casual style

Floral Print Jeans & Pink Moto Jacket: Seriously, TGIF

Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater.

Nothing thought provoking, no tear-jerkers, and nothing to give you a chuckle…


…I’m just not feeling the story today my friends. I think it’s probably due to the fact that I’m particularly tired this week after a few nights of insomnia. And having my ass kicked daily by a pack of middle schoolers probably didn’t help. The brain just is not functioning on all cylinders and therefore putting together a coherent thought is seemingly impossible. Thankfully tomorrow is Friday and next week is a short work week so that’s a big bonus. I’m going to try and relax and enjoy this weekend because like most of us, I have a run of busy weekends between now and Christmas. Have a fabulous weekend lovelies and try to enjoy the calm before the holidays! 🙂


I haven’t actually worn these jeans for a few years because my temporarily larger sized butt wouldn’t fit into them. I wanted to put together a softer pastel outfit and they were perfect for the bottom half with the subtle pink, lavender, mint and gray floral print.

The gray sweater is an all of the time favorite that I reach for again and again. I picked up a few years ago on the super cheap at Walmart. Surprisingly, as often as I wear it it has held up remarkably well. (Side note: the big ol’ statement necklace was also a Walmart find). I thought about my blush lace up flats, but I figured with the pink moto jacket and bag that would be overkill. Instead I opted for my light gray Vince Camuto Ankle boots and went sock-free since it wasn’t frigid outside just yet.


Just because the calendar says, “Fall” and the temperature says, “Forget Fall, Winter is here” that doesn’t mean you have to pack all of your pastel clothing away until next Spring. I think Fall and Winter are the best time to pull out your softer shades. They make a bold statement when surrounded by a sea of jewel tones, blacks and grays.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater.Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater. Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater.Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater. Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater.Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater. Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater.Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater. Floral print jeans, pink moto jacket & gray sweater.

Jeans: JCPenney (Similar);  Jacket: Charlotte Russe (Similar);  Boots: Vince Camuto via Soft Surroundings;  Sweater: Walmart (Similar)

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6 years ago

I love your printed pants, they are cute. And I love the softness and sweetness of the whole set. Beautiful necklace and precious booties. You have a beautiful style, very personal.

6 years ago

Love, love, love this outfit! Yes pastels in Fall & Winter! So cheery. Hope you get a little R&R this weekend my friend!

6 years ago

Oh wow Debbie, you have some amazing clothes! Love your pink jacket and bag. Plue your jeans are lovely. Great look. Thanks for joining us #weekendbloghop

6 years ago

I am so sorry that this has been a rough week! Although, you look totally awesome in these pics! I love the soft color of your purse. It looks so nice with your hair color.
Thank you for linking up this week!

~xo Sheree

Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

Sorry, it was such a killer week, Debbie!
At least it sounds like your body is getting back to where you want it??? Getting into older jeans is always a nice plus!!!

Petite Silver Vixen
6 years ago

Hope you had a restful weekend and have recouped.
Meant to comment on this post last week but time ran out. How lovely you look in this outfit. I love coloured moto jackets but it’s rather you see them. And I love pastels just as much in Autumn and Winter as I do in Spring and Summer.

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