boho dress / boho outfit / Boohoo / cardigan / Charlotte Russe / over the knee boots / style tips / tunic dress

Floral Tunic Dress & Chunky Knit Cardigan: Priorities

Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather.

I’m a pretty easy-going person the majority of the time, but with that being said there is a short list of things that will trigger my temper…


…And once the switch is flipped, the hell-beast within is unleashed. The short list includes doing wrong to someone I love, lying, throwing undeserved shade in my direction (exhibit A, exhibit B) and finally, treating me with condescension. Those four things will push me over the edge, and my friends it often ain’t pretty. As I’ve said before on several occasions, you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl. Sometimes though, I do take the high road and walk away. Not because I don’t have plenty to say mind you, but because it’s in the best interest of everyone involved if I just keep my mouth shut.

I know for many of us who blog, it is actually a job; a way to make additional income. For me, it’s a hobby. No more, no less. I enjoy writing, I enjoy putting together outfits, and I love interacting with all of you. The collaborations along with the accompanying gifted items are a sweet perk. But that’s all they are to me, a bonus. My real life…my family, my day to day activities, my real job…those are the things that matter. They are the priorities. The blog is something I simply enjoy for myself, and anything blog-related gets taken care of when I get to it.

Yes…I am going to tie paragraph one and paragraph two together even though it seems they are unrelated. I was recently involved in a blog-related dealing that was enough to make me take a moment and think, “Do I really need this nonsense in my life?” I mean this is supposed to be a fun hobby for God’s sake, it’s not supposed to irritate me to the point it stresses me out. From the initial communication I picked up a hint of condescension in the tone. At first I thought perhaps it’s was just the wording because oftentimes things get lost in the translation in email and text messages. But more than twice once? You’ve got a pattern.

When I receive several emails in which I am being spoken to like a not so bright unruly 13 year old, I tend to get, oh…I don’t know…pissed maybe? Yes, believe it or not, I do know how to read directions. Surprising for a trailer park girl I know, but I do have a batch of advanced degrees to my name, so I’m pretty sure reading comprehension is not one of my deficits. And remember when I said blogging is something that I do for fun? Ya, I get to my blog posts and my emails when I have some free time. If I don’t get to them because I’m living my life? That doesn’t mean that I’m lazy, irresponsible or careless; it simply means that I have my priorities straight.


Today is another Winter/Spring transitional outfit. The floral tunic dress is very much a Spring/Summer dress, but although the sun is shining there is still a nip in the air so it was no bueno on it’s own. The bright cheery floral print is a definite nod to warmer temperatures, but the chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots keep it realistic for 50 degree weather.

You’ll note the out of the ordinary lack of neck bling; necklaces are pretty much a given in my world. The exception is when I’m wearing something with a higher neckline which isn’t something I typically do. The almost choker-like neckline of the dress was more than enough neck action. Instead I went with earrings and a sparkly arm party to add the requisite bling factor.


When nature is taking it’s sweet time transitioning to warmer temperatures, layers are your best friend. You can wear your more summery items like a floral print tunic dress,  by simply adding boots, a sweater, an under layer and or a scarf.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather. Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather.Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather. Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather.Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather. Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather.Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather. Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather.Floral tunic dress, chunky knit cardigan and over the knee boots. Dressing for Spring weather.

Dress: Similar;  Cardigan: Boohoo (Similar);  Boots: Charlotte Russe (Similar)

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7 years ago

I understand completely and that is why some of us do this thing for a hobby. No one can tell us what to post or what to write. Continue on my dear and those who are on the outside looking in. . .well . BTW this outfit and hair color is just perfect!!

Nancy Baten
7 years ago

I agree with the lady above! Also on your hair! It is a beautiful color!

sharon fitzgerald
7 years ago

I think you are so cute!! I love all of your outfits, also I miss your lighter hair. I think you looked in your30s I am not blowin’ smoke!Don’t let stupid bitches bother you the are just jealous you look so good! Keep up the good work. xo

7 years ago

I think we all just need to get along ; P Ha! Coming from me this is especially brilliant since I can also overreact when I feel like I have been dissed. That said, there are quite a few people that blog for a living so for them it is very important. Blogging might be their only source of income. I think this may make them substantially more demanding than other bloggers that blog as a hobby. I often avoid collaborations for this very reason. I have no idea what someone else’s expectations will be like or if I will… Read more »

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Or we could say that hell hath no fury like a woman….right?
Seeing you in your boots made me realize I shouldn’t have put mine away yet–especially since we’re supposed to get 7 inches of snow tomorrow—eeeek!

7 years ago

This dress is simply beautiful and I like how you have transitioned this and made it weather appropriate. Those grey boots get me every time.

Yea, when a sponsored collaboration gets to be a bit pushy then I decide it’s best we no longer work together. I am with you – this is a hobby and those things are perks, not needs. Thankfully, those occurrences have been few and far between.

Thanks for linking up and have a wonderful weekend, friend.

valerie hansen
7 years ago

DEBBBIE< I LOVE THIS!! It was excactly what I needed to hear….I too started this as a hobby and to get new skills to help me change careers….sometimes I get caught up in comparing and trying to keep up with the Joneses….NOT GOOD and then it robs the joy…and I let some not so kind people get to me…need to go back why I started this in the first place! One of the greatest things .yes has been meeting wonderful ladies and making new friends…so thankful for that! I love your attitude and I love your outfit! Everything on point!… Read more »

7 years ago

So sad some people are joy kills. I hope you do not stop I love your blog and sense of humor, styles and snappiness . If I’ve had a bad day I can usually get to reading and you make me laugh. You are special and you have followers for that reason. We all are so overwhelmed in day to day responsibilities and things don’t magically happen….hello!
It’s too bad the little kindnesses are going away.
Thanks for all you do it’s appreciated here!!

7 years ago

People who condescend are people who’re insecure. Those of us with real confidence never act that way. We recognize and accept others for who they are. If someone treats you poorly, brush ’em off; they aren’t worth interacting with.

7 years ago

Pushy and condescending people are not worth your time and it’s best to part ways. That dress is so pretty and I love the layering! You look gorgeous!

Doused In Pink

7 years ago

I have had a few similar dealings over my six years of blogging, and I think I am a slow learner. I like to/want to say “yes” because I am a nice person, then I regret the “yes” and tell myself – next time I shall say “no, thank you.” A full sentence: “No thank you”. You look marvelous today as always, and thanks for linking up, xo


7 years ago

Your hair is so cute. I love the floral dress and those boots!

7 years ago

Love this dress and the sentiments Debbie. Keeping it all in perspective… that’s the way to do it!

7 years ago

This dress is awesome!

7 years ago

Seriously, this dress may be one of my very favorite outfits you’ve even posted! Love the colors, style and pattern!

I have to remind myself this is a hobby too. I’m really thankful I have not really encountered any situations as you have (yet)! If I feel iffy at all I totally decline

Shelly|The Queen in Between

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