Advice For Real Life

How To Get Unstuck & Get Your Ass In Gear + A Free Marketing Strategy Session With Katherine Keller

Stop procrastinating today

Imagine this…you have come up with a truly genius idea for something that you’re truly passionate about. Maybe it’s starting your own business, redecorating your home with your own design ideas, taking a once in a lifetime solo vacation to your dream destination…whatever it is, YOU ARE PUMPED! The first week or so you go after it like you’d been lost in the desert & saw a flashing sign in the distance offering up free margaritas, but then…

…You lose your momentum. That ever-present mix tape in your brain starts telling you it’s the dumbest idea ever, on a repeating loop. You start making up excuses. And even though in your heart you still want it (whatever your “it” is) really bad, you find 112 other way more important things to do like say, scrolling Instagram, or checking out Aunt Margie’s must-read Facebook post about her ongoing bunion issues, or scrubbing the grout in your shower with a toothbrush.

Or maybe you don’t lose your momentum, but…every single freakin’ detail has to be perfect before you can do “it”. You add a tweak here, and another there; you cross your t’s & dot your i’s, but then you erase the crosses & the dots and do it all over again. Now don’t go confusing having high standards with perfectionism. A girl’s gotta have high standards (or at least she should), but perfectionism is an entirely different animal. Just like procrastination isn’t laziness, perfectionism does not equate to high standards.

“Procrastination & perfectionism are often partners in crime, and at the very least they do both come from the same dark sketchy neighborhood in your brain.”

The two are oftentimes rooted in fear…fear of leaving your comfort zone, fear of failure, fear of being ridiculed, fear of living your biggest most beautiful life. Both are a result of your innermost self attempting to keep you safe from wrongly perceived danger. The key is training your innermost self to recognize & get super excited about the fact that all of the very best stuff in life only happens on the other side of fear.

Friends, this is not a lecture, oh no, this is life experience talking. Believe me, I have been right there with you…hell, I often still am right there with you. Beating back the two p’s is something I have to work on every single day. Just like anything else related to improving yourself & your life, it is an ever-evolving process. If your at all like me & either grew up with or later on in life developed a fear mindset then you know that escaping the comfort zone is freakin’ hard work. But fear not, while it might be hard it isn’t impossible. You just have to be willing to sign up for the long haul & commit to doing the hard things. Here are some quick tips to get you started on your escape from the procrastination/perfection/fear loop:


  • Focus on the process not the final outcome. Always looking at the big picture leads to overwhelm. Break your “it” down into manageable chunks, focus on the now, be mindful, and enjoy the journey…the end result will come naturally.
  • Use the 5-4-3-2-1 method. Pick a trigger…say the next time you haul your butt off the couch, and when the trigger arrives say to yourself, “5-4-3-2-1 do it now” and then DO IT! No excuses. Put on your big girl pants & get it done. Trust me, you’ll feel a billion times better afterwards and…as cheesy as this is, it does actually work if you’re committed.
  • Remember…there are no mistakes, only learning experiences. Perfection is an illusion. Nobody’s perfect & seriously, why would you want to be? If you do something that’s not quite right, so what? What’s the worst thing that could happen? In all likelihood, it’s totally not as bad as you think. Learn from it & move on.
  • Tell yourself, literally over & over again, “I am a fierce powerful human & I am worthy of all that I desire from life.” Do not roll your eyes at me…practiced regularly the woo-woo sh*t really works.
  • Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you have a BFF who isn’t afraid to give you a kick in the ass that might be effective. However, at least for me, I needed more than that so I called in a professional to help me when I got stuck trying to figure out what direction to go & how to strategically get my business set up. Yes, hiring a pro is a financial investment. Whether it be a marketing strategist/coach, a life coach, mindset coach, confidence coach or whatever type of pro suits your purpose, it’s going to cost you some cash. But you my friend, are so very worth it. Whatever it takes to find the money, I cannot recommend it highly enough. There’s nothing like a fresh set of impartial eyes to help you look at your situation, figure out why you’re stuck & guide you in the direction you need to go to reach your goal.


On that note, I want to take a minute to talk directly to my fellow badass entrepreneur babes out there…you know who you are. The in’s & out’s of starting your own business, no matter what it is that you’re thinking of doing, are shall we say, daunting. And when we’re feeling “daunted” that’s when we tend to get stuck, like super stuck. I’d known for quite awhile that I wanted to start a business, I knew I had the seed of an excellent idea, but I had no clue how in the hell to go about it.

Enter Katherine Keller.

Katherine is the president of Katherine Keller International & she is a total badass marketing/business guru. After our initial call I knew that I had to work with her…she is kind, crazy intelligent with a bottomless well of marketing knowledge and best of all, her patience with newbies who have no clue is endless. She is the real deal & she pulls no punches…your excuses & self-defeating nonsense are simply done for. From beginning to end, Katherine will guide you every step of the way in getting your business & marketing strategy on point. You’ll gain the clarity & focus that you never knew you had.

The good news? Right now, Katherine has a special offer only available to a limited number of FFD readers…a 100% free (yes, free!) marketing strategy session! You have absolutely nothing to lose & everything to gain so sign up for your free session with Katherine here today!

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

What a wonderful offer!!

Reply to  jodie filogomo
4 years ago

Katherine is seriously the absolute best at what she does & I have zero reservations about recommending her! No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, she can get you to the place you want to be! xo

Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

All good tips, Debbie! And I’ve already scheduled a consultation with Kathleen for next week! It’s funny you’d talk now about investing in yourself/your business because I am JUST on the cusp of doing that. I finally made the mental commitment to spend $x…and I’ve narrowed it down to 3 options and MAN is it hard to spend that money! We’re not talking tens of thousands of dollars here but everything is relative! But I know I need some outside help that can help me see where I’m (not ME, but the blog, etc) lacking and need to learn/do more… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Debbie, this is so great! I love that you share your struggle with the two p’s…I am so right there with you! Fear is a crazy thing, isn’t it? M. Scott Peck even calls fear the source of original sin. It is that one emotion that literally can drive all of our decisions if we allow it to. Ugh. It gets me too often! This is such a wonderful offer as well. I must go look into it. Thanks for linking!


Lucy Bertoldi
4 years ago

Love these tips that’s for sure- and need them too! Thanks xx

Emma Peach
4 years ago

These are such fantastic tips Debbie! I’m guilty of the two Ps – it’s so easy to get distracted. I really need to focus on the process instead of the outcome, that makes it more enjoyable and less daunting.

Emma xxx

4 years ago

Great tips and such an inspirational post! I need to try the 5-4-3-2-1 method.

4 years ago

These are good tips! I think it’s nice you were able to find someone help you when you wanted to start your business too! 🙂 I find I have no time to procrastinate, haha! With two little ones I need to make the most of any spare time I get to work on things I want!

Hope that you have a nice weekend ahead of you 🙂

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