Boho Style / Work Style

Boho Print Midi Dress & Wood Heel Sandals: The Size Of Your Life

Boho print dress & wood heel sandals

All right my friends, it’s time for a serious blatantly honest heart to heart…


…About what you ask? Body image; more specifically, body image and self-confidence. I had been considering writing about it when I happened upon my friend Paula’s (Dimples On My What) Instagram post about that very topic. After reading her post I decided to share my thoughts.

The main reason I had been hesitant was because the last thing I wanted was to appear as if I was fishing for compliments. Believe me, no compliments are necessary because like I commented on Paula’s post, no matter how the rest of the world sees us, we often see ourselves in an entirely different light and no amount of extrinsic praise is going to change that.

I’ve been struggling in recent weeks to find pictures that I actually wanted to post both on the blog and on Instagram because since last May I’ve gained an even 10 pounds, which on a tiny girl translates to quite a bit of excess bulk. When my life goes off the rails for whatever reason, my eating typically follows suit.

My clothes aren’t fitting right and I feel, well, icky. I don’t like how I look in photos and I don’t like how I feel in my clothes. Yes, I understand that at my current size/weight I’m considerably smaller than the the average woman. However that does not change the fact that I simply do not feel good in my own skin right now. I’m not my best self.

Boho print dress & wood heel sandals

I’m all for body positivity; it’s truly a goal we should all aspire to. The key word there is “aspire”. It is simply unrealistic and impossible to feel good about ourselves all of the time, and friends, there is nothing wrong with that. We shouldn’t be ashamed to admit that we feel beautiful, but by the same token, we shouldn’t feel ashamed to admit that sometimes we just feel gross.

This isn’t some big hatin’ on myself pity party. I still know that I’m intelligent, I have a killer (albeit immature) sense of humor, I am blessed with beautiful hair, my nails are always perfectly manicured and the definition in my calf muscles is fierce even when I’m carrying extra poundage. I do see the good, but I am not going to lie to myself or the world about the things that make me unhappy for the sake of feigning a positive body image. I don’t obsess over it 24/7, but I do recognize it for what it is and now I have to work to fix it. I know what changes I have to make and I know how to make them.

In time I’ll get myself back to where I am comfortable. Until then, I will hear my bitchy thoughts, acknowledge my negative feelings, then toss my fabulous hair, move on with my day and enjoy my life. So just remember, if you aren’t feeling great about some aspect of yourself that is perfectly okay. If it seems like everyone you see is feeling all sorts of “body positive” about themselves remind yourself that no one, and I mean NO ONE ever feels as beautiful as the rest of the world perceives them to be.

The reality of it is we all have bad days, bad weeks, bad months; we all have insecurities of one flavor or another. Make it a point to focus on whatever it is that you love about yourself, work on improving what you don’t and try not to criticize yourself too harshly. And most importantly, keep this in mind…the size of your ass does not determine the size of your life.

Boho print dress & wood heel sandals


This particular outfit is kind of a “boho for beginners” look. Or maybe it’s for the women out there who like the idea of boho, but are skittish about the full “rock n’ roll gypsy chick at an 80’s music festival in the woods” look that I typically adorn myself in.

The boho print midi dress, braided belt and wood heeled sandals are all definitely giving off a bohemian vibe, however the cut of the dress and the straps of the sandals give it a more mainstream feel. Mainstream as in this is what I wore to Open House at school a few weeks back. Trust me, I didn’t intentionally tone it down, these were just the pieces that for whatever reason spoke to me when I was perusing my closet. The turquoise, rust and cream tones lend themselves well to brown accessories like the belt and sandals I paired it with here.

The first time that I wore this dress I styled it with more of a western flavor and some layers since it was early spring. Like most of my dresses it will work just as well in the winter with a chunky sweater, tights and boots.

Boho print dress & wood heel sandals Boho print dress & wood heel sandals


If a particular style interests you, but you just want to dip your toes in the water then tone it down a bit so that you aren’t overwhelmed. You can use prints, colors and accessories to add just a hint of a particular style like I did with this look. The print is definitely bohemian, but the cut of the dress and sandals are more middle of the road.

Boho print dress & wood heel sandals Boho print dress & wood heel sandals


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Boho print dress & wood heel sandals Boho print dress & wood heel sandals

Dress: Similar;  Sandals: Similar;  Belt: Similar

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

You’re right Debbie. We all go through that. Exactly what happened when I put on my pink pants that were too tight and decided to blog about it recently. Granted, like you I’m still small so people don’t get it. And I’m getting better about giving myself grace. But it’s a process.
Your quote…the size of your ass does not determine the size of your life…..PERFECT!!

