Work Style

Floral Maxi Dress & Gray Sweater: I Shouldn’t Have To

Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots.

As always, when I write a post such as this I’ll start with a disclaimer…


…if you aren’t interested in a post relating to politics than skip to the outfit. If you are inclined to lecture me on the fact that this is “just a fashion blog” and I should keep my opinions to myself, then perhaps you’d be better served clicking to a less offensive corner of the Internet.

This is too important. This is too close to home. I will not, I cannot,  remain silent.

I became a teacher because…

…I wanted to spend my days teaching children who had the same kinds of difficulties as my baby brother whom I never had the opportunity to know.

…I wanted to see the look of joy on their faces when they realized I was right when I told them, “You can do it”.

…I wanted to provide them with a place they were accepted and loved unconditionally; where they could learn new things without fear of ridicule.

…I wanted to help them to see that they were special, unique and valued no matter what anyone else told them.

…I wanted them, if for only seven hours a day, to feel safe.

I did not become a teacher because…

…I wanted to teach my children how to run for their lives from the very building in which they were supposed to be safe.

…I wanted to teach my children what areas of the room were the safest to hide in if someone came to the door to kill them.

…I wanted to see the looks of fear and tears welled up in their eyes after watching the active shooter training video and explaining that yes, it can happen to us.

…I wanted to be unable to answer all of their “What if…”questions so they weren’t so afraid.

…I wanted to have the knowledge in my head that due to the nature of some of my students’ disabilities escaping just quite simply is not going to be an option for all of us.

…I wanted to fear that every morning that I walk into work could potentially be my last.

…I expected the government to suggest that my continuing education training include operating a firearm so that I could protect my students.

…I wanted to take a bullet for one of my kids.

But I will. And that my friends, is the problem. I shouldn’t have to. We need to wake the hell up. We as a country have failed our children. I know it, you know it, they know it. If change will come by following a group of high school students to the gates of hell and back, then I for one will proudly be right there with them. #NEVERAGAIN


This floral maxi dress is actually a Summer sundress although the majority of times that I’ve worn it I’ve styled it layered with a sweater. This summer I wore it as it was intended, paired with Birks, but alas, it only made the ‘gram.

The colors in this dress make it super versatile. I’ve layered it with a blue sweater (which I linked to above) as well as a white off the shoulder sweater, but it would also work with black, pink or olive. The gray sweater that I’m wearing it with today I picked up at Walmart of all places in about a gazillion colors several years ago. I would have to say that this sweater (and the other colors) get the most wear throughout the Winter. They’re comfortable, not too bulky and work with so many things. Bonus points because they are just long enough to cover the butt.

The Birkenstock boots were well worth the investment. I purchased both the black and the tan on 6 p.m. on sale (which they are now too) and I wear them a lot. They’re not only super cute, but they are almost as comfortable as my Birk sandals with a similar cork footbed.


Don’t compartmentalize pieces in your closet by season. Sure, some things like say, swimwear and wool sweaters are purely single seasonal. But many of your pieces can be functional all year long. Layering is the key. Sweaters over or under and leggings as well can make a Summer dress or skirt cozy enough for cooler temperatures. For additional warmth, over the knee boots can be your best friend when your looking to take a Summer dress out for a spin in the snow.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots.Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots. Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots.Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots. Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots.Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots. Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots.Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots. Floral maxi dress, gray sweater and Birkenstock boots.

Dress: Similar;  Sweater: Similar;  Boots: Birkenstock via 6 p.m.

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6 years ago

A beautiful dress, a super soft and beautiful look.

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

You look absolutely gorgeous – that blue colour is stunning with your hair!
As for politics, I have no words. Living here in Portugal, things are very different. There are few guns (there is an active hunting community who hunt wild boar / rabbits, etc) but there is very little gun crime. I cannot even imagine how awful it must be to keep experiencing such tragedy in schools, of all places. My heart breaks every time I hear about them. Let’s hope something can be done about it before it’s too late <3 <3
Suzy xx

6 years ago

You, my friend are 100% correct, our country needs to wake the Hell up and start addressing social emotional issues rather than test scores and performance. I went off on a tirade on my own on Facebook last weekend because I cannot imagine why ANYONE would think arming teachers is a good idea. From our lips to God’s ears I am praying that the right decisions are made!

Robin LaMonte
6 years ago


You go girl!
We have been failing for a very long time in protecting our teachers and students from angry and mentally ill children who have access to guns legally or illegally.
Changing the gun laws may help, but it’s too late for the people who have died already.
You look fabulous as always fierce sister!


6 years ago

Love how you made the summer dress work for winter time.

