Boho Style / casual style

Frill Sleeve Top & Birkenstock Boots: Sky Watcher

Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts.

I mentioned a few weeks back that I’m a big fan of any sort of sky related event…


…I’m not sure where exactly I acquired this obsession interest, but I really do love this kind of stuff. If nothing else, watching any kind of major production from Mother Nature is proof that we are all just infinitesimal pieces in an unimaginably large puzzle. 

This weekend (the night of the 12th to be exact) is peak visibility night for the Perseid meteor shower and I’m pretty pumped about it. If you happen to be looking for me then, I’ll be out back laying in the driveway in front of the garage on a pile of pillows and blankets. I jest you not, that is exactly where I’ll be.

And I’m sure that by now, most of us have heard about the very rare solar eclipse that will be occurring across North America on August 21st. It’s a major event because if you are lucky enough to be in the direct path of the eclipse, it will be total…as in near night during the day. How cool is that? Unfortunately, I’m not in the path of totality, but I plan on enjoying it all the same. The sun will be approximately 78% eclipsed where I am and damn straight I’ll be out in the backyard ready and waiting. Just today, I picked up our special eclipse viewing glasses, at Lowe’s of all places. And you guys know that they are super stylish and cool looking, right? Actually, they look a lot like the cardboard glasses that you have to wear to watch 3-D movies. Maybe next week I’ll share a shot of how I styled my eclipse glasses…c’mon, you know you want to see that.

If you happen to be a North American continent dweller, I found this nifty little eclipse simulator tool just in case you want to check out how much of the eclipse will be visible from where you are.


This super cute frill sleeve top is the second Agnes & Dora piece that I received c/o the lovely Darcy at Fashion And Fun With Darcy . The boho ruffle midi skirt that I wore in Monday’s post was the first piece. They pair together perfectly, but you know me, I had to split ’em up. What I love about this top (besides the fact it’s got that soft slouchiness that I live for) is that it is, in essence, a basic tee with the fancy built in via the ruffles on the sleeves. Paired with a basic bottom like I did here, no other work is necessary to dress it up. It’s girly without being over the top. If you happen to be looking to add to your tee collection I suggest you give the frill sleeve top a look; it’s available in ivory, black and several prints.

Okay…the boots. I’ve been yapping about my discovery of Birkenstock boots on the blog and Instagram for a few weeks now. Well, here they are my friends…and they are fabulous! So fabulous in fact, I also got them in black. I scored both pair on where they are currently 40-50% off depending on the color. They are a soft waxed suede with a removable insert. The insert has the same design as the foot bed of Birk sandals minus the toe bar. And since the insert is removable I’ll be able to use it in other shoes so bonus points there. The boots are the same size as all of my sandals so I’d say they are true to size.  One caveat though…many online reviewers stated that they couldn’t get their foot in the boot. The zipper that you see is a half zip so I’m not really sure what the purpose is. I personally had no problem at all getting my feet into them, but I wanted to forewarn you that might be a problem. I think it is probably dependent upon your arch if I had to guess.


Tees with special details like ruffles, a choker neck or embroidery are great additions to your tee shirt wardrobe. It’s nice to have a basic with a little bit of a twist.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts.Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts. Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts.Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts. Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts.Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts.Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts. Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts. Ruffle sleeve tee, Birkenstock boots and khaki shorts.

Tee: Fashion & Fun With Darcy (Agnes & Dora);  Boots: Birkenstock via 6p.m.;  Shorts: GAP (Similar)

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Suzy Turner
7 years ago

I wonder if we’ll be able to see the meteor shower here in the Algarve? I shall have to check it out because that’s something I’d love to see! I LOVE your boots, they’re absolutely fabulous. And the rest of the outfit, of course lol. You look gorgeous!
Suzy xx
Suzy Turner at Yogadocious

7 years ago

And take pictures of you on your driveway too!
Fantastic outfit you are wearing! I love everything about it. The color of the shorts is fantastic and i love the accesories too!

7 years ago

I love outfits like this, so stylish yet so comfy. Details like the ruffle tee make all the difference! Such a great price on those booties too!
The eclipse is very exciting and the driveway sounds like the perfect place to enjoy it – very cool!

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Now these are some birks that I could wrap my head around!! I still haven’t succumbed to the sandals, but I’ve learned never to say never, right?
My husband and I were just talking about the eclipse—I know this one is different, but I doubt we will be able to see it! We are so lame…:)

Rebecca Purdie
Rebecca Purdie
7 years ago

Love this look!
As a matter of fact I am wearing about the same look this Saturday. We are having 20 friends over for dinner. I am enjoying your blog!!

7 years ago

Debbie, I love every piece you’ve chosen here, so even if they are simple (like a tee, shorts and booties) they stand out for the great style each simple piece inherently has! And once again, I’d buy the booties if they hadn’t gone out of stock!! XO – Angie

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. the color of your shorts is amazing!

7 years ago

My birks are so comfortable. I’m with you on that but I have to say your complete outfit is a hit in my world. Talking of worlds you are also talking my language regarding the cosmos. Yes I like eclipses and meteors but the whole quantum thing grabs me. Fascinating area.

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

I love that tee. I saw a similar one on Laurie of Vanity and Me. The sleeves are so cute. Living in the city, we have a much harder time seeing the stars, but whenever my hubby and I do for a walk after dark, I still look up at the stars…the few we can see…and thank God for each and every one of them. Enjoy the sky! – Amy

7 years ago

You never disappoint with the outfits, Debbie…whether it be total casual or dresses with flowing ruffles. Love it. Thank you for linking up with Thursday Moda. And I’m totally coveting your boots. 😉

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