4 years ago

Oh boy,I know!!! I went to the diëtist last Februari to gain, yes gain, weight! But I had a terrible going out for dinner all weekends kind a Summer! And now I have got a belly that I can t even camouflage with shaping underwear! And I love to wear bodycon dresses and skirts, but they don t look good at the moment! Haha, we leed a hard life right! Lol!

Kimberly Malkiewicz
4 years ago

I so much love how you can expound on a topic. I wish I had your gift for being inspired about what to write about–too much time, I feel like I’ll end up sounding like a curmudgeon! I agree on how we feel personally vs. what others may see. I have a pudgy middle and hate when it shows up in photos. If I see a little pudge on someone else, I don’t give it a second thought! Have a great weekend!

4 years ago

Thank you for your honesty! I think we all struggle with parts of our body and while I am going to the gym to help work on my muffin top, I am also learning to camouflage it with certain clothes too!

4 years ago

Oh dear, it IS awful to feel uncomfortable in your body. I know the feeling well. And I DO understand that ten pounds can feel very significant if you’ve always been thin. You’re lugging around two five-pound bags of sugar when you used to be easy breezy! You are most likely the only one who SEES it, but it doesn’t matter what WE see or think, it matters what YOU feel, so…you’ll do what you have or want to do when you’re ready.

Hugs, friend.


4 years ago

What a cute dress, it looks great belted! 🙂 Wight fluctuates through life, and I realised after my first baby I might not ever get back to my pre-baby weight, but I am perfectly okay with that! my body will always look and feel different (bad ab separation with having tow babies close together) but my body gave me my kids and so it’s right it should look and feel different! The things we focus on and stress about are never the things others notice anyway! 🙂

Hope that you are having a lovely weekend 🙂

Kellyann Rohr
4 years ago

I hear you! I always gain some weight over the summer but after the death of my dad I was eating horribly and felt awful. When I finally reached the point where I was ready to feel good again and get back on track I felt so much better. It has nothing to do with my size or the number on the scale – it has everything to do with how I feel. I knew I was not treating my body well and I didn’t feel good so that’s what motivates me. It’s hard to talk about that because not… Read more »

Shugunna Alexander
4 years ago

I believe this is why I honestly like this group of women! Authenticity, yes I have my days my days too BUT I have to stand in that cracked mirror of mine and shut her down. Its perfectly fine that we have these thoughts, hell if we didn’t what kind of mess woild that be. Well written and Paula’s on the IG was on point too!

Shugunna Alexander
Reply to  Shugunna Alexander
4 years ago


4 years ago

Love it all Debbie, especially “the size of your a$$ doesn’t determine the size of your life.” Although if my life were based on butt size, it would be a GRAND party indeed! 😂 Truthfully though, our value has nothing whatsoever to do with size, because what happens if we can’t or don’t want to loose the weight? It would be a sorrowful like not to feel good about ourselves just because of that. I love what J.K. Rowling’s said, “is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’… Read more »

Leslie Susan Clingan
4 years ago

Love the ‘I’ve got a secret’ expression on your face in the second to last photo. You look mischievous. This dress is the perfect amount of boho for beginners. Great length, great details and colors in the dress and your accessories are the perfect compliment. Had a pair of wooden heel shoes many lifetimes ago and loved them. As far as weight goes, I think we all just need to be where we feel most comfortable. And are healthiest. Not goal number but a goal feeling. Oddly, I get a pain under my ribs when my weight is on the… Read more »

4 years ago

Love these colors paired together and they are perfect for fall. You do boho the best Debbie!

We would love to have you come join the Style Six Linkup on Wednesdays!
Shelly | The Queen in Between

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

First of all, great outfit as always! Those sandals are absolutely killer amazing! Second, cheers to this message. I am the same as you, I mostly have lots of body confidence and over all confidence but we are and always will be our own worst critics. I have been contemplating a post about that issue…WHY are we our own worst critics? In any event, I feel icky about myself probably 1/2 the time, but I smile and fake my way through it until I return to feeling good again. The cycles are the norm. I am now learning to just… Read more »

Donna Walmsley
4 years ago

I always love this style – very feminine!! And I hear you about our body – having just had an operation to review a botched breast reconstruction following breast cancer it’s quite hard to accept the new body I have, but I’m working on it. That’s why I occasionally do my lingerie posts now!! Have a great week, Debbie!!
Donna 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🙏

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