fringed ankle booties / lace tunic / layered necklaces / leggings / Riff Raff / Tilly's / Uncategorized / Walmart

Lace Tunic, Fringed Booties & Layered Necklaces: And Now For A Break From Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

I’d have to say I’ve been pretty dedicated to getting outdoor shots for the blog this year. I’ve sucked it up, bitten the bullet and braved foot deep snow all in the name of getting that ever-elusive natural lighting that makes us all look ten years younger and a hundred times better. And yes, all of the shivering while looking like I’m not shivering has been worth it. But with that being said, a girl has her limits. My limit would be any temperature made up of a single digit or any combination of digits with a minus sign in front of it. Therefore, forgive the lighting and focus on the outfit at hand because damn, it was freakin’ cold outside today! And it may well be for the rest of the week, so let’s keep that in mind.

You saw the original iteration of this lace tunic here and here. I had purchased it from Viva la Jewels, but alas, they were out of the mocha shade which is the one I really wanted the most. So I was as happy as a honey badger with a cobra when I found it in mocha at I layered it over a black slip for a bit of additional warmth. Ya, ya, I know. How much warmth was I really getting from a black slip? It was a mental thing and it worked, okay? The now seemingly ever-present fleece lined leggings and fringed booties worked on the bottom half. Actually, the addition of these particular booties gave it a bit of a boho twist. I finished it with delicate layered necklaces instead of a scarf or statement necklaces. Although I think the layered necklaces are a statement in themselves. Especially the beautiful white gold/rose gold/and diamond skeleton key necklace that my husband and daughter gave me for Valentine’s Day. Pretty spectacular, right? And for the epitome of high/low mixing, the three strand rose cold necklace I paired it with was on clearance for $7 at JCPenney. Just another example of two seemingly dissimilar items working together to create a mighty fine end product.

Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Trend Spin Link Up, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Tardis Tuesday At My Closet Catalogue, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me.

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Tunic: Riff Raff;  Booties: Tilly’s;  Leggings: Walmart (Hane’s brand)

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10 years ago

I have long been admiring how you have braved that weather for your pictures. It is so dark in my house, and I have to take those selfie pictures myself in front of a mirror. I have been considering taking the mirror into the garden for better light!
Love the outfit, I too am a big fan of a petticoat under dresses or skirts, and it’s surprising how much warmer they make you

10 years ago

I’ve been braving the freezing cold to take my photos outside too. They just seem to turn out better so it’s worth it! I’m loving this neutral look and your layered necklaces!

Doused In Pink

10 years ago

Your tunic is so cute, I love the lace!

10 years ago

I am so used to seeing you wear bright colors but I must say the camel is great. Such a nice top and pretty dainty necklaces.

I am co-hosting All About You today so welcome by and link up. Thanks!

10 years ago

Every time I saw you outside in a snowbank I thought, wow! She is DEDICATED! Not this woman.

Let’s hope from some warmer temps. I love the bit of lace on the bottom.


Maricel Edwards
10 years ago

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that I almost prefer these indoor shots. Sometimes, we all need a visual break and a blank (almost!) background really does help make the outfit pop, like it does here. Or is it just my love for all things Japanese and that darling shoji screen affecting my opinion? ;p

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Super cute … love the lace and the fringe booties. Hey, I’m wearing a similar color in my latest post. We’re in sync … though it’s WAY warmer here … 73 yesterday! Stop by and warm up! 😉
Dawn Lucy

10 years ago

This is adorable with the lace ad the fringe details on the boots. I don’t blame you ! NC actually got ice and snow and no way was I going out in freezing temps either! Stay warm!
from the link up
please stop by, jess xx

10 years ago

What a fun and girly look Debbie, and the fringe on those boots are just perfect. You look lovely. Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who have Inspired Me” today.
Garay Treasures

Linda A Cassidy
10 years ago

great look and awesome booties, and I am so over the cold and for the next week will be posting vacation pictures to fool myself into believing I am still away lol

J @ Bless Her Heart Y'all
10 years ago

Those fringe booties are to die for! I can imagine a foot of snow would make it hard to get pictures in! I wouldn’t be able to do it!

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