deconstructed skinny jeans / denim vest / flats / graphic t-shirt / nude flats / olive vest

King Of The Jungle

     One of my girlfriends thinks this t-shirt is absolutely awful.  Personally, I think it’s so over the top that it’s supremely cool!  I found this little gem in the boy’s department at WalMart last summer and I had to have it.  I brought it home and did a little minor surgery (sleeve and collar removal) on it and…voila! Perfectly fabulous!  I’ve been known to wear it to work with a blazer and pencil skirt, trust me, no one else is ever rockin’ the same outfit.  I love things that are quirky and different; things you wouldn’t necessarily see someone else wearing, at least not in the same way.  And how about these shoes?! I just got them and I’m in love.  I also got a pair in bright pink…they’ll be making an appearance later this week.
     Today’s link ups are DC in StyleNot Dead Yet Style, and Clairejustineoxox. Click the links and take a look!

Style Tip:  Don’t be afraid to take risks and be different.  Something that might seem to be too much at first glance might end up being the one piece that makes the outfit.



T-shirt: The Mountain;  Jeans: JCPenney (no longer available online, available in-store);  Vest: JCPenney;  Shoes: Windsor
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11 years ago
Reply to  Megan,
11 years ago

Thanks Megan! I’ve been getting a lot of wear out of it.
Debbie 🙂

Jacqueline Rendine
11 years ago

Love that jacket! Graphic tees are on trend! You look great!



Reply to  Jacqueline Rendine
11 years ago

Jacqueline~ Thank you! I love my graphic tees!
Debbie 🙂

Marie @ Lemondrop Vintage
11 years ago

Love the tee!

Marie @
Lemondrop ViNtAge

Reply to  Marie @ Lemondrop Vintage
11 years ago

Thank you Marie!
Debbie 🙂

Kelsey Lenay
11 years ago

Really loving the vest with those pants!

Xo, Kelsey

Reply to  Kelsey Lenay
11 years ago

Thanks so much Kelsey! And thank you for stopping by!
Debbie 🙂

Jan Graham-McMillen
11 years ago

You look great with your big cat! Lovey shoes … very nice girly contrast. Very good ideas, all around!
Enjoy, and we’re looking forward to seeing the shoes in pink. I’m on quest for a black suede pair,similar pointy toe box and ankle strap, but with a much higher heel.

Reply to  Jan Graham-McMillen
11 years ago

Thank you Jan! The pink shoes are great…they’ll show up soon!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

I think that is such a fun tee! I really like it with the studded vest 🙂

Away From Blue

Reply to  Mica
11 years ago

Mica~ Isn’t it fun?! I love it! Thanks for dropping by!
Debbie 🙂

Clairejustine oxox
11 years ago

Love your jean and shoes 🙂

Thanks for joining us at Creative Mondays, featuring and pinning this week at the hop …

Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
11 years ago

Thanks Claire! And thank you so much for featuring me this week on your blog!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

wow, love this look– edgy yet feminine!
totally following, can’t wait to see more

xo Jessica
follow back if ya like!

Reply to  NewlyLoved
11 years ago

You’re so sweet Jessica! Followed you back!
Debbie 🙂

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

We have very similar tastes. We both love wearing wild cats on our chests…

(aka your hair twin)

Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
11 years ago

Yes we do…I love the leopard shirt you’re wearing in that post! I actually have a giant honey badger tee in my shopping cart at stone mountain…ha! It will be mine…oh, yes…it will be mine!
Debbie 🙂

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