Dorothy Perkins / JCPenney / joggers / leopard clutch / leopard pumps / plaid button down / statement necklaces / Uniqlo

Gingham Blouse & Leopard Clutch: The Outfit That Broke My Instagram

Remember last year when Kim Kardashian’s butt broke the Internet? Well, this outfit broke my Instagram account. Not really, but it did get around a gazillion likes and a plethora of comments in just an hour so. It’s funny how that all works. I’ll post something to my Instagram that I think is pretty fabulous and…meh…not so much buzz with my followers. But then I post something that I like, but don’t necessarily find all that fascinating, and Boom! Likes galore. The world is a mysterious place my friends.

I love mixing prints; like that’s a big secret. You can’t just throw any two or three prints together though. The key is to find a mix of prints that are in harmony with each other, both in scale and in color. There needs to be some commonality in the colors. For example, in this outfit, the animal prints and the gingham blouse are all neutral based in color. I’m not usually a fan of mixing animal prints, but the leopard clutch (not a true leopard print, but close enough) and the pumps are small enough doses on their own that they work well together. In my opinion, leopard and gingham, or any plaid really, work particularly well together. I’m not sure what it is, but the two just click (see here for another example). Two other prints that almost always seem to work together are stripes and florals (here’s an example). What are your thoughts on mixing prints? Any favorites?

Linking up with: Thursday Fashion Files, Throwback Thursday, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, What I Wore To Work, A Labour Of Fashion.

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Clutch: Shop Accessory Lane;  Blouse: JCPenney (Old);  Joggers: Uniqlo (Old);  Pumps: Dorothy Perkins (Old)

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9 years ago

Love the gingham and animal print together!

9 years ago

What a beautiful, chic and modern woman you are in this ensemble. Can I wear it all head to toe. The necklace, clutch and pump are my favorites!

9 years ago

I can see why this got so many likes! It’s such a fun look! Love the gingham and leopard combo!

Doused In Pink

9 years ago

Holy chamoli! What a hot outfit. This would attract attention in a hurricane. You look fab.

9 years ago

This is super cute and an unusual combination.

And you didn’t have to get naked to break your Instagram. LOL


9 years ago

Such a beautiful look ! Love the animal print clutch and shoes 🙂 x

9 years ago

That’s a hot look!

Whitney 'Nic' James
9 years ago

You look great and are working this outfit! Love the gingham and leopard mix!


9 years ago

Debbie, this is an AWESOME look, no wonder you got so many likes and comments!!!
Rachel xo

Garay Treasures

9 years ago

It is funny how INstagram works!! I love the top and also fond of the necklace Deb with the little spikes. Funny as I was checking out your blog,or before should i say, I was looking at Gingham tops!!

Jess xx

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

I loved this outfit when I saw it on IG! I love the mix of gingham and leopard!


Hope to see you for TBT Fashion link up.

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

It is a great outfit, gingham and leopard and a great necklace. Thanks for linking up and hope to see you back on Thursday

9 years ago

Seriously! You can make joggers look too amazing!!!!!


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