This skirt is so pretty. Between the gorgeous print, the silky material, and the general fluffiness of it I just love it. I scored it on Conversation Pieces a few months ago to wear to my nephew’s wedding. I think it plays nicely with the coral lace top. Which by the way, is a good argument for being very choosy when editing clothes from your closet. I’ve had this top for at least ten years and haven’t worn it, but every time I do my semi-annual closet clean out, it has dodged the bullet. And see, here it is ten years later back in the rotation! I’ve always heard if you don’t wear something for a year, get rid of it. Even though I hadn’t worn it, I always loved it so I held onto it. Some people might call it hoarding…I call it insightful closet editing. I got an amazing deal on my fab sequin clutch on Ebay. I got both the gold and a silver one for under $35. Sweet deal, right?
Linking up with Patti at Not Dead Yet Style for her Visible Monday Blog Hop and Claire at Clairejustineoxox for her Creative Monday Blog Hop. Hop over and take a peek!
Style Tip: Even if you haven’t worn an item in awhile, if you really love it, hold on to it. You never know…
Chelsey over at Patti Cake tagged me with the 13 Questions Tag so I decided to play along! Without further ado, here are my answers:
1. What drink do you order at Starbucks? Ummm…been to Starbucks like twice in my life, but have any of you ever heard of Sheetz? It’s like this mega-convenience store with fast food (best. fries. ever. just sayin’…) and a coffee bar. I’m a pretty frequent consumer of lattes with skim milk and sugar free vanilla or caramel. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold, depends on the weather.
2. What is the one thing in your closet you can’t live without? That would be my mom’s neon yellow cardigan from the 70’s. I don’t wear it often, but when I do I feel like she’s smiling/laughing down on me and saying,”Why are you wearing that God-awful yellow cardigan of mine?” It makes me happy all day thinking that.
3. What’s one thing people don’t know about you? Most people don’t know that I used to be a bodybuilding competitor.
4. What’s one thing you want to do before you die? Ride a water slide. No. Seriously…I’ve never been on one!
5. What’s one food you can’t live without? Does coffee count as food?
6. What’s one quote you live by? I don’t know that I “live” by it, but I love this one from Dita Von Teese: “Ignore the critics…only mediocrity is safe from ridicule. Dare to be different!”
7. What’s one thing you dislike about the blogging community? Not commenting back is kind of irksome…
8. What’s your number one song on iTunes? I’m an 80’s girl at heart…sad, but true…once you hit a certain age you revert to the music of your youth. Which begs the question, will people who are in their teens and 20’s now be listening to Nicki Minaj and Kesha when they’re like 70 years old?
9. What kind of style would you describe yourself as having? It really depends on the day and my mood, but I always try to be original.
10. What’s your favorite number? Ummm…weird, I don’t know…why do people have favorite numbers?
11. Two hobbies? Reading, photography, and blogging. I know, that’s three, but maybe that makes up for not having a favorite number.
12. Two pet peeves? People who think turn signals on cars are merely an accessory and indiscriminate rudeness.
13. Your guilty pleasure? Goetz’s caramel cream candies. I buy them in bulk. I’m not even kidding…
Skirt: Conversation Pieces; Top: Old; Sandals: Sears; Clutch: Ebay