened, I kid you not:
- And because everyone can use a smile, I give you this list of 23 Things That Will Make You Smile. You’re welcome.
I finally discovered the perfect outfit for those 90°+ in a room without air conditioning days…a kimono over a slip dress. Last week I went with that combo twice and it worked like a charm. Did I feel like I was on a mountaintop with a cool breeze blowing through my hair? No, I’m not delusional, but I was at least able to breathe and that’s always a good thing.
This is the same kimono (and the sandals too coincidentally) that I wore back in the Spring with jeans and a tee shirt. It did the job dressing up my basic jeans and a white tee outfit, and it successfully made a basic black slip dress totally work appropriate.
See, there’s a reason that I own so many kimonos. Not only do they dress up just about anything, they also make the perfect layering piece in hot or cold weather. In hot weather they don’t add to your heat related discomfort and in colder weather they don’t add additional bulk.
If you don’t own a kimono, maybe you should give one a try. And if you do own a kimono perhaps it’s time to add a few more of these little gems to your fashion arsenal.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Kimono: JCPenney (Similar); Slip Dress: H&M (Similar); Sandals: Target