Robin LaMonte
6 years ago

You go girl!
Yes, I agree that you shouldn’t have to go to school to be a teacher and have to worry about protecting your students from an angry and mentally unstable shooter.
Our guns laws do not protect us because there is always a way to get a gun when all you want to do is kill people.
It’s too late for many, but hopefully this will never happen again.


Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Love this outfit on you! I need to copy this look!

I’m with you! #neveragain

I sure wish our politicians thought more about people and not reelection and campaign funds/supporters. Sad times.

6 years ago

clap clap clap clap clap.


Emma Peach
6 years ago

I totally agree with you Debbie. There is no logic whatsoever behind the gun laws in the United States. These terrible shootings will continue unless the law is changed. Teachers should never be expected to sacrifice themselves. It’s a crazy situation. On a lighter note, I love the chunky sweater over the dress.

Emma xxx

6 years ago

YES. . YES. . YES. . to this post. Teachers learning to use a gun and carrying it in their handbag is a big NO. It’s not even up for debate. On another note, this outfit is giving us all inspiration and you wear it all so very well.

6 years ago

Yes! I became a teacher for many of the reasons you stated. This country places so much value on a damn gun and so little on education. I’m encouraged by the kids who are calling bullshit! They may accomplish what we haven’t been able to do…yet!

6 years ago

I appreciate your post and hear everything you wrote. I think there needs to be something done and we can help by marching, sending our opinions and thoughts to our representatives. Thank you for your honesty!

Daenel T.
6 years ago

I’m with you. I work in an academic library that is open to the community, which means that we’re the least protected building on campus. I know this and anyone with a mind to do harm knows this. Teachers already have so much to do with educating our kids, they shouldn’t have to put their lives on the line to do so.

Loving the outfit. And why have I never thought of pairing a cozy sweater with a maxi dress before? I love that look.

Nancy Baten
6 years ago

It s awfull what happened at that school. And to hear Trump say that the teacher should have had a gun to defend himself….😵😵😵😵 Oh my….
Great colors you are wearing!

Anna Parkes
6 years ago

Hey Debbie, long time no see. My heart goes out to you and those like you who are dealing with this terrible and new problem in your working environment. Suddenly you’re on the front line and yes, you’re so right to object and kick up a fuss – this isn’t what you signed up for. Nurturing these young souls doesn’t align you with carrying a gun. I can’t begin to imagine how you feel, but somehow, some way, someone has to bring about change – so why not people like you? The American gun laws surely must be at fault,… Read more »

6 years ago

Debbie, Your subject is important to talk about. I’d like to share this post on Facebook because of that, if you don’t mind. I just got angry this morning when the Detroit Free Press front page showed a classroom with 38 students…38 is pushing 40! How about cutting that down to 28 at the most! How is a teacher supposed to keep her students safe and teach them something at the same time when there are 38 of them! The treatment of teachers is way out of hand. I saw an article about a teacher who went to the bathroom… Read more »

Barbara Kremm
Barbara Kremm
6 years ago


Sabina @Oceanblue Style at Manderley
6 years ago

Love the colors you are wearing! I cannot begin to imagine what it must feel like. Reafing about that ridiculous suggestion about arming teachers just left me flabbergasted.

No person in their right mind would come up with such an idea.

I also teach adults so I can sort of relate. And just watching from afar is heartbraking.

6 years ago

You, my dear are always open, honest and refreshing. I know you love your students enough to do WHATEVER it took to protect them. Your ♥️ HEART is what endears you to so many! This is a debate that sadly has few answers and can be argued from as many different sides as there are people and places. I’m of the opinion that we take a risk by walking out the door every single day. People kill people. Not guns…. or cars, or aircraft, box trucks, knives or pressure cookers. And until we find solutions that help us identify and… Read more »

6 years ago

I am so glad you are so vocal about all the school shootings that recently have been happening a lot for over a decade now. Especially since you are a teacher for years, this hits close to your home and your heart. All the points you made are valid and true. I don’t get the whole “let’s train our teachers how to shoot guns” point. It is super awful to hear and so stupid too. I am glad however that you touch on these issues and I too have used my (mostly) “style blog” to do the same including a… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Beautiful outfit as always, my friend. And the message….tears. Every day as I drop my very young children at school, I have to push these fears aside because I cannot allow myself to live a life of fear. But yet..there it is. Right in your face. All the time. It happens. And it’s damn effing scary. And I hate it. And I hate that I fear for my children when I should be able to confidently drop them off at school where they should be in a safe learning environment. I just don’t even have words. But thank you for… Read more »

Michelle Orsi
6 years ago

This is such a great idea! I need to try this styling with one of my maxi dresses!

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