Boho Style

Floral Print Maxi Skirt & Pink Clutch: Epic Arrival

Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch.

It’s no secret that Fall is my absolute favorite season and this year her arrival was epic…


Typically, as with all seasonal transitions, the change is gradual. The Summer heat takes it’s time making its way to Fall’s cooler air and the scent of Summer lingers. The changes in color on the trees are spotty…a hint of red here, a hint of yellow there. Nature never seems to care that the calendar says it’s time for the Autumnal Equinox and she takes her time letting go of Summer.

This year though? Fall straight up kicked Summer’s ass and showed her the door. Friday was the last official day of Summer and there was no doubt it was Summer. It was 88° with about a billion percent humidity. Friday evening a cold front moved in and was supposed to cause a beast of a storm followed by Fall-like temperatures. I gotta say, the storm was a huge disappointment. The predictions were for insane winds and rain. I was looking forward to a seasonal apocalypse of sorts (I love weather almost as much as Fall), but alas just some rain and a breeze showed up.

Even though the storm was a huge disappointment I was not deterred. The weather man said Summer temperatures were over and Fall was all but inevitable. I was like a kid on Christmas Eve, and couldn’t wait to get up Saturday morning to see if Fall had indeed arrived. I woke up Saturday morning and I kid you not, the first thing I did was throw on my robe and run outside to the backyard. Guess what? It actually was Fall…I literally spun around in circles like a giddy little girl. Fortunately my backyard is entirely fenced in so none of the neighbors witnessed my Fall happy dance. And btw…there isn’t a day above 73° anywhere to be found in the extended forecast.

It might sound cheesy, but that was one of those rare moments of pure joy that I will remember until forever. Fall always makes me happy, but for it to arrive so abruptly and unexpectedly made it a million times more special…it really was like Christmas morning.


I have big love for this skirt. It’s the stuff dreams are made of; soft and perfectly floaty with a beautiful drape and the bright bold floral print…I could not love it more. I first wore it with Birks and a band tee, and I have big plans for it this Winter paired with boots and sweaters of every hue.

Today though, I kept it basic with a simple white tee shirt. I put this outfit together to wear to a baby shower last weekend. It was just right for the event; pretty, but still casual. I could have gone the expected route (but why) and worn my purple block heel sandals, but instead decided to go with my white ankle boots for a little bit of edge. My bright pink suede clutch that I nabbed during the Nordstrom sale was the perfect finishing touch.


In case no one has told you yet…you can (and maybe should) wear white after Labor Day. My white jeans actually get way more love during the Winter than they do during the warmer months. I’m not sure where that antiquated “rule” came from, but it’s time to kick it to the curb. I mean what’s the worst that can happen other than being invisible during a blizzard? Think of white as your Winter camo…


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch. Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch.Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch. Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch.Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch. Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch.Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch. Floral maxi skirt, white tee shirt and pink clutch.

Skirt: H&M (Similar);  Tee: American Eagle;  Clutch: Nordstrom;  Boots: Target

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Amy Christensen
6 years ago

Looking Ahhhhhmaaaazing! Your story made me smile and made me think, I need to be a little more like you! I have a tendency to want to run out in the back yard and spin in circles, but I’m the gal that says, “Oh, no! I can’t do that. What would people think!” I miss out on too many opportunities to get excited because I’m too busy thinking that I’m not supposed to behave that way. Thanks for sharing! – Amy

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
6 years ago

That skirt!! Its the most colorful think around, and that’s exactly what we need at this time of year!!
As for you enjoying the fall?? That’s the best too….we all need to be child like and enjoy the small wonders of our world!!

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

I know what you mean about the excitement a cool morning brings – when it happens here I feel the same way. I want a warm, yummy drink, and I feel the need to bake! I’m such a lover of cool weather that it gets me giddy. Sadly it will be awhile before it happens here but it will happen.
I LOVE that skirt. Oh my gosh I wish it was still available because I’d snatch it up in a heartbeat. I’m also loving those white ankle boots !

6 years ago

Yay, for fall! It’s such a great season, I’m glad it came roaring in for you! This is a great look, Debbie, the boots and clutch put it over-the-top for style.

6 years ago

Lol I getcha! Fall is one of my favorite seasons as well. I was never a fan of heat so Summer unfortunately just lands in the bucket of no thank you! So happy that the weather has cooled down quite a bit on your end. We are still experiencing high 80s but I am patient and I know Fall will eventually get the memo! That’s a beautiful skirt and I actually like how you styled it with a white tee. The skirt has such a presence that I am glad you left it as the focal point. I hope you… Read more »

6 years ago

I just love it when that weather change hits and it’s guaranteed every morning and evening are crisp and cool. I just love your fun hair color!

Bettye L Rainwater
6 years ago

When I walk outside in the morning and it is NOT humid?? OH HALLELUJAH! We’ve had a cool, dry day or two since first day of fall, but…it’s back to mid-70s and getting a little muggier every day again, boo.

That skirt is amazing! Can’t wait to see all the other ways you style it this fall!


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